"South Korea can withstand retaliation against to Japan"
Korean ruling party,
Japanese company asset cashing theory within the year
中央日報(JoongAng Ilbo) JAPANESE 2020.06.15 07:39
Input 2020.06.15 05:00 Modified 2020.06.15 08:27

Reporter Kim Ta-young Photograph by Lee Yu-Jung Reporter Lee Yu-Jung




여권 소식통 "연내 日기업 자산매각 불가피···靑도 기정사실화"








Japan "Serious situation will lead to ...

settlement before cashing" / YTN

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Japan can bearable..
However, you Democrats indigenous 土着倭寇(토착왜구,tochag-waegu) is

尹美香(윤미향,Yoon Mi-hyang,ユン・ミヒャン)be surrounded in, can not tolerate put up with distortion of the indigenous peoples of the Democratic Party.
Empathy 37
Non-sympathy 4

It was a dead word used to mean pro-Japanese in Korea in the past, but it has recently been reused for political purposes.

I like a little OK 좌좀 (jwajom) 바리바리 (balibali) For Moondoor, by left-handed people, the country is really crazy ,,,,
Anti-Japanese anti-US sentiment evokes true-seller authors as needed to get bored
Empathy 31
Non-sympathy 3

The so-called "left wing" derogatory term.
A compound word of "좌파 ( jwapa, left)" and "(jombi,zombie,ゾンビ)"

Large parcel

No, not even European victims of World War II
That way, all round or peel off chewing Germany ??????
伊藤(Ito)  Peel Peel울망울망(ulmang-ulmang) sale Man, if only things forget and also to detach it - 正義連(정의연,Jeong-uiyeon,ジョンウイヨン)  Water vehicle padding diluted it inflated?
Empathy 28
Non-sympathy 2



울망울망 (ulmang-ulmang,Wow)
A state of tears. The big and beautiful eyes that made it look moist teary-eyed.
Sadness, crying, tears

Japan is a professional country with 80 % domestic demand .
At best only 20 % of them are Korean,
Does South Korea occupy 1 % or 2 % ??
Japan's main trading partner is not South Korea!
Each one of Korea's patience is the same as closing the Moondoor branch at the point of which local outlying city in E- mart ..
But what about Korea?
North Korea on the top, next to China on the North side.
Even that is Japan on the right side
Patience is a huge blow to aviation and ships.
On the other hand , is it a representative trade struggle in Korea, where dependence on exports and imports accounts for more than 80 %?
It is Japan that the United States can't carelessly give its motto ( problem, club, kelp ) .
We in trouble because they forget to pull out the 국뽕(Gugppong), so I can't blink.
What is wrong with Japan and what is wrong with it?
Empathy 29
Non-sympathy 4


Currently, the 변처후 (byeoncheohu) group , which exploits the shortage of victims ,
It's worse than Japan's really evil act, more evil and worse devil!
The groups exploiting the victims
The nation and the people of the Republic of Korea have confirmed the paraphrase reconciliation between the nation and the nation,
During the China and Japan 소듕해요(sodyunghaeyo)already be past the image has finished suit is self-evident.
Yet, anti-Japan emotionally for the small profits of their camp 이리도 (Irido) What is hope for the 景福宮(경복궁,Gyeongbokgung) nation that sounds the damage twice and again in the hell of pain Exists ,,,
As for reflection, Korea must reflect before Japan
It is self-evident that the shortage victims will be settled by the people of the country and the Republic of Korea.
What hope does this country have for this country?
So keep your mind cool and cool the cave! !
Reflect, then reflect.
Empathy 28
Non-sympathy 3

변처후 (byeoncheohu,Afterchange)
Early Korean tattoos.

소듕해요 (sodyunghaeyo,It's quiet)
소중해요 (sojunghaeyo,Precious, important, precious, polite )  important online terms

이리도 (Irido)
so in this way

Previous 自称徴用工(Self-proclaimed forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자) have been people earn wages closer to patronize,
People currently working at Japanese companies n South Korea make unemployed ...
Empathy 23
Non-sympathy 3

Does Japan have no idea?
At the foot of Cheong Wa Dae and the surrounding chickens, which you can see only today, you can see only a little ahead ...
Is ruining the country ...
I thought I couldn't do it all day
I know what to do
Only distant retaliation to know ...
Empathy 28
Non-sympathy 9

慰安婦(군사매춘부MilitaryProstitutes위안부Consolation women) Donation of usage tax and dressing are licking.
I'm a little bored
It's absurd
 No way
Empathy 21
Non-sympathy 4


Japan 100 years ago or 400 attempting to years ago ethnic obliteration of Korea 1 tried to colonize ,,,
However,  李氏朝鮮(Joseon Dynasty) can  bee forced to do it for thousands of years without doing anything for China ,
From the very beginning, China made 李氏朝鮮(Joseon Dynasty) as a 属国(vassalstate, 화병 상태),
It's the same seed both in Japan and China and all that have barbarized us
However, only Japan is bad, and China keeps on sending beautiful communications ,,,
To tell the history ,
Why is China so cute and long, even though Japan's rule of time and oppression is not as severe as that of China?
China didn't compensate, and the soil on 間島(간도,Gando,カンド)isn't returning, but it doesn't smile.
Empathy 21
Non-sympathy 4

豆満江(Toumankou) refers to the Korean nation residence located in Manchuria of the north.
Mainly in the current Yanbian Korean Autonomous Region in eastern Jilin Province of the People's Republic of China

북괴(buggoe,北傀, North Korea) at night (chestnut)
They to vent their anger take it out on Japan..
Refuel the anti-Japanese agitation and light the fire again.
I'm sorry for what Japan did well;;
Restoring us for a lifetime, begging for ink (neck, throat, trees) to make money for business and raise the approval rating
Japan must never apologize like the scent of 尹美香(윤미향,Yoon Mi-hyang)
Korean-Japanese relations should not get better..
Restoring us for a lifetime Eating a neck (throat, tree, ink) Begging for commercial business Making money and raising the support rate Yen ball (cheek, width, bowl, ball) set Use earning and support rate
It is also perfect for rotating the distressed military people's eyes and ear second recycled only in Japan,
All failures, even economic failures, were blamed on Japan
Japan that connects well and very well

Empathy 17
Non-sympathy 3

Go ahead in the direction of national development in the future, with good and weak anti-Japanese sales.
How long can you buy and live while being trapped in the age of 100 years ago in Japan?
I was told to reflect on the past and design the future, but when I was there, I was trapped in the past and blocked the future.
Yes .. I like it ( foot , leg , step ) Bring anti-Japan to the frame for the survival of the camp
Alphabet Jingle Jingle who was trapped in the past and blocked the future
Empathy 16
Non-sympathy 2



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