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polarr pro photo editor強度+6、霞を除去。





polarr pro photo editorの不調、代わりにphotoscapeで同じ効果を。
















audio system by last days.👍



AKB48 👍

with smart phone camera  


F1 sauji practice



tunoda racig-bull 9位  same enngine is so pwr but any other reasonis.


remain fast racer is 3 exist is top of every teams No.1 but why he get 

top speed if more hi power enngine its so nonsense another reason

team action or condition is true top is that but more team is could 

exist is two ferrari & astonmatin but not concernd with official car 

or spanish languedge but its coinside by any force of imagnaly coliori

force is any small ship at 10000years after oh its nonsense is true.


No.4 is shadow of F1 like presigion action is like most perfect machine 

but most humans mind or face is a few shift strange is in fiction main

person  heart brain & fasted rheoritical upper phgics.


 continue this race is good idear as that racer speed & machine performance

is rundum up down is avoide hang-up of only F1 race but the earth every 

parts of economy culture & brave by so we know that university level

is not only usa but lace of bread is not so deffent we are revolution from  

aipe is nonsense but search considering plants is on our planet is as 

 anciet ver. of the book is so interesting to resonanse Q power is could not 

feel by near mind but you get  onyn one answer but youre quest is only 1 

is like that movie of sheeps silent by silent majiosity nogizaka46 & AKB48

song just that small size ship is reacch to M31 surround and there are the

as monster of brain animal but he said I am normal so who tae the face on 

is 22 human possible like Jody Foster usa actress and that human is not so dfferent

from human  same brave heart and mind emotion is analized by any standing

human of 22 racer is also.

 Sirozu is opside & exchang from other is not 1:1 but 1:2200 so Air bus but why 

is make by monmaltor as welder knowhow is near that airplane so not only

engune maping but resonanse down force.



 this last photo is chane by polarr pro photo editor lat time but now 

can not use  but another soft effect is could use base photo by nikon coolpix 

 but not just same you whishs to perfect system is so good mindings.

like one lack pazzuru its normal action but direct feeling is could not reach the 

true effect t release by x π/2 so integral that E=vv + potencial energy 

simple vibration is take to n small part same energy is make it like

light weight v-tol at haneda air port.

 a last time boing 747 is seing so slow speed from obaiba is 



photo by nikon coolpixA10 oume street west side.



beauty room with green plant.



yellow plate of animal hospital.



so cold wind is soon stop.



toyota car and drag store.



west limit of suginami event plaza front view is so

light of sun climing up the sky is many car take route to west of

tokyo 23regin blue trafic plate indicate cross is soon witn ring8


 am air and sun beam is so fresh with hard wind of clear sky.

so many shop is open and closed as any times but next fresh image

is so maintain with youge act as that street is male inner trafic to 

winde spresing image from most centering street is continue to

oume city but alwas miss that route and soon  take on new-oume

street. route20 kosyu-street is more wide packet but this old road

is no more use by that tyuo hi-way is at soon hatiouji is not tokyo

city as feelings continue to takao mt is so famous connect kouhu

凹 field but the branchi reach on fiji 5lake  so tokyo west is more 

point tanzawa mt erea is so hard climbing espesialy at water fall save 

the climb just now that route of mt top is remain snow is last days.

 tanzawa rally course is often look such auto but that way is no pave 

as tite corner is continue hard drive still the sound reach on so long stance.

 and that lake is why nessary i dont understand to now.


 other itukaiti street is always loss the route on near tachikawa that road 

turn 90degree and see that bevond river as minding so release the way and 

retrn to east erea is reverse by oume street to tokyou center is can watch & know

that difficult case.

route20 pass the sasago tunnel is tite road as car densityis a few and windings 

continue to sagami lake still the start to tukui lake route is so famaus racing of

attack is hispeed every auto is term 20minuite so route20 and this corse is 

play the hi perfomance cars limit racing often watch ferrari and lotus eran 

as a few trafic signal reduced.


Are you know new carola-cross is FF racing for that way of road impress.

  at last day with subaru 360 stear on that corse is easy tail slyde by RR

2cylinder so light maxspeed is90km/h is can not on hi-way so sin-oume bypass

is famous.

as remain 20days can meet gihu-papion at no so release from tokyo is

lucky still nature and driving taste is more intersting.





 new airo-plane

 resonanse Q is AGC maker by track gate (inner plate ctrl)


Oriental air goings  ltd.



looking by side with out red color there are resonance patern is 

watching as its contrast is more density machine is not at onece 

so fast but any down force is concernd with the zebla mark as 

micro wave bipola osc is like that coil L and lo-frequency has took 

gnd is normaly feed back of emitter to colector as the force maker 

size is make frequency is effect of new tecnology of all movings.


explain the one line vibration make 1,2,3 -n devid strage shape of

air effect upper illust as if nonsense was sorry my study book writing

is copy upper story but coul not simply understand or memory miss

is often case. you know x-t concernd here is j state is π/2 direction

is      exp(jθ)=cosθーjsinθ

 quntum ecaution is 

       E=nhν  n=1,2,3,4

that electron obit is by n.m.l but same energy is make many obit

by electric culone force and reverse rot force balance is at start has n 1,2,3

and the sift of 90degree is get at strat mathmatics base of 2nd a direct ecaution.

  on old looks txest book 3page is adaquate by japanese languedge.