"US China Capricious Diplomacy" by Mr. 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in)
Developed country became South Korea! so while flattening the people.
June 8, 2020 鈴置高史(방울두어 높문,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)

A Conversation with Under Secretary of State Keith Krach on America's Economic Security

"G7 invitation, the meaning of world leader"...
" Jealousy " in Japan and "repulsion" in China? / SBS 2020/06/02

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 For the administration of 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in),
 it is necessary for revise the "Japan had downgrade to developing country treatment to South Korea" for the South Korean people .

 The other is the issue of national strategy.
Photo resists are one of the three items that Japan has strengthened its export control to Korea.
Whether this can be imported freely will determine the future of South Korea.

 The process of digging a circuit in a semiconductor has three stages.

First, the surface of the “base” wafer is coated with a photoresist that becomes more soluble when exposed to light.

Next, light is applied according to the shape of the circuit, and only the photo resist in that part is dissolved with a solvent.

Finally, plasma is used to dig in the areas where the photo resist has fallen.

 The ability of semiconductors increases with the line width--the narrower the wiring.

However, photo resists with high reaction densities are needed to produce narrow line widths. Photoresist is the key to fine processing.

 Hydrogen fluoride, one of the three items, can be made in Korea if the purity is low.
If you use Korean products, the defect rate will increase, so I want a Korean semiconductor manufacturer made in Japan.

But in case of need, it will be made in Korea in time.

 However, domestic production of photo resists in Korea is difficult for the time being.
Moreover, five Japanese manufacturers hold 90% of the global market share.

 The Japanese government has not completely embarked the three items, and has given permission for "non-suspicious exports."
However, in the case of South Korea  wonder if Japan could suddenly stop the export of photoresists to Korea.
This is because semiconductor production will stop completely.

 Therefore, they are demanding that they be returned to the “white country” where they can freely import.

it current name is "Group A"

TSMC stood on the US side


-Why did you request now?


Formally, the Korean government once prepared an export control system.
However, it seems that the essence lies in the intensifying battle for US-China hegemony.

 If South Korea is considered to be closer to China, the United States may ban Japan from exporting semiconductor materials such as photoresists to South Korea.
Before that, South Korea will probably embrace Japan and secure an a supply line .

 The US government intends to kill bullying to Chinese 華為技術(ファーウェイ,화웨이 기술 유한 공사).
The company is the flagship of the next generation communication standard, 5G.
It is the most annoying company for the United States that wants to maintain technical hegemony.

 Huawei's base stations and smartphones weren't sold in the United States, and we demanded them from US allies.
Furthermore, we are telling Huawei allies and companies not to sell core parts such as technology and semiconductors.

 The trend attracted attention was Taiwan's TSMC (Taiwan Stacked Circuit Manufacturing), which has the world's highest fine processing technology and abundant production capacity.

The company has been supplying Huawei with system semiconductors-semiconductors that carry the main circuits of electronic products, but recently it finally accepted the request from the United States.

 Nikkei newspaper

" TSMC suspends new orders, hits Huawei and smartphone production "

(May 19th) reported.

According to this article, TSMC seems to stop supplying to Huawei after mid-September 2020.

Pressure on South Korean government and Samsung Electronics


 Chinese companies cannot yet produce the high-performance, thin line width semiconductors that Huawei needs.

Therefore, there is an observation in South Korea that Huawei will ask Samsung Electronics to supply it.
Samsung Electronics is pursuing TSMC in the field of system semiconductors.

 Until a while ago
"Huawei and Samsung Electronics compete for the number one spot in the world in the smartphone field.
Will Huawei rely on rivals to supply system semiconductors, which are its core components, in addition to general-purpose memory semiconductors?"
It was questioned.

 But as a result, both companies have begun to settle in the global smartphone market.
Samsung Electronics is being pushed down by local companies and is rapidly shrinking production and sales in China.

Meanwhile, Huawei is squeezing markets outside of China.
Geographical segregation on this smartphone could lead to cooperation between the two companies in system semiconductors.

 The United States has been pushing Samsung Electronics and the South Korean government to participate in Huawei bullying, but it is accelerating it.



李泰鎬(이태호Lee Taehoイ・テホ)


According to the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement】on June 5, 2nd Deputy Secretary 李泰鎬(이태호Lee Taeho) will talk with US Secretary of State Keith Krach on the same day and will be led by the United States. We received an explanation about EPN (Economic Prosperity Network).

EPN is a "China siege network" that removes China from the trade trade cycle and creates an economic network centered on the West.


Inviting to G7, playing cards


---President Donald Trump invited the President 文在寅(문재인,Moon・Jae-in) to the G7...

It is part of the Huaiju strategy.
Give the title of “developed country” that Koreans want to have that thing more than anything.
Instead, they shall joined the Chinese siege network.
In particular, it is a composition that tells us that system semiconductors should not be sold to Huawei.

 On June 1, President Trump invited not only South Korea but also Russia, India and Australia to the US-sponsored G7 in September.

 Russia declined the invitation to the G7 because "China will not participate."
China is intimidated that "the participating countries will meet terrible eyes."

It seems better to see how the G7 will expand.

" " Influence be less .. "China freedom of speech 'Korea frowns on countries G7 invitation' "

News 1 Korea 2020.06.03. 11:55


Korean ambassador proclaiming "US-China Capricious bifurcation "


--How does South Korea respond?


Souht Korea want will be get both.
Participate in the G7, get the title of "developed country", and trade with Huawei.



李秀赫(이수혁,Lee Soo-hyuk,イ・スヒョク)

 South Korean Ambassador to the United States ,李秀赫(이수혁,Lee Soo-hyuk), at an online meeting with a correspondent in Korean media on June 3
"We are proud that we are no longer a choice (between the US and China), but a country we can choose."
he said.
South Korean Ambassador to the United States, proudly declared "US China Capricious diplomacy."

 Chosun Ilbo

"The Ambassador to the United States remarked... "Growth so that South Korea can choosed the United States or China" "

(June 5, Korean version)


 Naturally, the United States was be red with furious.
VOA run by the US government

"The US State Department said, "they had on the which side,to South Korea had already chosen decades ago".
...Commentary on the statement of the Ambassador to the United States"

(June 6, Korean version) reported the following statement by a State Department spokesman:


The ROK already chose side when it abandoned authoritarianism and embraced democracy several decades ago .

"A few decades ago, South Korea opted for democracy rather than authoritarianism."
US stressed that South Korea was a long-standing ally of the United States and blamed their betrayal.

"It is extremely unusual for the Department of State, who has consistently answered "I want you to ask the country" about the policy of the ally, to identify the statement of the diplomatic official representing South Korea in Washington and add a concrete comment. "

VOA also reported.
"We will no longer treat their to allies," he said.


Third-generation arrest warrant

: Even if the South Korean government rebels against the United States, Samsung Electronics, which has many American shareholders, may hear what the US government says .


Vice Chairman 李在鎔(Lee Jae-yong,이재용,イ・ジェヨン), Samsung Electronics' third generation owner, is currently being investigated for suspicion that he has manipulated the stock price to "cut down" the inheritance tax.

On June 4, the prosecution filed an arrest warrant.
He are not in a position to face the government.

- angered the United States,
Can South Korea of the Capricious  will diplomacy is successful

Among semiconductors, Samsung, SK Hynix and South Korea, produce about 70% of the world's memory.
"If you bully South Korea, the supply of memory will become unstable worldwide."
They thinking of a strategy that will shake the United States.
In 2019, South Korea used this logic when it appealed to the United States to stop the strengthening of Japan's export control.


" Misunderstanding "Activation of export control enhancement to South Korea" "

Nikkei Business July 3, 2019


Attacking South Korea's weakness, currency


--What then does the United States do?


In the United States, there is a way to stop exports of Japanese photo resists to Korea.
Many experts believe that Japan began to strictly control the export of three semiconductor-related materials to South Korea because of the instructions from the United States.

 That is why Korea has entered into a battle with Japan, which has a low chance of winning.
In any case, we have to secure a route for semiconductor materials here.

 The United States has ultimate weapons.
US just need to tighten up South Korea with finance.
Foreign currency is the weak point of South Korea.

When the current account balance and the trade balance were in the red or even in the black, the sharp decrease in the range often caused a currency crisis.
by『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
Now that world trade has shrunk in, the weakness has surfaced.

 Both the trade balance and the current account balance of South Korea recorded a deficit in April.
According to customs statistics, the trade balance was positive in May, but it was only $440 million.

 Given the shrinking global economy and the recovery of crude oil prices, South Korea could fall into a structural deficit.
In the first place, the working-age population in South Korea has begun to peak due to the declining birthrate and aging population.

The production power, which is the driving force of exports, will decline from now on.

This in order to not forget the responsibility of the WEB in the infection spreading,
『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
and are used to change the name of.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.