anzuのブログ -4ページ目



タロウと犬のしつけ教室COCORO フレンドシップ・クラス  5回コースに通いました。犬同士のコミュニケーションのはかり方を教わる目的でした。


Taro and we attended ”Friendship Class ” at COCORO’s dog obedience school. We had five lessons in total. We wanted to have him learn communications among dogs.

We learned a lot from pro’s instructions. Taro became able to sniff around our instructor’s dog (her behind and back), and to bring his face closer to hers. He has cleared the first hurdle. We gave Taro his favorite, canned beef and chicken this evening.


杏のブログ-VD1 オムニバス形式かと思ったら、登場人物がいろいろな形でつながっていました。きっと観た人誰にも似たような経験があるだろうな、という、またそんな経験がなくても共感できるようなお話でした。ハッピーな余韻が残る映画でした。


At first, Valentine's Day was an omnibus film. But the cast were linked in some way or another. Probably almost everybody has similar experiences and even not he/she must feel sympathy with these episodes. A warm feeling kept in my mind for a while after seeing this film.

There were lots of lovely conversations, and one of them was in this photo scene, between a teacher and her pupil. Also, I felt happy with a scene why Julia Roberts was on a long plane ride to LA for her only one-day vacation.




I have wanted to see “The Bourne Identity” since I had seen one scene from it when Matt Damon was a guest at “Inside the Actors Studio.” While seeing this movie, I could not help thinking that he has something, rather than devoting myself into this suspense story. Personally, I don’t think he is handsome, but attracts people who see him on the screen, which I think is a very important factor to be a main character.





I have wanted to read Japanese classics. As to the Tale of Genji, I only knew the very first portions I studied at high school. I have hesitated to even try it because of its length. Someone wrote in her blog about Setouchi Jakuchos My Tale of Genji. It is accessible and OK to read it either before or after reading the Tale of Genji.

For the first time, I knew what kind of story the Genji was. I got interested in Jakucho-sans translated Genji.





“I didn’t kill my wife.” “I don’t care.”

To see this scene at the dam, I saw “the Fugitive” after a long interval. This scene came up earlier than expected, and I enjoyed the rest that I had forgotten.

The main character acted by Harrison Ford is very tough but at the same time, somehow he makes me feel that he is also weak. Maybe that’s why Harrison Ford is a familiar name to us. Tommy Lee Jones makes us laugh with his serious act. This is the character of him since then, I think.