Just for you
I want to live for you
I've longed for you so long
It's a dream
I've been waiting for the moment 
but what happened suddenly
now I'm closing my eyes
I'm cuddled in your arms

My love for you
I want to send my love
Maybe I know   forget sorrow 
such a day would come
Just be close at hand
A peaceful and beautiful world seems to be 
spreading in front of you and me

Whenever anyone really falls in love
Certainly, everyone gets lost in the road 
As if it were slowly snowing 
Only love just piles up softly  quietly

Wishing that our love will endure the many trials 
That will come 
I'll stand by you all the time
I'm always here for you

Wishing that our love will endure the many trials 
That will come 
Because you mean so much to me
Stay who you are

