The largest ancient tomb on the Korean peninsula, the reason it was closed as soon as it was opened...

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1,500년전 무덤의 주인은? 고대국가 마한 장고무덤의 비밀

Who owned the tomb 1,500 years ago? The Secret of the Ancient Country Mahan Jango Tomb [Gwangju MBC Documentary Mahan Part 6]

•2015/07/31Gwangju MBC



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A large number of apartment-type tombs were found in Naju, Jeollanam-do.
Who owned the tomb 1,500 years ago? Can we get closer to the reality of ancient Mahan?


[Noh Hyeong-seok's current affairs cultural property]
The archaeological community surrounding the tombs of Jangobong Peak
Controversy over the traces of rites and rites that resemble Japanese burial mounds
Bury again「to the public after further excavation」
Why was the owner of the tomb under the control of Baekje?
Concerned that Japan's right wing will be used as the basis for the annexation of Imna Japan

全羅南道 (전라남도 Jeollanam-doJeollanam-do )、海南郡(Haenam-gun ヘナムグン)、北日面(Bukil-myeon북일면ブクイルミョン)部屋山里(Bangsan-ri 방산리 バンサンリ) 海南長鼓山古墳(ヘナム ジャンゴサンゴブン해남방산리장고봉고분Haenambangsanri Janggobong gobun)

A stone chamber (stone chamber) inside the tomb of Janggobong, Bangsan-ri, Bukil-myeon, Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do, recently excavated.
The entrance to the room where the carcass is placed is seen in front, and the floor with several flat flagstones and the wall of the stone room stacked neatly with broken stones are visible.
 It was stolen twice until the 1990s, and most of the internal artifacts disappeared.

The largest ancient single tomb on the Korean peninsula has finally opened at the beginning of the new year.
Archaeologists were amazed at the Japanese tombs of the 5th and 6th centuries and the tombs that looked like they were embedded in a plate, and immediately collapsed by being covered in dirt and buried.
The news of the excavation of the tomb and the subsequent cover from Haenam, the southernmost part of the country in January, was not disclosed to the media, but it caused the domestic archaeological community to be disturbed.

This remains is a tomb of Janggobong in Bangsan-ri, Bukil-myeon, Haenam, Jeollanam-do.
 The outer tomb and the inside of the stone chamber, which are estimated to be the first half of the 6th century, were revealed after 1,500 years through excavation by the Mahan Institute of Culture from October last year to February last year.
Surprisingly, the stone chambers of the tomb were almost identical to the tombs and structures of the Wain nobles' stone chambers built in the 5th and 6th centuries along the outer coast of Kyushu Island in Japan and around the Ariake Inland Sea, as well as the traces of rituals that were spent before the entrance to the tomb room was blocked.
The interior space seen from the entrance to the tomb room of the Janggobong tomb.
It has an elongated flagstone at the bottom, broken stones (halal stones) on top of each other to form a wall, and a covering stone (gaiseok) on the upper ceiling is a typical ancient Japanese stone chamber tomb structure in the Kyushu region of ancient Japan.
 On the ceiling and walls, traces of red lacquer, which are also typical of ancient Japanese tombs, are confirmed.

The investigation team dug up the rear burial soil and went into the null road (Yeon) leading to the tomb room and looked inside.
 As a result of the investigation, the distinctive features of stone chambers in ancient Kyushu, which were made by stacking an elongated flagstone at the lower part and stacking broken stones (halal stones) at the upper part, were clear.
Even on the ceiling and walls, traces of red juchil, a typical feature of tombs since the Yayoi period in Japan, have remained.

Most of the excavated items were stolen, but a number of artifacts were recovered, which would be a clue to the owner of the tomb.
The top 10 dishes with lids found at the entrance to the tomb room are typical.
In some dog boats, lumps of organic matter, which are supposed to be distilled foods such as early fish bones and meat, were also detected.
“The contents and arrangements similar to those of the ritual relics that were identified in Japanese tombs are paying attention,” explained Researcher Cho Geun-woo.
Park Chun-soo, a professor of archaeological anthropology at Kyungpook National University, who saw the tomb room in person, said, 「It feels the same as when I entered the tomb of 倭人(Waein 왜인) in Kyushu」.
パク・チュンス 박천수Park Chun-soo

The place where the stone door (gate seat) appeared upside down The trapezoidal gate at the entrance of the stone room and the inside of the tomb room of the Takamine Kofun.
The inner stone chamber is a large space with a length and width of more than 4m and a height of 2m to the ceiling.

The mechanism is exactly the same as the tombstone chambers in the Kyushu region of ancient western Japan, where a long and narrow plate seat is placed in the lower part and the broken stones are properly raised and the walls are piled up.
The excavation site of the field head of the Yeondo (null road passage) entering the tomb stone chamber. In preparation for the risk of collapse due to earth pressure, a metal support was supported under the upper cover stone.

The Janggobong tomb is 82m long (including a ditch) and 9m high.
 It is the largest tomb in Korea, larger than the large tombs of Silla Gyeongju, such as the Hwangnam Daechong.
The appearance is the shape of the front and rear tombs (janggo-type tombs), which is the style of tombs at the time of the establishment of an ancient country in Japan.
 The front and rear bonbons are named after Japanese scholars because the front of the tomb is square and the back is round.
 It was confirmed one after another in the 1980s and 1990s that there were 10 front and rear bunions in the form of Japanese tombs in the coastal area of ​​the north and south Jeolla Provinces, which are the paths of ancient sea routes.
The Japanese right-wing powers argued that it was a material proof of the 「Imna Japanese annexation 임나일본부설 任那日本府説」that Japan dominated the southern part of the Korean peninsula in the 4th and 6th centuries.
Controversy arose over whether or why the people buried in the Korean-Japanese academia came from on the Korean Peninsula.


A panoramic view of Haenam Janggobong tombs from the air.
The front part is square and the back part is round, showing the characteristics of the anterior and posterior circles.
 In the circular tomb at the back, you can see the excavation space where the inverted a-shaped pit was dug and the stone chamber was exposed.
The appearance of Janggobong tombs in Bangsan-ri, Bukil-myeon, Haenam.
It is a typical shape of the front and back tombs peculiar to ancient Japan, with a square in front and a round tomb in the back.

Janggobong tombs also suffered a storm amid controversy.
 When it was first reported to academia in the early 80s, it was considered a natural terrain, a hill.
 In the mid-1980s, a former professor at Yeungnam University, Kang In-gu, applied for permission to excavate, but due to the permission of the Cultural Properties Committee, only physical measurements were made.
 It was designated as a monument to Jeonnam-do in 1986, but due to poor preservation measures, it was stolen twice in the 1990s.
The Gwangju National Museum confirmed the robbery gang in 2000 and partially confirmed the interior through an emergency probing survey, but official excavation only began in the fall of last year, 20 years later.

However, the tomb stone chamber was buried again at the end of February.
The researcher said,「As a measure to prevent coronavirus, we will promote public disclosure after additional excavation of the graveyard (ditch) from May to September」 .
 However, it is interpreted that some would have considered the wavelength of the excavation as well.
 The investigation is highly likely to rekindle the controversy over the owners of the tombs in front of the Korean peninsula.
Several speculations have been made, such as the theory of bureaucrats and mercenaries under the control of the Baekje government over the past 20 years, and the theory that they are Ma-hans or Baekje-in who migrated to Japan and returned to Korea under the influence of local tomb culture.
The fact that weapons such as Kyushu tombs, pieces of iron armor, and iron heads were buried in the Janggobong tombs could be a burden to the domestic academic community.
There are even concerns that Japanese right-wing scholars can again use it as the basis for the Japanese annexation.


カン・イングー 강인구Kang In-gu


Major excavated items from Janggobong tombs surveyed from October last year to February this year.
Most of the original buried burials were stolen, but this time, a large number of pottery plates with lids, fragments of firearms, iron armor and iron heads are expected to be a clue to the tomb owner.

It is worth taking the advice of Professor Kwon Oh-young of the Department of Korean History at Seoul National University.
「The Janggobong tomb has the structure of the tomb of Waegye, but the buried person should not be prematurely determined.
You have to look at the appearance, structure, and relics together with the current situation.
 Beyond nationalism, we need to think about the perspectives of the ancients and approach them with an open perspective.」

By Noh Hyeong-seok, reporter, photo courtesy of Mahan Culture Research Institute

개배(gaebae Dog breed 犬杯)
Earthenware plate with lid

權五榮(クォン・オヨン, 권오영 Kwon Oh-young)


Insulting Meaning of 侮日 (BuNichi, Despise, 모욕 일본, 멸시하다 일본, 오랑캐을 막다(moyogilbon))
What is 侮日(Bunichi)? Feelings that despise Japan or the Japanese people

쪽발이(jjogbal-i, チョッパリ,Side feet)

왜놈(wae-nom, ウェノム, 倭奴)



왜구(waegu, 倭寇, Wakō, Japanese pirates of the Middle Ages)

In China, 小日本(xiǎo rìběn, Small Japanese, 소 일본),日本鬼子(rìběn guǐzi, Japanese guizi, 일본 도깨비)are used as words that insult or despise Japan or the Japanese.
In South Korea called, derogatory terms for Japan or Japanese are ,쪽발이(jjogbal-i, チョッパリ,Side feet)、왜놈(wae-nom, ウェノム, 倭奴)、왜인(wae-in, 倭人)、왜(倭, wae)、왜적(wae-jŏk、ウェジョク, 倭敵), 왜구(waegu, 倭寇, Wakō, Japanese pirates of the Middle Ages), and Also sometimes called 天皇(Ten'nō, Emperor of Japan, 일본의 천황) is 日王(일왕, il-wang, Japan-King).