詩と散文、& 散文と詩。

  *グリム童話にも出てくる ヨリンゲルとヨリンデの物語:


 森の中を 静かな夜 ヨリンゲルとヨリンデが歩いていた
 手を取り合い、愛を誓う 星の光が 道を照らす下・・

 魔女の城が 高くそびえ ヨリンゲルがみえなくなると

 いつしか 囚われの身となっていた
 ヨリンデは涙を流し、彼を呼ぶ その声は 夜空に・・

鳥たちが歌う、自由の歌を ヨリンゲルは鳥に変わり、飛び立ち
ヨリンデの元へ、二人は再会 魔法は解け・・

森は祝福し、花々が咲き乱れ ヨリンゲルとヨリンデは 永遠の愛を誓う
絆は強く グリムの世界で、ふたりの物語は 永遠に・・
      ***  )))

・  Indeed, the story of Jorinde and Joringel is one that ends on a hopeful note, a classic fairy tale that has been told and retold through generations. 

The tale, originating from the Brothers Grimm, is a testament to the enduring power of love and the triumph over malevolent forces.

In the story, Jorinde and Joringel are a young couple engaged to be married, but their happiness is threatened when an evil witch, who detests the joy of lovers, turns Jorinde into a nightingale and imprisons her in her castle

Joringel, heartbroken and determined, eventually finds a way to break the spell with a magical flower, freeing all the victims of the witch's curse and transforming his beloved back into her human form.

The story concludes with the couple's reunion and the witch's defeat, symbolizing the victory of love and courage over darkness and despair. 

It's a narrative that resonates with the idea that no matter how dire the situation, there is always hope for a happy ending.

This fairy tale, like many others, serves as a reminder of the values that are important in life: love, bravery, and the pursuit of happiness.

As we reflect on the story of Jorinde and Joringel, we are reminded of the power of storytelling itself. 

Fairy tales have the unique ability to transport us to a world of imagination, where anything is possible and happy endings are within reach. 

They inspire us, comfort us, and teach us valuable lessons about life, love, and overcoming adversity.

So, let's cherish these timeless tales and the joy they bring to our lives.

 May the story of Jorinde and Joringel continue to inspire hope and happiness in all who hear it.>>>---