




















October 29, 2023

In flag football, the offensive team and the defensive team are clearly separated. So, after deciding to intentionally allow the opponent to score, we had a brief moment to discuss before the defense actually allowed the score.

During this time, we organized the situation and confirmed each individual's role in this situation.

28 seconds remaining.
In flag football, each play takes about 4-6 seconds.
Calculations suggest that we can have 7 to 5 plays.

We have also practiced time management in this kind of situation multiple times.
There were several plays that we could confidently execute in this situation.
Now, we just needed to execute them.

However, the offense didn't click starting from the first play.
Signals from the coach, understanding of the players on the field, the intentions of the thrower and the receiver, distributing the ball to the right people in the right places - everything became misaligned. Before we knew it, there was hardly any time left, and we didn't make much progress.
It was part of my big role to ensure communication and alignment within the offense. Although I don't know exactly what kind of communication was happening among the team members, I felt a renewed sense of responsibility for the plays that I missed.

39 yards (approximately 35 meters) to go until the goal.
We have one or maybe two plays left. We have no choice but to go for a long pass and place our last hope on it. We take a timeout, stop the clock, gather our emotions, and prepare for the challenge as one unit.

At this point, some of the players who were already on the sideline were crying. Some covered their faces while crying.
I got off my wheelchair and went around, providing encouragement, despite dragging my leg.
There were even members who cried and said, "I can't watch."
I continued to encourage them, saying, "Let's fight until the end," and watched the outcome of the play.

Japan's final pass ruthlessly bypassed a Japanese player whose feet got tangled and was mercilessly intercepted by the opponent, who then returned it.

It was the moment when Japan's challenge towards becoming the Asian champions came to an end.