China takes advantage of Moon Jae-in's weaknesses

Break the「bridge where South Korea returns to the US side 韓国が米側に戻る橋」
  Published April 12, 2021
Read the peninsula 鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)


흔들리는 한반도 평화, 어떻게 다시 세울 것인가?

[10.4 Inter-Korean Summit Declaration 13th Anniversary Special LIVE]
How will the swaying peace of the Korean Peninsula be rebuilt?
Watched 194,996 times
• 2020/09/25 World Roh Moo-hyun Foundation where people live



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The theme of one session is「Causes of the upset of the peace phase of the Korean Peninsula and the search for alternatives韓半島の平和局面の動揺の原因と代案摸索」 .
Chairman of the Roh Moo Hyun Foundation, Mun Jong-in, Chairman of the Korean Peninsula Peace Forum, Chairman of the Seoul North-South Exchange Cooperation Committee, Jung Se-hyun, Chief Vice-Chairman of the National Unification Advisory Council, Lee Jung-suk Institute Chief Researcher, Director of National Unification Advisory Council Kim Jun-young will discuss.

The theme of the two sessions is「North-South relations in the post-corona era and a plan for finding a way of peace in Northeast Asiaポストコロナ時代の南北関係と北東アジアの平和の道模索方案」.
Chaired by Goyufan Unified Research Institute Director, Gimdongyeop, Professor of the Institute for Far East Studies, Gyeongnam University, Professor of Inamju Seikoukai University, and Professor of National Diplomacy Minjeong-hoon will make presentations.
In addition, Lee Je-hoon Hankyoreh senior reporter will participate in the discussion.

「The US and China will collide with each other on the Korean Peninsula unexpectedly early,米中は予想外に早く朝鮮半島で全面衝突する」reads South Korean observer Takabumi Suzuoki.



ヴィクター・チャ Victor Cha 빅터 차

South Korea bans flying anti-North Korean leaflets across national borders

Watched 6,133 times
•2020/12/15Al Jazeera English



South Korea’s National Assembly has passed a controversial law making it illegal to launch propaganda material into North Korea, in a bid to revive denuclearisation talks.
Under this new law, offenders will now face up to three years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines.
But defectors and activists say the law violates their right to free speech.


An article that clearly shows how the United States views the Moon Jae-in administration has appeared in the Chosun Ilbo.

This is an interview article Victor Cha, Senior Deputy Director of CSIS, Korean Peninsula Expert in the United States, in「Victor Cha『South Korea isolated itself among democracies』」 (April 5, Korean version) .


金真明(김진명 Kim Jin-myeong キム・ジンミョン)
It am telling you that Kim Jin-myeong pointed out ,
the author is Kim Jin-myeong, a correspondent in Washington.
In the preamble, 『Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Korean Edition, US Department of State』released on March 30 states that「restrictions on freedom of expression表現の自由の制約」including the South Korean villa ban law against North Korea are「serious human rights issues重大な人権問題」 .

In the contribution to the Korean Daily, 「Leaflet Ban Is a Violation of Free Speech」(January 5, English version), Senior Deputy Director Cha banned the Moon Jae-in Government from villas against North Korea and conducted an administrative audit of North Korean human rights groups. He also introduced that he regarded such things as「active suppression of freedom of expression 表現の自由への積極的弾圧」 and expressed them as「Self-Defeating Policy自滅政策」.

The point is an article that asks through-and-through(根掘り葉掘り聞いた),「How the Joe Biden administration handles the Moon Jae-in government, which destroys democracy while pretending to be the flag bearer of democracy」.


Regarding the Human Rights Report of the State Department

I'm telling you that「RecMoonAsH-RightsPresidentIgnoringHumanRight1

In this interview, Senior Deputy Director Cha said of the crackdown on human rights:

『・ Regarding the measures taken by the Moon Jae-in administration, such as the Law against North Korea, which bans villas, it has already happened.
It's hard to predict, but I don't think the division (US and South Korea) will be open unless the Moon Jae-in administration does something new and extreme.

However, if an asylum seeker from North Korea suddenly arrives and sends it all back, it is difficult for the US administration to ignore it. 』

When two North Korean fishermen applied for asylum in South Korea in 2019, the Moon Jae-in administration decided that they were「thugs凶悪犯」and sent them back to North Korea.
When reporter Kim Jin-myeong mentioned the incident, Senior Deputy Director Cha stabbed a nail (warn against).

The Donald Trump administration didn't say anything.
Whether the Biden administration is public or private, it will always say something.
We maintain a delicate balance to show the (alliance) unity to the world, but it is difficult to overlook that.』
――It's a message thataside from the past, I won't forgive you from now on過去はともかく、これからは許さない」


That's right.
As long as it advocates human rights diplomacy, the Biden administration cannot overlook the violation of human rights in South Korea.
Senior Deputy Director Cha warned that if you want to maintain the alliance, you should guarantee human rights.

Although the State Department's human rights report pointed out so severely, the Moon Jae-in administration was talking to the wall.
Therefore, the Chosun Ilbo, a representative of Korean conservative media, repeatedly sounded the alarm through an interview.
Wang Yi, Chung Eui-yong
South Korea did I implore the Xi Jinping visit to Korea -
April 3 China-Korea Foreign Ministers' Meeting


ロバート・メネンデス Robert "Bob" Menendez

Isolated in a democracy.

--What is the warning to「離米国(Leaving US)従中国(Ober China)」 ? .
Of course, Kim Jin-myeong (김진명) also listened firmly.
Kim Jin-myeong  am asking,
「President Moon Jae-in congratulated the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, and US Senate Chairman Bob Menendez said he was『disappointed 失望した』, but what do you think?」.
As quoted in, US-JapanRemoveMoonJaeinWaitingForNextGov1
US-Japan『clingy to China』 embarked on『Remove Moon Jae-in』and awaiting a change of government 」 Menendez's criticism of Moon Jae-in was drawn by reporter Kim Jin-myeong hermself.

The views of South Korea's「離米国(Leaving US)従中国(Ober China)」by Senior Deputy Director Cha are as follows.

『・ A national coalition has been organized to deal with China.
Australia, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, etc. have begun to rally.
The one who does not participate in this is South Korea.
In a democratic nation with similar ideas, South Korea must be concerned that it is isolated. 』


In connection with this issue, Senior Deputy Director Cha provided a chart showing how well the four Quad countries of the United States, Japan, Australia and India are connected to South Korea.

Join the「Blue Dot Networkブルー・ドット・ネットワーク」 to counter China's AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), which binds the developing countries to which it lends, and the「Clean Networkクリーン・ネットワーク」, a 5G cooperation organization to prevent information leaks to China. The countries are connected by a solid line.

However, South Korea is connected to other countries only by the dotted line, which means that it is「discussing participation参加への論議はしている」.
It is a chart that clearly shows South Korea's 「離米国(Leaving US)従中国(Ober China)」.
Reporter Kim Jin-myeong (김진명) may have been worried.
She asks,「Is that awareness widespread in the United States?米国でそうした認識が広がっているのか?」
Senior Deputy Director Cha replied coldly.
If you show this chart to the people involved in the Biden administration, everyone wants it.
This is in line with concerns that South Korea will leave.
Human rights issues will also be linked with this.
South Korea does not speak to Hong Kong or Xinjiang.
So South Korea is worried about a weak circle (in the US alliance). 』


「Excuse言い訳」is also expected.

--The Moon Jae-in administration excuses,Because of the denuclearization of North Korea, we have to consider China北朝鮮の非核化のため、中国に配慮せざるを得ない」 .

Senior Deputy Director Cha argues that excuse.

『・ In the end, it's always related to North Korea.
South Korea has little intention to confront China.
This is because it would hurt the cooperation (of South Korea and China) related to the North Korean issue.

But as I see it, the logic is not talkative.
It has been decided that it is better to join a (opposing) group than to be alone, fearing (China's) retaliation.
Quad is a good example.

-Many experts (in the US) think South Korea should join the Quad.
But as far as I understand, South Korea refuses to join Quad
. 』


It is a clear logic that「If you enter the Chinese siege network, you will not be bullied by China. Because you will be bullied by the United States and China, if you bully, you will be licked by fluttering on the Chinese side中国包囲網に入った方が中国からいじめられない。米国中国二股をかけるから、いじめれば中国側になびくとなめられるのだ」.

The US politics have a complete outlook that South Korea's「離米国(Leaving US)従中国(Ober China)」is not due to denuclearization, but because of fear of China.
However, it is doubtful that the Koreans pointed out will correct the trajectory of 「離米国(Leaving US)従中国(Ober China)」.

The left wing represented by the Moon Jae-in administration has deep-rooted anti-American sentiment, and many people think that it is better to go to China than to the United States.
In the first place, Koreans, including ordinary people and conservatives, have a very strong fear of China.
It goes far beyond the imagination of Americans and Japanese.

This is because successive dynasties on the Korean Peninsula have long been tributed to the dynasties of mainland China and were not allowed to oppose them.
Even if Koreans understand the reasoning of Senior Deputy Director Cha with their heads, they do not have the courage to join the anti-China alliance because they are shrugged.

Emperors' China 3rd「The Truth of Tribute朝貢の真実」
Watched 125,097 times





朝貢Tribute pay tribute to the Emperor

Neighboring countries donate tribute to the emperor, and the emperor builds a diplomatic order by returning home with a gift as a bounty.

It is not just a ceremonial diplomacy by an envoy, but it may also be accompanied by an economic entity by an accompanying merchant and may take on the character of an economic order.

At least stop the Chinese inclination.

――What will happen to the US-Korea alliance after all? .
Everyone wants to know.
That was the last question of the reporter Kim Jin-myeong (김진명).
The real intention of the US government is 「It is difficult to bring South Korea back to the US side completely. At the very least, let's put a stop to being taken into China」.
Senior Deputy Director Cha also replied as follows.

『・ Now, the Biden administration is trying to maximize the composition of institutions including South Korea, such as the 2 + 2 conference (composed of the Secretaries of Foreign Affairs and Defense) and the National Security Office Directors' Conference of the three countries (Korea, US and Japan).

By gradually creating a habit of consulting and cooperating with the United States, they are gradually trying to lead the boat (called South Korea) in a different direction.


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習近平 Xi Jinping 习近平 시진핑


The 18th president(朴槿恵,박근혜,Park Geun-hye, パク・クネ)

The visit of the representative of the suzerain(宗主国) is an honor of『client state属国(vassal state,종속국)』

The 19th President(文在寅, 문재인, Moon Jae-in, ムン・ジェイン)
「韓国政府は「和解・癒やし財団」の解散,The Korean government dissolves the 「Reconciliation and HealingFoundation, 한국 정부는 '화해·치유 재단'의해산」
「自称徴用工判決,Self-proclaimed forced victim workers judicial decision, 자칭강제징용피해자사 법적 결정」