
  F1 オーストラリア fp3これは、レクレールの予想通りになったといえる。ホンダ勢やや、



 Mclarenのサスのバーはやや細く見えるが。astonmartinは、あそこでいい。 山本美月、上戸彩の

imageは丁度いいが。  ここは、ブルックナーのロッマンティック。










リビングにて、ステレオ調整中。 しかし、どうやっても、高級アンプに

迫れない。 名機、PMA300Zはかえって、CDには合わないモノかも。









sansui au607limited


black oudio amplifire alt pma300z


F1 austorariaGP winner is saints ferrari racing is so good result but any one not 

predect that top checker as he is new hiro as that hapend on but his speed is not down 

and his side pillote leclerc.



just start new f1 race is more up character is award to that culture of 

new world of earth livingfood as human on every baio top speacis.

 pride is so up as that true top spanish is next take aim  the top checker.


 luice hamiltons shade is so clear but no one understand is alonso too but 

his feature is get new sexy road.



he drink another red-bull but any one drinks same heart of save monstor

drink but same sport drink is why .



red-red-bull-bull dinking red cold but its true not cold like any ones coke.


soon kimi raikonen is coming is good imfomation as more 

NISSAN V6 turbo is more PWR install the source is so difficult as just any mounth

 HONDA vs nissan is true but not simply faction of next livings of all

pillote mind crusings so that condition still sato-takuma get any prise.



author of this blog.



ogikubo cross near police-box retough by picsart but fed on onreyes digital camera.


 my room return 







all scene storobo mode in my room so tend to a few under bright.






















anmonite in ege sea. is paved marburu stone include last sea baio as beremnite

harugenia sango.


floating the sea by pressure of water like devilfish.

 ohmu shell is defferent baio but look like same is interesting.

 by hanako10 draw.




basic kanbria sea baio principle that sea brain is anomanokaris is same 

shape of swiming method as side small wing make wave like moving.

 so there are almost same shapings as insect gomimushi and dorkus femail.



retought ship is basic over the limit speed is any systems effect by

new sience make with other comonry culture.



HONDA accord 



audi summer


in my room   coolpixA10   (art room is establisht for livings)







picsart photo studio


auto strobo mode with scene mode 

size 900k-1.3M resize by paint and result 87%


2024/03/30 AM9:00

 clear sky max 23degree is like first summer day so good

enbiromental is hi angl of sun beam hard UV is just photo

color pull up to density.


 mituki yamamoto is get normal working is matui syoken cm.



any studio 


shinjuku sub central of tokyo plan is soon at kabukityo but

new plans last doing is odakyu depart rebilldings is special method

as nabe-buta development is finish as plain space is field is expanding.


3photo up







 I dont know this doing as not take off fo that odakyu depart is

so look on bic camera but that is not more deep in the billdings affect

 but now TV nhk crash down breakng method is.

 so interest is as usuing so that plan is continue to 2030 is 

winners plans road.


 no error is last days still there are new thinking on any world 

like american space rocket.

 we are erian of gallacy in the earth #3 planet of sol is deffenst by the 

erian bad plan cause foolish.

 what is so danger is its mind is always soon genius daubt error at 

every consider.

 we are in always infeolity is true still human kind.



return to foaever is main plan is so long story like murasaki-sikibu.


my photo is by smart-phone. is next.





this 2photo is strange at shinjuku.






