








October 29, 2023

The day of the finals tournament.

As I woke up, I was immediately reminded of my immobile right leg and the tight cast. Reality struck me from the moment I opened my eyes. It was disheartening, but I reminded myself not to show it to the team and tried to motivate myself.

My teammate in the same room pushed me in a wheelchair to the breakfast area. As a representative of Japan, I received greetings not only from my fellow Japanese players but also from players of other countries. Despite not being able to go to the breakfast buffet due to my condition, everyone took care of me. After finishing breakfast, we made our way to the venue.

Since I couldn't ride the regular bus, I rode with the president of the International American Football Association in a private car to the venue.

The first match of the finals tournament began, and we were the top seed. We were set to compete against the winner between New Zealand and Kuwait. It was a close game, but New Zealand emerged victoriously, setting up the match against us.

Looking back, this was a crucial turning point. We had won against Kuwait the previous day with a big margin, and I think we were somewhat complacent against New Zealand, who had just finished a tough game.

But with the last day upon us, the warm-ups began, and we started the preparations with a sense of tension. During warm-ups, I could only focus on observing if any players were nervous or if their movements seemed stiff compared to usual, and I continued to encourage them. That was the only role I could fulfill to contribute to our victory. It pains me to realize that we missed the small gap of complacency lurking in the depths of everyone's hearts at that moment.

Before the start of the match, New Zealand always performs the Haka. The Haka is a traditional ritual that represents both intimidation and respect towards the opponent. As we had previously agreed upon, showing respect in the Japanese style, we stood firm in the face of New Zealand's intimidation.

Watching the Haka performed live in front of us, it filled us with determination, knowing that if we were to lose, it would be the end of our journey in the finals tournament.