英語のスペルが、  ・・どうもすみません。


 現在のメインのカメラは coolpixA10ですが、この以前のcoolpixは、まだ

完成されていなかった。 このcoolpixは、一眼と違って、自然に撮れるもの、

逆に言えば、見せるべき特徴が。 フィルムのNikon F401Sは、流石に一眼で、



 スマホのカメラは、情報量が不足。 以前のFORMAの方が。 

Nikon L35AD2は、落下で、一か所のプラスチックが破損、とうとう、壊れたが、

画質は遂に、 最初の印象はハイコントラストで、良いと思った。



Nikon F401Sの画像。 補正は、GIMPの「色」、平均化がいい。




coolpixA10 の画像、 スマホのカメラで。

情報量がどうしても足りない。 picsart photo studio で補正。




F401S zoom nikkor 35-70mm で撮影。DPEでCD化、サイズは


 F1のテストが始まっていますね。 一時、ミュールカーと言われていたが、

2024のマシンは、美しいモノに。 特にFerrariは良いように見える。





2024/02/28 F1 from test



merseces GP is coming to top at remain 2day as even just now

his machine up that position is recover last time soon strat the 

result of race is said most fast driver on most fast car.


 we reach to the f1 race is must change to more complext rasult

is make from could not machine or pilote as there are more emotion

speaking is due to new f1 season as that 2002 toyota f1 and ferrari 

coiside in monaco same speed is true story.

 there is more could not reason of the making result facter is more 

name of big said good and bad still wen meetig open is had to make

good heart for next race pride.

 the max result is made by human like speaks and result is on more true

sight of all fans eye or on world people said that Formula one steady.


 make more future techinology but spend with only one two but that is 

the win.

 more adaquate function is nessary to top cheker is not ony one but 5machine.

immidetry make choice some machines and over the fens add every true point

for winner.

 ex: reculer peres and galy.

 look like over point of racing shape of every only evolution of human existans

 get like japaese is not by honda but toyota or nissan is has incresible performance.

 as no more guest but play with younger racers heart shock is great animals

voice from live on the planrt earth by Sol groupe.

 youre face is still so handsum?



sabana great animals


 the park hibiya is retought to as more natrue inbilomental power.

top of animal is true as human but any small one is aim on the top.

 like innercialspace going ship but animal has own speed legs and 

eye point so over the human plan.

 award the century to more long steps on marse field as our brain so

push and pushing reason no more tool but that is all our image body.

  by labte is working so today at any shop and his speak is shortund 

but so presition construction.

 not miss the watch to their work study as simle is so complext.


 not afraid fire bird.

 cause we are so small but aim next top winner.



its can not by gasly talking steady , why he said its any miss take.

but that machine is not so good. 

at race that team has fast time and speed are get every team of

2024 formula1 looking atitude is more up is every fans heart.


this exchange is not pass the FIA reguration we should look 

fear race.



2024/02/29 16:59








 shoji -seigo

regard fernand alonso is no task is both reseponse.



mclaren is fast attacking is 2024 as both 2machine are same point

is strange action of as most stabilysed at accellation still Y=aX is

 normaly y=bXX is flat reseponse of total futuer from 2023 is  

 point is flat style of any function is so adaquate now.


 3ecaution is more well from 2ecaution is true as step reseponse 

1/s is critical resoponse is up point in new machine.


 other sinh x cosh x is sweet point is must consider is how inpression.

(exp x - exp -x)/2 

 not continue style to tanh xcalling.

but complext result is make any error as character ecaution ss,s,a is true.

 good? vibration is avoide resonanse is looking off and its turbo 1.6 v6 inpression

of 2023-2024 start for most fast timer on new circuite.

 cluese ecaution is  has ex 1/23, 1/24, 1/27, 1/29 is what is true?

all true is result is indicate next main corse fit on 4π call by flat S ecaution.

 its hint of usa any defferet categoly.


 vist teledain and comand on delay line makings.

& loss DB is how to calculate.

 smith chert is always using and turn to reversed erea is?

 obcause strip line get first position and cabity is also at 3D conection.

took pulotter to write that grafe is with digital strage osc scope.


you get h/p is cost upper without tectronics. sony.

IEEE-1394 is why not use.

Lazar pointer detect road speed is commonly.


 last night with lover soul.



 sinhθ、coshθの不連続を、留数のdet で、通常空間へ、但し、-j∞に当たる、tanhθとのズレが収まらない。x二乗、三乗、での原点での近似は、結局、logの底にされたが。第3象限でのズレが起きた。対極でのミラーに何かが。当然、ホールミラーだが、自由電子のミラーは事実上96%を越られなかった。緩和時間の小さい電子は使い易いが、方向に拡散の要素が強く出るためだった。逆にホールでは衝突の確立Pが落ちてしまった。


 翌日、ファイバーの大手の工場へ。Gの件には、高位からのH2Oの落下で、加え居ることが、工場長と工房は知り合いで、ここで、ストップさせて、 事実は明白だった。


 太陽系の垂直の空域で、光速以上からの停止は、行われた。水平Gは1万Gに、安全係数、27だが、ホール・コンデンサ素子の正確さは驚いたが、実物に近い、種々の生物バギーは、正常な作動を止めずに続いていく、3時間後のOKには、汗を。 SHADOの機体に載せられた、新方式はファクトリー内でターゲットを。

 コンタクトからの問題は、地球に来襲する機械飛行物体は、高度なテクノロジーで、作られていたが、生命反応は無く、攻撃もフェーザーだけ、これが、地球の心理的な進化を。作為か、偶然かで、この組織は。 だが、エーリアン・ヒュームの眼に入ったモノは、「幼年期を終わって行く」、地球のヒューマンの一部にある、若さの必死の抵抗だった。






「シロズは、ダメな んだよ。」

















new photo coolpixA10 current room



side box with E-watch & clock by x-tal wave is hour display is

look like trick but muniute pin move syeps as digital image.

that decade down moving by LED is not due to but pointer hour-minitute

inner digital mastering is nessary.



weight of binile press soft on that primain amplifire top of 

effect to stabulity soon take metal cup 2 position of upper plate.



two clock open and forcing direct of hi vertical space obit is?

the land scae micro wave working still is so far away at techinology 

erea of town electrics still more this 30years we live in so noisy

space is in future Lazar aprication is true.


 up 3 photo are retought with GIMP2.0 white balance and unsharp mask 


 soon we on spring change of 1/4 round of earth centering the sun obit

32km/sec is recentry techinology at airo-plane is anti G forced jet-plane

steady on theory logics no droping is used by with the air grabiton from 

air body top to tail timing catch system is not so far any future and the 

algolism is take true force by energy band from ancient day is true power 

or energy as not inference on that nature balance.

 but slow down to 800km/h indicate anti-g systems dream the exampl is 

nikou is not a few numbers end but so many plane is looking so.

 enjine is rum-jet is true and that CA is still study term into save that hi 

sense of sientific upper knowridge is nessary I feel.

 from TV infomation guide.



Are you looking any feeling on that shape is near boing 777 but its 

airbs A350-1000. in test flight continue by ram-jet and if on theory 

there are not existance up/down is take stabily corce of level could 

flight decided feet.

 remain power is scret heat using.


baio space for next mission



hanako10 is over all but this result of install is some error.

 relate for any oprations lack.


Dr. Whoo said as fasted racer is J・Pmontoya or micheile shumacher and

we said is so simly most fast machine with most fast racer but this result is

always said who is true like hamilton raikonen or alonso.

 rewatching as not its who but red machine is for the brad of modena red pegasasu.

so lecrel is so drive that car like he is good style is as so wellcome.


※ web auto-sport should not cokie seting is not done but now in English

 action is still one japanese fan to AKB48.


my music CD collection is now hearing ony test of audio system

so that speaker is NS10M is true but DS201 using.



 camera is smart-phone still this photo is good its info amounts error

like we get that mind tender is not on the task or working so 

I could not hold as f1 racing watching but pm 10:30 pass go to

sleeping is always.

 the temprature of tokyo is so get off but day & night long is soon 

turn to reverse 03/21 into Sol planet groupe and there is miracles.


 Oh my god.