英語表現 No,202 「最近すごいストレスなの」 | Karry の英語お役立ち表現

Karry の英語お役立ち表現


I feel stress.
I'm stressed out.

be under stress

I've been under a lot of stress lately.

I'm under stress.

これ便利なことに、pressure も置き換えて使えます。

I've been under a lot of pressure lately. (最近すごいプレッシャー感じてて。)

A: I've been under a lot of stress lately.
B: You look exhausted.  Why don't you take a day off?
     We could have some fun. 
A: I wish I could, but I don't have time for that.

A: 最近すごいストレスなのよ。
B: 疲れてるみたいね。一日お休み取ったら?
A: そうしたいのは山々なんだけど時間ないわー。

How to deal with stressストレスの対処法) というサイトから
なんかTime Management と関係ある項目結構ありますね。

1. Take control of your life and take a moment to think about all you have been given and how blessed you are
2, Be aware of your choices; you always have a choice.
3, Say something positive to yourself as soon as you wake up every morning
4, Set goals for what you need to achieve that day, then write a "to do list".
5, Be organized. Much stress arises from feeling overwhelmed.
6. Identify the things that put you under stress.
7, Stop worrying about what you cannot change.
8, Take responsibility for making your life what you want it to be
9. Treat your body right - You will have more self-confidence and energy, and be less likely to experience the physical side effects of stress
10. Talk to friends.
11, Learn to say no; you cannot do everything you are asked.
12, Try some relaxation techniques or breathing techniques.
