「Pohang Kaidan(Pohang ghost story 浦項怪談)」
... Why did a female employee of a sex shop there commit suicide in a chain?
김형원 Kim Hyungwon Input 2011.07.03 15:54




대구「동성로파」 , 포항 조폭과 한판「전쟁」벌이려다
Daegu's 大邱「Dongseongro faction東城路派」tried to play a one-game match 「war 戦争」with the Pohang organized crime group
• 2014/01/22 MBC NEWS

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A violent organization in Daegu arrested a large number of people while armed with weapons in a match with other organizations.
Although he did not earn until the actual battle, police applied the charges of the activities of an unusual criminal organization.

What is the substance of「Pohang Kaidan 浦項怪談」in which female staff members of a sex shop commit suicide in a chain reaction?
SBS「Unanswered Questionsそれが知りたい」, which was broadcast on the 2nd, tracked a chain of suicides under the theme of「Pohang Kaidan, Domino of Death That Never Ends浦項怪談、終わらない死のドミノ」. 

The SBS "Unanswered Questions" broadcast on the 2nd was a broadcast capture of "'Pohang Kaidan, Domino of Death That Never Ends'"

According to the broadcast, four female employees of the Pohang area sex shop were found dead one after another between July 7th and 4th last year in Pohang.
Since the late primary suicide, Masami Lee (pseudonym), was found dead in her own home, secondary and tertiary suicides have appeared every few days.
It was the start of “Pohang Kaidan”.

The "suicide rush," which was quiet for a while, continued after that.
A female employee of another sex shop committed suicide in October last year, and suicide cases occurred in January and March this year.
Also, on the 13th of last month, the late Park Soo Jin (27, pseudonym) left his life.
A total of eight female sex shop staff died in Pohang for a year from July last year.

What is the reason why the female staff of the sex shop had no choice but to commit suicide?
Women who committed suicide wrote in their suicide note that they would suffer from upfront payments and high interest reimbursement.
The broadcast explained that the female staff of the sex shop had no choice but to borrow cash, card fees, madam allowances, interest, stakes, etc. to return the advance payment.
Another problem is that there is no one to guarantee debt due to the peculiarity of the occupation.
In the end, the female employees guarantee each other's debt, but if one commits suicide, the debt is transferred to the next.

Then why do you bother to go to Pohang?
80-90% of Pohang area sex shop is from Pohang.
It is said that business owners prefer to come from Pohang to prevent situations where they do not pay back their debts or run away.
Female employees were reportedly terrified for their own sake, hoping that their families would be harmed.
The analysis of the situation in which the debt cannot be repaid or escaped will kill the female staff.

The broadcast was chosen as one of the causes of the chain suicide in the chain of adhesions between the local police and the sex shop.
In an interview with the production staff, a female employee of a sex shop said, "Even if you make a declaration, everyone will be contacted in advance to crack down on you." "Detectives often come to the sex shop for drinking."

It cannot be said that the person who committed suicide is not responsible at all.
However, the politician must be keenly aware of responsibility for mistakes in consumer monetary policy and take full responsibility.
The water polo that wants to turn the unfortunate situation of the poor class solely on its own responsibility must also be greatly reflected.
According to the theory of so-called「environmental factors 環境的要因」, human beings are not free from the influence of a given environment.
Empathy 03
Disagreement 0

More than,
It is a phenomenon where the Republic of Korea collapses and collapses.
The first class to be sacrificed first starts with the lowest class, but eventually everyone becomes a victim.
Something like President Park and tradition will come out again and the cleanup work of society will be done extensively.
Empathy 03
I disagree 01

Imfan Tech
His Excellency Lee Myung-bak! Your Excellency From your hometown of Pohang, "I can't get rid of the feeling that something tragic and tragic, like the Yodok camp in North Korea, is happening. Are you just watching? Report? Isn't it? Even if you issue a strict order to Pohang City, please send a special investigation team of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to investigate the unfortunate deaths of nine dead Pohang women. Your Excellency, this is the people's This is a command. Please investigate thoroughly.
Empathy 03
I disagree 01

Lim Yun-jae
There will be no other performing arts workers living with such resentment in other areas, so the police who will crack down on them thoroughly and resolve these resentments want the police to resolve the annoyance. ..
Empathy 03
Disagree 0

Sim Jung Sop
The fact that such an incident has been ignored and left as it is means that even the Lee Myung-bak administration has happened in his own hometown of peace.
It clearly showed how serious the indifference and neglect of this regime was for the vulnerable.
All crimes cannot be set without the police's acquiescence.
Moreover, organized crime groups cannot operate without the police, because their organizations are still criminal organizations.
Who do you believe in because the person in power is a criminal record?
Empathy 02
I disagree 0

Kim Young Joo
Seeing this vicious and nasty news coming from this Kaka's hometown, this is also Bughan (북한, ブガン , 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Democratic People's Republic of Korea).
If not, it means that you have to stop
Empathy 02
I disagree 0

Lee Isnam
Due to the social structure, personal connections are formed and connected to each other, and even public institutions cannot be separated.
I used to go into a civil lawsuit in which I purposely made a complaint to the representative number in the central part, but the next day, I was robbed of my personal information.
Empathy 02
I disagree 0

Park Kyung
Assuming that the national and public university registration fee has risen significantly in the last administration
Blame others to end the administration
2mb was the Bukhan(北漢江プッカンガン) River yesterday or five people threw themselves,
A college student who was discharged died of gas poisoning in Tanhyeon Cave(炭峴洞), Ilsanseo-gu(山西区), Goyang-si(高陽市), Gyeonggi-do(京畿道).
Today, four people were killed in a firearm fire at the 2nd Division of the Ganghwado(江華島 カンファド) Marines, but after he died, did he withdraw and steal trillions of won each?
Why is this an unreasonable and disappointing incident in your brother's hometown?
Empathy 01
I disagree 02

Johnson Gyu
What has Bourne been saying so far?
Did you say「Pohang, a gangster city in Gyeongbuk 경북 조폭 도시 포항 慶尚北道の暴力団都市、浦項」
After graduating from junior high school, I know this area well, but the air and water are bad, and especially the wild, ferocious modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah is the Gyeongbuk gang city Pohang.
Isn't the police and sex shops in the area, gangsters and Noai already open secrets?
Gyeongbuk, Wolong(臥龍 reclining dragon) Jung Sung-kyu, who hides in the east coast Koreburu, is used.
Empathy 01
I disagree 0
학지가, hagjiga, Hakji Price
Enlightenment lyrics of unknown author built by Hakuji during the flowering period.

명상 myeongsang meditation
마음 이 편해 지는 인도 명상 음악
Indian meditation music that eases the mind
• 2016/02/15

Imfan Tech
Yesterday, I watched the program that SBS wants to know, and how this happens in the Republic of Korea
Furthermore, in South Korea around the world, even in the hometown of President Lee Myung-bak, seeing how this is happening,
As the father of the family I saw, my chest hurts too much and I am very sad.
 The business owners threatened the corporate bond light of female employees with an excuse, and could not even return the corporate bond light.
I got the impression that we were systematically disturbing the road and trying to make our poor Pohang lady in 성노 에로 (seongno elo,  Angry Erotic).
Empathy 01
I disagree 0
성노 에로(seongno elo ソンノエロ Angry Erotic)
너 お前You내 俺のMy 성 性Sex노예 奴隷Slave할래? する?Do you wanna do it?
Yun Sung-soo
The financial blind spots of our society are driving prostitutes to suicide,
Prepaid, so-called Miking (마이킹 マイキング, My King).
Financial authorities are only looking at such a system, even though it is illegal.
I also receive enthusiastic entertainment that does not connect
Someone thought he wouldn't like his partner, so he rushed out of the motel for an hour!
This is the true image of our society screaming for fairness!
Empathy 0
I disagree 0

17th President of South Korea (李明博,이명박,Lee Myung-bak, イ・ミョンバク)
2008年「謝罪や反省は求めない,Do not ask for apologies or remorse, 사과와반성은 요구하지」