In Japanese Magazine ''KERA'' a snap of Harajuku with Elena Zollino and Kensuke of Broken Doll (≧▽≦) やった!うれしいですよ!!!KERAは私のいちばん雑誌好きです。だからとてもうれしい。о(ж>▽<)y もう一つの夢が叶う!ありがとうございます ☆
YURIKO TIGER のブログ-Page of Kera

after just 3 months was published on KERA a snap of YURIKO,Elena and Kensuke.
I really love this magazine! that's my favourite fashion magazine! it's just a snap, but I'm really happy.
Another of my dreams came true, thanks Japan.

YURIKO TIGER のブログ-Kera Magazine
YURIKO TIGER のブログ-KERA Yuriko,Elena,kensuke