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Coaches reveal secrets for handling elite skaters

Mozer, Orser, Haguenauer, Turberidze share proven coaching strategies

Brian Orser acknowledged that his strict Irish Catholic upbringing may have something to do with how he coaches his skaters. -Getty Images

It's not easy to coach several of the best skaters and teams in the world all at once. Icenetwork asked four esteemed coaches -- Nina Mozer of Russia, Brian Orser of Canada, Romain Haguenauer of France and Eteri Tutberidze of Russia -- about how they handle the pressure that is building up as the Olympic Winter Games approach.

Icenetwork ではロシアのニナ・モーゼル、カナダのブライアン・オーサー、フランスのロマン・アグノエル、そしてロシアのエテリ・トゥトベリゼの4名の尊敬すべきコーチたちに、冬季五輪大会が近付くにつれて膨らむプレッシャーにどのように対処しているかについて尋ねた。


When asked how he felt about coaching some of the finest skaters in the world, coach Brian Orser was quick to answer: "It's hard. Don't believe all those who say, 'Brian has so many good students -- he is so lucky.' It's really hard!" he told icenetwork at the 2016 Trophée de France.


Coaching several of the main contenders for the podium, especially in an Olympic year, is quite tricky, especially during a competition like the 2018 European Championships.

"You can see how pressure is building up among them," a judge said here, watching the pairs practice.

It should be even greater in three weeks in PyeongChang.



Skating at different times certainly makes things easier, Orser confirmed.

"Actually, this season hasn't been too hard," he said. "Yuzu [Hanyu] and Javi [Fernández] trained together most of the summer and fall, which was good, but as soon as we entered the Grand Prix season, they were on different schedules. Javi and Yuzu competed in different Grand Prix. Then, Yuzu has been treating his injury and he wasn't around very much. Then Javi had Spanish nationals, and now it's Europeans. They haven't been on the same rink that much.




"Everyone has his own agenda. We're all going to the same place, but we're going there via different paths."



Strangely enough, Orser and Tutberidze share a common familial trait: Both are the youngest of five children. Could growing up in a big family help develop the ability to deal with several strong individual personalities?



"Maybe there is something to that," Orser said. "My parents were of Irish Catholic descent, and they were rather strict, with strong discipline. I had an upbringing of respect and honor, very strong values."


Has he passed such values on to his protégés?

"As a coach, I have to familiarize myself with my skaters' cultures," he said. "But those two values of respect and honor are valid in every culture!"



Skating on the same ice as one's competitors is tough for any skater, but they all know how much they have to gain from it. Separating skaters' agendas, developing a strong and trust-based confidence, and setting strict guidelines are keys for those coaches who are helping the best skaters in the world reach the peak of their careers. We will see how these strategies play out in PyeongChang a month from now.













