South Korea's High-Ranking Officials' Corruption Investigation Agency privatization of power is not allowed
2022/1/14 05:00 Sankei Shimbun Sincerely Column



한국의 공수처 권력의 사물화는 허용되지 않는다


Is this still a democracy?

In South Korea, it was once again discovered that freedom of the press was threatened.

The High-Ranking Officials' Corruption Investigation Agency (공수 처 gongsucheo), which was established by the Moon Jae-in administration a year ago as a "pillar of prosecution reform," has released communication information from many reporters and opposition lawmakers, including the Japanese media. Was inquiring.

In South Korea, investigative agencies, including gongsucheo (공수처) gongsucheo, can inquire of the telecommunications company from the telephone number, such as the user's name, address, and resident registration number, without the permission of the court, in order to know the other party to be investigated.

Gongsucheo (공수처) cites the reason for the inquiry as "to prevent harm to trials, investigations, executions of sentences, and national security," but it is not fully explained.
Is it possible to say that the media including the Japanese media referred by gongsucheo (공수처) are plotting harm as mentioned in the reason?
Isn't it pressure on the overt press?

The press has an obligation to protect the sources of coverage.
gongsucheo (공수처) should immediately stop these acts that threaten the freedom of the press.

According to Korean media, more than 160 reporters have been inquired about gongsucheo (공수처).
The Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, commercial TV stations, etc. said that their Korean reporters were targeted.
No inquiries were made to the Sankei Shimbun, which was not registered as a Korean journalist.


Other than the media, parliamentarians from the largest conservative opposition, the People Power Party, the party's presidential candidate, and former prosecutor Yoon Seok-you were also the main targets of the inquiry.
The concentration of inquiries on the media and opposition officials may indicate that gongsucheo (공수처) has the character of an "investigative agency for the Moon Jae-in Government."
Gongsucheo (공수처) will investigate the injustices of high-ranking government officials, parliamentarians, and prosecutors on behalf of the prosecution.
The establishment of a new investigative agency should require a national consensus, including the opposition party, but it was decided by a forced vote by the ruling party.
It has been pointed out that the current administration executives such as Moon Jae-in will be exempt from prosecution even after retiring.

In fact, the chief of gongsucheo (공수처) 金鎮煜(김진욱m Kim Jinwook) , was appointed by Mr. Moon Jae-in. It is natural that neutrality is questioned.
The people's power is calling for the resignation of the chief of Kim Jin-wook, saying that it is an "indiscriminate civilian inspection."
The middle-class opposition "National Party" has also insisted on its abolition.



高位公職者犯罪捜査処 고위공직자범죄수사처 High-Ranking Officials' Corruption Investigation Agency




National institution of the Republic of Korea. An independent agency specializing in criminal investigations of high-ranking officials such as the President, Speaker of the Parliament, and 大法院長(Chief Justice Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea).

Inquiry about "communication records" of 공수처 gongsucheo, who is said to be "the highest power in Korean history", and reporters belonging to the Japanese media

”韓国史上最高の権力”といわれる공수처 gongsucheo、日本メディア所属記者らの「通信記録」を照会

1/13 (Thursday) 10:22 Delivery comment 22 WoW! Korea



Inquiry about "communication records" of gongsucheo (공수처), who is said to be "the highest power in Korean history", and reporters belonging to the Japanese media.

The Korean media reported that while the Korean investigative agency was controversial about inquiring a large amount of communication records of opposition parties and reporters, it was inquiring one after another the communication records of at least five Japanese media reporters.

The Korean media "Asia Economy" reported a written interview with a reporter of the Tokyo Shimbun on the 13th.
According to this, the Japanese media inquired about communication records from "The High-Ranking Officials' Corruption Investigation Agency (공수처 gongsucheo)", which is said to be "the highest power in Korean history", are Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, He said that there were at least five places such as the Mainichi Shimbun, and that "it is a concern that Korea has an atmosphere that allows investigation methods that ignore human rights."
He emphasized, "I hope that the Korean investigative agency will demonstrate its self-cleaning ability in the wake of this controversy."
The media said, "It is extremely unusual for the Japanese media to stand up positively and reveal the position related to the communication record inquiry of gongsucheo (공수처) through the Korean media."

On the other hand, gongsucheo (공수처) is a national institution in South Korea that specializes in criminal investigations of high-ranking officials such as the president, chairman of the parliament, and chief justice of the Republic of Korea.
In the case of a high-ranking official, such as a judge or a prosecutor, he also has the authority to prosecute, and is said to be "the highest power in Korean history."




    run***** |

You can see this situation. South Korea's gongsucheo (공수처) is no different from the public security of China and North Korea.
People who have different claims from themselves are subject to investigation, and the other party is atrophied and the freedom of the press is deprived.
I doubt that the country where President Moon Jae-in, who created such an institution and tried to protect himself, is not criticized by the Korean people, is the original democracy.
I wonder why the Japanese media does not report such a matter more extensively.
         Empathy / 307
        Opposite / 5

    Pangea Citizens |
    The Moon Jae-in administration was thought to be embracing communism, but it was far beyond expectations that it was already communist.
On the other hand, if the Japanese media also protests in a big way, I can not understand the fact-only negative coverage and why it is so sontaku(read between the lines).
        Empathy / 158
        Opposite / 3

    Simmons |
    If there is an opposition force that is in close contact with the Japanese media, I wonder if the purpose is to hit it as "Japanophilia".
This seems to be a "free and open country". It could be a more ridiculous country than expected.
        Empathy / 190
        Opposite / 4

    cub ***** |
    Anything is an ant. It's no different from communism.
The market size is small, and Japanese companies expanding into South Korea should really withdraw completely. The profit is thin and there is no merit in anything.
        Empathy / 26
        Opposite / 0

    duc ***** |
    Of the five companies listed here, four except Yomiuri have a section that I think is good because they are relatives.
        Empathy / 78
        Opposite / 3

    nak ***** |
    Unthinkable in a democracy.
    The Japanese media, which screams for freedom of the press and human rights on a daily basis, does not speak silently about such violence when it comes to neighboring countries.
        Empathy / 71
        Opposite / 2

    pur ***** |
    Well, if there is self-cleaning ability over there
    Nothing will happen after the resignation of successive presidents. ..
        Empathy / 67
        Opposite / 2

    kun ***** |
    I have been worried since the establishment of the organization, so I have a strong feeling now, but the Korean people are often calm, I can't understand at all.
The reason is that the state power that has access to personal information without permission, with all-you-can-eat secrets in the investigation, is the Special Higher Police and the German Gestapo that existed in Japan until the end of the war!
    Looking at the current movements that are indiscriminate, it is inevitable to change into a speech suppression organization that targets the general public as well!
    The Korean people who say nothing have already given up their freedom, just like the cats tamed by the Moon Jae-in government!
         Empathy / 31
        Opposite / 0

    tak ***** |
    I heard that the presidential candidate of the ruling party is a criminal record 4 criminal record, but I see many other articles that are likely to occur, so why not arrest him now?
    In addition, the current president has made several violations of international law, causing great damage to South Korea. Isn't he arrested?
    Reply 1
        Empathy / 12
        Opposite / 1

    🄳🅂🄳 |
    There will be spying activities behind the scenes in every country, but forcibly acquiring information against the background of public and national powers is no different from China.
    Although it is said to be communism, it is clear that it is similar to China, which is a dictatorship of one party, and North Korea, which is a dictatorship.
        Empathy / 34
        Opposite / 0