



 going to asagaya is so sad trip is soon wellcome new summer grn.



ogikubo lumine front space for event is free but other callings to 

next term is not by young girl as its so good proportion of so 

fresh but the basic fassion is blacky that in the ogikubo station south 

entrans is pbulick gain onest humans point as her work is still 

great point of center silent erea steady.


 but that worm wind is next town of marunouti is that no wind is 

true as that power is so suposed to office of suginami region police 

fire & region center, lookig that billding treat the dentist working is

 can not decided on only techinics or what get menbers mind  tough is 

not on languadge as their heart is still direct to next stage is soon 

as normal hospital like on ogikubo manner.



new mini stop in asagaya station is so tite entrans is remenber that 

long term is renewal to hi sense billding of mantion 1F its photo is 

1years before.



right turn to nakasugi street to JR asagaya station is old photo 

now became old types town remenber as its last summer, of 

its on now coolpix or smart phone quality is down to 4M to 3M

nikon 6M but quality is down by years down specs.


 鈴木歯科の5Fからは、区役所の様子が良く見える。 今日は、強風で

撮影なしに。 この前の訪問では、人の活気が。 ペドロ現象とでもいうか。



 父が言うには、「入れ歯は、面倒だよ。」 だった。姪がデンティストに。




 こちらは、古いとも言えるが。 阿佐ヶ谷~荻窪。



南ア、広河原 大樺沢上流 アンソカリス・カルダマイン(クモマツマキチョウ)


 山梨交通バスは夜叉神まで、徒歩2時間30分、広河原着。 この時期、櫛形山も

発生。 甲府駅前から。 甲斐駒への登山の数は。鳳凰三山、韮崎。


Leone subaru 1600cc 4cylinder 82ps boxer FF over yashajin tunnel and 

reach hirogawara last 30years already shot of that by English man and 

up on web is 1995.

 tool NikomatFT + nikkor 50mm F2 or comranone 135mm F2.8


data is last days