5/31 | 子育て・仕事のゆるり日記



I have little time to write a blog so I'll write someting I learned today.


These days I was wondering what is the cause of my poor pronunciation.


Actually I could communicate with tutors of CAMBLY and it became easier to correct the answer of my sutdent's writing exam, though, I felt my English was far from native speakers.


I asked this problem to one of my tutors who didn't have any bias of me in spite of the length I kept working at CAMBLY.


He said I could communicate with native speakers but it was probably difficult for people from Thai or indnesia to 

understand what I said because most of my accents were Japanese ones.


I got a point.


When I just started CAMBLY, most of tutors tried to correct my pronunciation, but recently they reraly pointed out my pronunciation even if it was wrong.


I guessed that they didn't want to interupt and stop talking by correcting my pronunciation.


Hmm, I should ask them to correct my pronunciation without any hesitations.



That's all today.


Have a good evening:)