Is Kawaii a cultural appropriation?

Self-proclaimed Japanese criticize black person cosplay, 紅林大空(Haruka Kurebayashi) defends black person cosplay

World Now 2021.10.31















Anonymous ID: kzODk2Mzk
Also, spoofing. Well, maybe Chinese or Korean.
"Cultural appropriation" This word is used only in specific Asia (China and South Korea).

5 no ID: MxMzY3MzY (1/3)
The Japanese often talk about cultural appropriation in subculture.

6 Anonymous ID: AzOTU0MzA (1/3)
Koreans who are really plagiarizing, I want you to make it a problem.

7 ID: AzNDE4Nzc (1/1)
The Japanese do not call it cultural appropriation.
In a similar case that happened a while ago, when I traced the accounts of the self-proclaimed Japanese who criticized me, I heard that they were all Kpop fans.

8 Lolita Samurai ID: Q4MzMxMDM (1/1)
>> 1 고릴라 흑인이 귀여운 여자 아이 행세를
하는 것은 처형 당할 죄라고 생각 하지만
이윤을 추구할 목적도 없는 것 같아 보이는 데
문제 가 되는 것인가?
Black gorilla pretending to be a cute girl
I think it's a crime punishable by death.
There doesn't seem to be any purpose in pursuing a profit.
Will it be a problem?

9 Anonymous ID: A3MDUxMzc (2/2)
I would like to ask if this self-proclaimed Japanese is really Japanese.
"'Kawaii culture' belongs to Japanese people, so if a foreigner uses the word'kawaii', it's a cultural appropriation. Don't use'kawaii' because it will insult and discriminate against Japanese people."
I think foreigners can make such criticisms.
Because the way of thinking is free.

However, in order to be persuasive and not to allow the other party's counterargument, you cannot attack others by lying that you are Japanese.
Is it really Japanese who made this statement?
I want to attack questions about Japanese things that only Japanese people know.

Police numbers and emergency numbers

>> 34
10 Anonymous ID: E4MjI5MDI (1/1)
People who are happy to bash "foreigners who like Japan" have a clue.

11 Anonymous ID: A2MDIwNTM (1/2)
It would be funny if someone from another country cosplayed
Even if it doesn't look good, I can't think of stinging on people's hobbies.

12 Anonymous ID: c0Mzg0ODM (1/1)
It is a pleasure for Japanese people to have foreigners enjoy Japanese culture, and it is directly linked to Japan's national interests.

13 Anonymous ID: EyNDI0ODY (1/1)
I think there are no Japanese who get angry
Self-proclaimed Japanese are suspicious

14 Anonymous ID: gzMzMxOTQ (1/1)
It's not uncommon for foreigners to cosplay Japanese anime and games nowadays.

15 ㅇㅇ ID: gxMDYzNjM (1/1)
어글리 재패 니즈ww
Ugly Japanese ww

>> 16 >> 23
16 Anonymous ID: A2MDIwNTM (2/2)
>> 15
That is "Zapanese" w

A Korean who impersonates a Japanese. Mainly Japanese people use it.
The etymology is Zapanese or Zapanish(ザパニシュ), which is the Korean pronunciation of Japanese.

17 Anonymous ID: g0ODE5Nzk (1/2)
Is it a self-proclaimed Japanese?

(Japanese spoofing) All you want to do overseas in Korea!

If you just want to earn money by using a Japanese brand, you can still get up to 〇〇 ... (You can see it in the anime)
Watched 103,760 times



19 Anonymous ID: QzOTMxNDQ (1/13)

World's best race people
If they say this word, they can suddenly become think they are better than others and look down on others
And it is a magic word that words and actions become smooth when looking from above.
Well, it's usually a cat fishing spoof.
From a military perspective, it ’s a false flag operation.
Isn't it the plot of the best  race people in the world?

20 Anonymous ID: c5MzU1NzU (1/1)
The phrase "cultural appropriation" is used, and Japanese people don't say it ...

21 Anonymous ID: IwMTQ3NTM (1/1)
It's a wonder that 朝鮮人(Chōsen persons 조선사람Koreans) don't cosplay.
朝鮮人(Chōsen persons 조선사람Koreans), do you have any objections?

>> 51
22 Anonymous ID: AzOTU0MzA (2/3)
Speaking of the crime of Zapanese, this is also ... The common item for victims is "Japanophilia."

A slanderous letter to Medvedeva "Go out the devil!"


Evgenia Medvedeva (19) = Russia =, a silver medalist at the Pyeongchang Olympics in figure skating, who is appearing at a Japanese ice show, said in English, "Everyone hates you. Go back to Russia!" It turned out on the 8th that she had received the written swearing letter.

23 Anonymous ID: Q4ODQ3NTA (1/1)
It seems that this problem is complicated behind the scenes.

Somehow it's a white counter to the black movement.
Once Americans think they're doing stupid things, they should look back at themselves.
>> 15
Oh, only Koreans shouldn't use Japanese culture.
Koreans suddenly plagiarize it literally, because Koreans say Japanese culture is of Korean origin, so w

24 Anonymous ID: AxOTY2NTI (1/1)
Cultural appropriation?
That's why the recent K culture is all about cultural appropriation.
Well, from long ago

>> 28
25 Anonymous ID: g5ODI4MA = (1/8)
The Tokyo Olympics would have been highly acclaimed if there were spectators ...

26 Anonymous ID: g5ODI4MA = (2/8)
The self-proclaimed Japanese people who say "cultural appropriation nida ~~ !!!" are almost Koreans (Chōsen person, 조선인) (laughs).
Oh, I wrote nida (laughs)



27 Anonymous ID: AwODg2MTI (1/6)
What is really self-proclaimed is this problem scary place.
Japanese sense
I think that a person who claims the origin of another person's culture like South Korea is a cultural appropriation, but the Japanese do not say that it is a cultural appropriation just by using another person's culture (something).
What's more, wasn't this just cosplaying with the letters kawaii?
This is cultural appropriation even for Japanese and 朝鮮人(Chōsen persons 조선사람Koreans)! I won't say anything.
I mean, it's because 朝鮮人(Chōsen persons 조선사람Koreans) who started to hear the word "cultural appropriation" got cocky, right?

28 Anonymous ID: QzOTMxNDQ (2/15)
>> 24
Instead, do you see that there is something called "whitewash" in the reflection of liberal Americans?
In the end, whites have appointed (plagiarized) black and Asian cultures.
In the music scene, Elvis Presley is a plagiarism of black culture.
BTS is also plagiarism, but is it treated as respect?

29 Anonymous ID: Q3NDIyOTU (1/3)

Whenever it's Halloween season, www

> While most Americans look forward to Halloween Day and dressing up for the day, students are offended by the University for Cultural appropriation. You are warned to avoid possible costumes and choose your costumes carefully.
George Nicholas, a professor at the University of Simon Fraser in Canada, who studies the theft of this culture, said the phrase: "Traditional things with cultural / religious implications have nothing to do with the culture. It is defined as "the act of treating and using a person improperly, carelessly, and unwelcomely without understanding the meaning."
Campaigns to avoid cultural appropriation on Halloween are widespread at universities across the United States, for example, at the University of Michigan, when students wear costumes that promote all stereotypes, including race, culture, and gender. It warns that it may be rewarded according to the severity of the breach.




30 Anonymous ID: AwODg2MTI (2/6)
By the standards of cultural appropriation of Westerners (especially from the United States), celebrating Halloween in Japan would be a good cultural appropriation ...
Enjoying the culture that came in wouldn't be plagiarism.

>> 32
31 Anonymous ID: MxMzY3MzY (2/3)
Early Tezuka Osamu Anime is plagiarism of Disney anime?
Early Tezuka Osamu're obviously influenced, right?
American cartoons with anthropomorphic animals started after the war
Plagiarism of Norakuro Second Class?
Who is the Korean who sings hip-hop started by black people?
What about Japanese Halloween?
Is it cultural appropriation if Japanese cosplay Indians on Halloween?

>> 36 >> 37 >> 47 >> 90
32 Anonymous ID: QzOTMxNDQ (3/15)
>> 30
Remember the words that people who have forgotten history have no future
Do you see anything to do with the colonial rule of the past imperialism by whites?
In the orientalism costume parade, I wonder if the costumers look down on the Japanese from above.
Do you think it means?

>> 39
33 Anonymous 2021/10/31 ID: U4MDc3MTk (1/2)
>> 29
Really stupid

If you like Japanese culture and cosplay, there are many people who feel happy.
If you are dominated by Payok, who is exposed to the victim's consciousness, you will not be in a world of luck.

Payok is a word that rhymes Sayoku (left wing) and his slang, net slang.
 Payok changed Sayoku's "sa" to "pa".
A coined word combined with the word "Payopayochin".

34 Anonymous ID: E2Nzc3NDI (1/1)
>> 9
I know what I mean
> "'Kawaii culture' belongs to Japanese people, so if a foreigner uses the word'kawaii', it is a cultural appropriation.

Don't use "kawaii" because it will insult and discriminate against Japanese people. "
> I think foreigners can make such criticisms.

This is Akan, isn't it?
There is no right to give or take permission without permission.
This can only be said for people who are really sad because of insults and discrimination, and I really want the outfielders to stop deciding on their own.
The same is true for things other than Japanese culture.
There is no right to force others, such as feminists or environmental activists.

35 Anonymous ID: YwNTc3MTA (1/1)
>> 8
I defended you in another thread, but it's not against blacks that Japanese get angry at cultural appropriation.
For middle-aged and older Koreans who insist on the origin of Japanese culture, and for Chinese and Koreans who do business with degraded copies of Japanese culture.
Japanese people can't get angry with black people in cosplay
Because Japanese also cosplay whites and blacks
For example, the music group in the photo below respected black music, but was slammed as black contempt.
It's an unpleasant world
>> 41 >> 42 >> 45 >> 48 >> 53

36 Anonymous ID: QzOTMxNDQ (4/15)
>> 31
It seems that some people don't understand yet,
Do you think American Caucasians potentially look down on Japanese people?
Japanese people don't realize that Americans look down on them, right?
Please understand that this asymmetry is the temperature difference in understanding cosplay.
In the end, an American black man cosplayed while looking down on the Japanese, so
That is pointed out
>> 38

37 Anonymous IyODkxMDM (1/2)
>> 31
Is it cultural appropriation if Japanese cosplay Indians on Halloween?
It seems that the story will be complicated again (laugh)

39 Anonymous AwODg2MTI (3/6)
>> 32
When the left-wing haters of the United States come to this point, hey w

40 Anonymous ID: g5ODI4MA = (3/8)
Is it okay to cosplay?

41 Anonymous ID: MxMzY3MzY (3/3)
>> 35
If I sing a song that imitates Doup with the name painted black with Chanels, I feel like I can't help getting angry ...
It only looks like a prank to sell
The idea of ​​the person and the office is different

Chanel's Runaway
Watched 554,536 times




42 Anonymous ID: QzOTMxNDQ (5/15)
>> 35
It's a problem in the hearts of white Americans,
Originally not related to Japanese people
For example, Koreans are angry to Japanese people by Koreans false memories, is that?

43 Anonymous ID: YyMDkxNjU (1/1)
>> 1
Not 100% Japanese www
It's the work of Koreans, The pannies, who were jealous of Japanese culture being well received by foreigners.

44 Anonymous ID: AwODg2MTI (4/6)
>> 38
Wrota w with a discourse like a disease that really needs medicine

45 Anonymous ID: IyODkxMDM (2/2)
>> 35
Drifters originally used the name of the American black chorus group as it was (laughs)





The Drifters - Under the Boardwalk
35,018,577 回視聴



46 Anonymous ID: g5ODI4MA = (4/8)
In the first place, "Halloween" in Japan is "cultural appropriation".

47 Anonymous ID: M3OTMxMzQ (1/1)
>> 31
On the other hand, Disney's Lion King is influenced by Osamu Tezuka's Jungle Emperor.
Pacific Rim is influenced by Japanese robot science fiction, and the enemy is called Kaiju in the first place.
What is important is whether the "lending and borrowing" has the respect and respect of both parties.
What's not good is the pattern that the original is here even though it's borrowed.
Isn't that the point of Kawaii this time?

48 Anonymous ID: kyMTY5ODc (1/1)
>> 35
I was surprised that this was perceived as a black persons disdain.
I think I really had only respect
But if anyone finds it unpleasant, I have no choice but to stop it.
Thank you for loving kawaii as a Japanese culture ~
Have fun! What
I'm not sure about cultural appropriation
>> 52

49 Anonymous ID: M3NzY3OTc (1/1)
This topic came up on Twitter, but ...
With the tag "self-proclaimed Japanese", everyone seemed to understand it properly and laughed w
"Self-harm, the pannies" w

50 people ID: g5ODI4MA = (5/8)
Japan's "Bantine Day" is an advertisement for a candy maker.
Christmas is a "cake-eating day" (laughs)
Well, "do it moderately".
Then, "If possible, understand the origin properly."