A small boat drifts through life
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束ねられた棒 (Aesop's Fables)

The Bundle of Sticks

A farmer, whose sons were always quarreling with one another, had tried a long time in vain to/無駄だった reconcile/和解させる them with words. Finally, he decided that he might have more success by setting some sort of an example. So, he called his sons to him and told them to place a bundle of sticks in front of him. Then, after tying them tightly into a bundle, he told them, one after the other, to pick up the bundle of sticks and break it. They all tried, but nothing came of their efforts/努力したが駄目だった. Then, the father untied the bundle and gave them the sticks to break one by one, which they did with great ease.
"So it is with you, my sons," said the farmer. "As long as you remain united, you're a match/対抗できる for all your enemies. But if you are divided among yourselves, you'll be broken as easily as these sticks."

In unity there is strengh.



Gypsy (エジプトから来た人)


Gypsies are a group of people found in Europe and North America. Many have dark hair, skin, and eyes like Japanese. Some speak a language called Romany, and they like to be called "travelers." Some live in houses; others travel all the time and live in trailers. Gypsies deal in car and horses and tell people's fortunes. They are famous for their songs and dances.
The name "gypsy" probably comes from the word Egyptian. It was thought gypsies came from Egypt, but they probably came from India 600 years ago. I have a longing for the gypsies' life.


英文法語法 (anyとsome)

Some と Any の関係について

Some の基本概念はある程度の「限定」である。数や量についてある程度(その程度は人によってさまざまだが) の限定を考えたときに some を用いる。I bought some books yesterday. の some がこれである。
Any の基本概念は「非限定」である。数や量を限定しないこと。従って any の可能性はゼロから無限大までで、日本語に訳す場合「どんな、どれでも」あたりがこれにあたる。I didn't buy any books yesterday. は「どんな(種類・数の)本も買わなかった」と考えることができる。
日本語で「何冊か買った」の否定文は「何冊かは買わなかった」, I didn't buy some of the books. で「その本のうち何冊か買わなかった」である。これは, I didn't buy any of the books. (その本のうちどれも買わなかった)とは異なる。
Do you have some money? や Do you have any money? の違いも同じように説明がつく。some は「限定」だから「いくらかの金」となるが、一方 any は「非限定」なので「いくらか」の考えるわけにはいかない。そこで、あえて訳すと次のようになる:
Do you have some money? (お金をいくらかお持ちですか)
Do you have any money? (お金をお持ちですか)
any money の問いに Yes 問い答えると、その人のカバンから何百万円もの札束がでてくるかもしれないし、一円玉が一つということだってあり得る。some money の問いにたいして Yes と答えたにしても、こんな非常識なーことは起こらない。何百万円ものお金は世間一般のひとにとって some money ではないのである。これは確かに常識であろう。( An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Basic English Words)

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