* ドイツの詩人ウーツとアナクレオン派:現世の喜びを歌う | HERR*SOMMER-夏目


詩と散文、& 散文と詩。





 *ウーツは、詩「夢の浮橋」で、若者が見た恍惚とした夢を描いている。 この詩は、春の訪れとともにすべてが変わる希望に満ちたメッセージを伝え、やわらかなそよ風が目を覚まし、昼も休みなく吹き寄せる様子を通じて、若者の心の中に芽生える新しい感情や期待を表現。ウーツの詩は、季節の変化がもたらす自然の美しさと、それによって人々の心に起こる変化を繊細に描き出し生の喜びを歌っているのだ。。


<<<   夢よ 恍惚とさせてくれる夢よ 若者は いったい なにを見たというのか

 疲れた体を谷間で投げ出し そこには池があり 池は澄んで銀色に染まり 

 周りには 灌木が広がっていた 若者は そのとき 灌木の向こうの池の端で

 恋人の姿を見ていた 彼女は水浴をし そよ吹く風もない そのとき   

 若者は すっかり魅了され 憧憬の眼で 丘の高みから見つめていた

  そこからは 西風が 百合のもとに吹きつけていた  

   すると 喜びが湧き上がってきた ・・・おお 乙女はいま 

   白い肌をさらけ出し けれども 刹那 目覚めるや 

   乙女の姿は つゆと消ゑ・・ 嗚呼 もう一度 眠りにつければ・・>>>

     Aus: Deutsche Liebes- gedichte , Reclam ebd. S. 15f. 

      Ubersetzung von: M. Natsume ,HERR SOMMER


           *** >>>

"In the embrace of spring, where dreams alight,
A youth beholds the world in wondrous hues.
With gentle breezes that the soul ignite,
And nature's chorus, crafting morning's muse.--

The heart awakens to the vernal song,
As life's renewal stirs the slumbering earth.
In dreams so vivid, where all hopes belong,
The spirit dances, bathed in newfound mirth.--

So let the winds of change, with tender sweep,
Revive the dreams that in our bosoms sleep." ....>>

*The Anacreontic School of Poetry in 18th Century Germany:--
The 18th century in Germany was a time of significant cultural development, and one of the most fascinating aspects of this period was the Anacreontic School of Poetry.    This literary movement took its name from the ancient Greek poet Anacreon, who was known for his verses celebrating love, wine, and the joys of life.   The Anacreontic poets of Germany, including figures such as Johann Peter Uz, sought to emulate this spirit in their own work.

Johann Peter Uz (1720-1796) was a prominent member of this school.       His poetry often reflected the Anacreontic themes of enjoying the present and reveling in the pleasures of life, such as friendship, love, and wine. This was a departure from the more serious and religious tones that had dominated German literature previously.     The Anacreontic poets were seen as a reaction against the pious attitudes of their time, bringing a light-hearted and secular approach to German poetry.>>>----


The Anacreontic poets were influenced by the Rococo style of France, which was characterized by its ornate and decorative qualities.    They adopted a similar elegance and wit in their poetry, which was often short, lyrical, and focused on personal emotion rather than grand themes or moralizing messages.   This style of poetry was a reflection of the broader cultural shifts of the time, as society began to value individual pleasure and aesthetics.---
The legacy of the Anacreontic School extends beyond its immediate impact on German literature.      It influenced later literary giants such as Goethe, who admired the Anacreontic poets for their ability to capture the beauty of the mundane and the importance of living in the moment.   The movement also contributed to the development of Romanticism, which would take the celebration of emotion and individual experience to new heights.^^^
 ・Johann Peter Uz: A Beacon of the Anacreontic Movement in 18th Century Germany:--->>>
Johann Peter Uz (1720-1796) was not only a significant figure in the Anacreontic movement in Germany but also a respected legal professional. Born in Ansbach, Uz's journey into the world of poetry began at the University of Halle, where he studied law from 1739 to 1743. It was here that he forged connections with other poets, such as Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim and Johann Nikolaus Götz, and together they translated the odes of Anacreon in 1746.---^^
Uz's poetry is characterized by its Anacreontic themes—celebrating the joys of love, wine, and friendship. This was a marked shift from the previously dominant religious and serious tones of German literature. His works were a part of the Rococo culture, which was partly influenced by courtly elements but also had a strong bourgeois character. Uz's poetry, with its focus on sensuality and enjoyment of life, provided a counter-narrative to the pietistic and work-centric ethos of the time.---
His professional life was equally distinguished. After his initial unpaid role as a court secretary, Uz became an assessor at the Imperial Court of Nuremberg in 1763 and later a judge in 1790. When Ansbach was annexed by Prussia in 1791, Uz entered the Prussian legal service, only to be appointed as a regional court judge shortly before his death in 1796.---
Uz's literary contributions include his translation of Anacreon's odes, 'Lyrische Gedichte' published anonymously in 1749, and 'Der Sieg des Liebesgottes', a collection of poems in the style of Alexander Pope published in 1753. His 'Versuch über die Kunst, stets fröhlich zu sein', a didactic poem published in 1760, reflects his philosophical stance on the art of living joyfully. His complete works were compiled and published in Leipzig in 1768, with a second edition appearing in Vienna in 1804.^^
The impact of Johann Peter Uz on German literature is profound. His works not only reflect the cultural shifts of his time but also paved the way for future literary movements, including Romanticism. Uz's legacy lives on, reminding us of the power of poetry to celebrate life's pleasures and the human experience's richness.---^^^

・Johann Peter Uz's Legacy: A Glimpse into His Most Celebrated Works:---
Johann Peter Uz, an 18th-century German poet, left behind a rich legacy of lyrical poetry that continues to be celebrated for its elegance and wit. Among his most famous works are:---
*"Die Oden Anakreons" (1746)** - This was a collaborative translation with Johann Nikolaus Götz of the odes of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon. Their work brought the themes of love and wine from Greek antiquity to the German Rococo period, resonating with the contemporary cultural milieu.

*"Lyrische Gedichte" (1749)** - Published anonymously, this collection of lyrical poems is a testament to Uz's mastery of the Anacreontic form. The poems within this collection are imbued with a light-heartedness and a celebration of life's simple pleasures.^^^
*"Der Sieg des Liebesgottes" (1753)** - Translated as 'The Victory of the God of Love,' this work is a series of poems that follow the style of Alexander Pope. It showcases Uz's ability to adapt and blend international influences into his German verse.---
*"Versuch über die Kunst stets fröhlich zu sein" (1760)** - This didactic poem, whose title translates to 'An Attempt on the Art of Always Being Cheerful,' reflects Uz's philosophical stance on the art of living joyfully. It encourages readers to find happiness in the everyday and is a reflection of Uz's Anacreontic philosophy.>>>---
These works collectively highlight Uz's contribution to the Anacreontic movement and his role in shaping the German literary landscape. His poems are characterized by their celebration of joy, love, and the sensory pleasures of life, often set against the backdrop of nature and convivial gatherings. Uz's poetry not only provided a counterpoint to the more serious and religious writings of his time but also paved the way for the Romantic movement that would soon flourish.---
Johann Peter Uz's poetry remains influential, reminding us of the enduring power of verse to capture the human experience's depth and the timeless quest for happiness.>>>