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◎Edwin A. Salt(エドウィン・A・ソルト)。製作はコロンビア・ピクチャーズ。

監督フィリップ・ノイス『ボーン・コレクター』。主演 先日来日したアンジェリーナジョリー予定。

関連 http://ameblo.jp/zatoichi1/entry-10201345686.html

ブラッドピット来日 http://ameblo.jp/zatoichi1/entry-10199179829.html

主演予定。アンジェリーナ・ジョリー『Mr. & Mrs. Smith 』 『Wanted』、リーヴ・シュライバー『スクリーム3』 『ハリケーン』予定。撮影は2009年3月14日~18日です。NYにて。



Edwin A. Salt (Edwin and A and salt). Production is Colombia [pikucha-zu].

Supervisor Philip Neuss 'Bone Collector'[Anjeri-najori-] schedule of day visit to Japan starring ahead.

Relation http://ameblo.jp/zatoichi1/entry-10201345686.html
Brad Pitt visit to Japan http://ameblo.jp/zatoichi1/entry-10199179829.html
Starring schedule. [Anjeri-na] Jory 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith ' 'Wanted' and [ri-vu] Schreiber 'Scream 3' and 'Hurricane' schedules. Is taking a picture 14 in March, 2009?It is the 18th. With NY.

It seems that the story is a spy of Russia, and it is CIA officer who put the doubt that it is a doubles pie and the story of Edwin and A and salt.
Though it got away from the decision that he was related to the president assassination attempt and managing be captured by this superior officers

He is a setting of fighting because other betrayers' existence is proven, and he meets the family again. 18 years old or more. Racial pretermission.
Recruitment seems to give preferential treatment to that there is a person who has a military experience as an extra, too. Man and woman serviceman post extra.

◎ターミネーター4について 6月日本で公開予定ですが、シュワルツェネッガー州知事最新作? 『ターミネーター4』が6月に公開決定です。どうしますか?将来仮に民主党も共和党もすべて選挙で票を入れられる人シュワルツェネッガー州知事が将来の大統領となったら映画ものですかね?
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過去3作に比べ製作規模、公開規模ともに最大となる本作は製作費に280億円を投じ、600スクリーン(前作は554スクリーン)以上での公開を予定。また主演は現・カリフォルニア州知事のアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーに替わりクリスチャン・ベイル。レジスタンスのリーダーとなったジョン・コナーを演じます。監督にはシリーズのマックGを起用し、新生“ターミネーター”が誕生する。ブライス・ダラス・ハワード、ヘレナ・ボナム=カーターなどのベテラン女優が脇を固め、“謎の男”として期待の新星、サム・ワーシングトンが登場する。ちなみに、シュワルツェネッガー州知事の出演に関して、マックG監督は「彼が出演するかどうかの情報を出してしまうのは映画の楽しみを奪ってしまうこと」と、シュワルツェネッガーの登場を匂わせるコメントを残している。- The latest in Schwarzenegger state governor work of terminator 4 though it is a schedule of opening to the public in Japan in June? 'Terminator 4' is a decision of opening to the public June. How do you do?Is if person Schwarzenegger state governor from whom it will be voted for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in all the elections in the future becomes the president in the future, it the movie one?'Terminator' series with deep-rooted popularity after series 1 work eyes are open to the public in 1985. Opening the latest work of the third work and this open to the public series to the public was decided on Saturday, June 13, 2009 in the 2nd work and 2003 in 1991 afterwards.
This work that both production scales and scales of opening to the public become the maximum compared with three works in the past invests 28 billion yen in the output cost, and schedules opening more than 600 screens (The former works are 554 screens) to the public. Moreover, starring is replacement Christian Vale in Arnold Schwarzenegger present and California state governor. John Kona that became the leader of resistance is performed. Mac G of the series is appointed to the supervisor, and newborn "Terminator" is born. The old-timer actress of Bryce Dallas Howard and Herena and Bonham-Carter, etc. hardens sideward, and the nova and Sam [wa-shinguton] of the expectation appear as "Man of the mystery". By the way, Mac G supervisor has been leaving the comment that alludes to the appearance of "Giving information on whether he performs deprives of the enjoyment of the movie" and Schwarzenegger for the appearance of Schwarzenegger state governor.


FIFAクラブワールドカップジャパン2008の王者、Manchester United Café日本初上陸!自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

FIFAクラブワールドカップジャパン2008の王者であるサッカ-。マンチェスター・ユナイテッド公認であるスポーツカフェ&バー「Manchester United Café・Bar(ManU CAFE)」が日本の二子玉川にオープンしました。これは2008年冬、日本で熱き戦いを繰り広げたFIFAクラブワールドカップのチャンピオンであり、国境を越えて多くのサポーターを魅了するイングランドのマンチェスター・ユナイテッド(以下ManU)。そのビジネスパートナーとして昨年7月に設立されたManchester United Food & Beverage Japan株式会社(東京都港区・代表取締役武藤博行氏)は2月14日、再開発プロジェクトで注目を浴びる二子玉川に日本初のManU公認カフェ&バー「Manchester United Café・Bar(以下ManU CAFE)」をオープンしたのですが、同社は、アジア諸国におけるManU関連ビジネス権を有するManchester United Food & Beverage Asia株式会社(シンガポール)より、日本での権利を取得。今後、飲食店の運営のみならず、サッカー教室の運営やツアーの企画など、多彩なサッカー関連事業を展開していく予定。そのプロジェクトのスタートとなるスポーツカフェ&バー「ManU CAFE」は、ManU公認の飲食店として本拠地オールドトラフォードのホーム球場内ほか、インドネシア、シンガポール、タイに続く5店舗目。業界外からも広く注目を集めそう。
ManUのクラブカラーである赤を基調にカジュアルな雰囲気でまとめた店内には、テーブルとカウンターが約60席。スポーツ専用放送局「J SPORTS」と提携しており、チームの試合はすべて120インチの大型スクリーンと3台の液晶でリアルタイムに配信する。壁面には、クリスティアーノ・ロナウドやデビッド・ベッカムといったManUの伝説を築いた選手達の写真や直筆サイン入りユニフォームなど、クラブから贈られた貴重な品々が。今後は、店においてオリジナルグッズの販売などを行なう予定もあるという。カフェ&バーという業態ながら料理にもしっかりとこだわり、以前この地で舌の肥えた住人たちを虜にしていた人気店「和風間」の料理長による本格的な料理を提供する。ManU Burgurやハーブチキンのグリル焼きといったランチメニュー(1000円~)を始め、カフェ&バータイムには、ワッフル(800円~)やアフォガード(780円)といったスイーツのほか、ManUホーム球場でも提供する公認カフェ共通のフィッシュ&チップス(780円)や、ムール貝の白ワイン蒸し(780円)や牛肉のプレミアステーキ(1,200円)など、アラカルトメニューが40種以上。終日提供するアルコール類460円~もカクテルだけで50種以上と豊富な品揃えで、サッカーファンならずとも通いたくなる空間だ。
「サッカーは、今や、いちスポーツという枠を飛び越え、ファッションやライフスタイルなどをもリードする世界共通文化のひとつに発展しました」とは、同社広報担当の藤田氏。「そういった意味で、この店も、ManUサポーターやサッカーファンのみならず、国境やジャンルを越えたさまざまな人々のコミュニケーションの場、そしてトレンド情報発信の場となっていければうれしいです」と語る。二子玉川でのグランドオープンに続き、年内中に青山を始め都心にも数店舗出店予定。サッカーというひとつのスポーツを通じて、食や旅、ファッション、ライフスタイルなど、さまざまな文化交流の架け橋的存在となることを期待したい。 マンチェスター・ユナイテッド公式サイト

出資はBARCLAYS、Budweiser,Littlewoods football pools,Wrigleys Extraを予定。

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The first in Japan landing. Singapore the capital

king in FIFA club World Cup Japan 2008。Sports cafe & bar "Manchester United Café・Bar(ManU CAFE)" that was the Manchester United official recognition opened in twin Tamagawa in Japan. This is a champion of the FIFA club World Cup that unfolds a hot fight in Japan in the winter of 2008, and Manchester United (henceforth ManU) in England that transcends national borders and enchants a lot of supporters. Though Manchester United Food & Beverage Japan Ltd. (Tokyo Minato Ward and Hiroyuki representative director Muto) that had been established as the business partner last July opened the first ManU official recognition cafe & bar "Manchester United Café・Bar (henceforth ManU CAFE)" in Japan in twin Tamagawa remarkable by the redevelopment project on February 14, this company acquires the right in Japan from Manchester United Food & Beverage Asia Ltd. (Singapore) that has the right of the business related to ManU in Asian nations. The business related to variegated soccers of not only the management of the restaurant but also the management of the soccer school and the project of the tour, etc. is scheduled to be developed in the future. Sports cafe & bar "ManU CAFE" that becomes a start of the project is the fifth store as the restaurant of the ManU official recognition following the and others in the home stadium of stronghold [o-rudotorafo-do], Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand. It seems to receive widespread attention outside the industry.
The table and the counter are about 60 seats in the inside of a store to bring red that is the club color of ManU together in the keynote by casual atmosphere. It cooperates with broadcasting station "J SPORTS" only for sports, and the game of the team is delivered in real time in large-scale screen and 3 of the all 120 inches liquid crystals. Presented valuable articles : from the club such as uniforms of players who built the legend of ManU named Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham with the photograph and the autograph signature in the wall. It is said that original goods are scheduled to be sold in the shop in the future. It firmly sticks to the dish, and a real dish by the master chef of popular store "Between the Japanese style" to charm residents from whom the tongue grew fat on this ground before is offered though it is business conditions of cafe & bar. There are 40 kinds of a la carte menus such as the premiere steaks of the white wine steaming of common fish & chips (780 yen) to the offered official recognition cafe and mussel (780 yen) and beefs (1,200 yen) also in the ManU home stadium besides sweets named waffle (800 yen?) and [afoga-do] (780 yen) more at cafe & bar time including the lunch menu (1000 yen?) said the scorch of the grill of ManU Burgur and the herb chicken coming. ..alcohol.. 460 yen offered all day. It wants to commute and the becoming it space. ..soccer fan.. do not become it in ..possession.. cocktail alone by 50 kinds or more and abundant goods in stock
The player of former J League is invited to on-the-spot telecast of the game besides being used for the place of the gathering of the fan club member and the player as a place for the ManU official recognition in Japan besides usual cafe & bar business, and a variegated event of the guest participation type is planned in the future as the confrontation game of soccer is played in cooperation with the official recognition cafe in Singapore and Thailand, etc.
Mr. Fujita "Soccer is jumped over the Ichi sports frame now, and has developed into one of the world common cultures that lead the fashion and the lifestyle, etc." in charge of the this company announcing to public. It is said, "If it is possible to come in various people's communication spaces for this shop to cross not only the ManU supporter and the soccer fan but also the border and genres in such a meaning and places of the trend information sending, it is glad". Numerical store branch shop schedule of Aoyama by the end of within the year to the center of a city of start following grand opening by twin Tamagawa. I want to expect to become link existence of a variety of cultural exchanges like food, travel, the fashion, and the lifestyle, etc. through sports of one of soccer. Manchester United official site