South Korea, 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
new infections 39 people increase ...
34 people in the Korean metropolitan area alone
Chuong Ang Ilbo Japanese version 2020.06.05 10:50


New infection second day 39 people ...

church , door-to-door sales trader onset diffusion

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South Korea central epidemic prevention (prevention of epidemics) headquarters is 5 days, new infections number of people,『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』has announced that it is 39 people  
Outbreaks continue to spread due to outbreaks centered on door-to-door dealers for the elderly  
Prevention of epidemics authorities are concerned about the spread of infection among older people at high risk of seriousness

South Korea's central epidemic prevention (prevention of epidemics) headquarters is 5 days, this day midnight current of the new『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』 infected persons the number of 39 people from the time of the 0:00 the day before the morning of It has been announced that the number has increased to 11,668.
The death toll was 273, the same as the previous day. 

 In addition to the metropolitan area of the church, in the center of the door-to-door sales trader to sell health supplies held a seminar to target the elderly outbreak of 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』 occurs, the infection The trend of expansion continues.
The number of infected people associated with this door-to-door dealer has increased to nearly 10 people in just four days, and the prevention of epidemics authorities are concerned about the spread of infection among elderly people at high risk of seriousness.

 Of the 39 new cases, one was quarantined for immigrants and the other 38 were confirmed domestically.

 The number of church-related infections in the Tokyo metropolitan area continues to increase, with a total of 66 as of noon on the 4th, an increase of 11 from the previous day.
In addition, a female high school teacher in her 20s was infected in Gyeongsangbuk- do .

 The number of new infections, which had been declining at the end of last month, cannot be seen from the beginning of June due to the mass infection of churches in the Tokyo metropolitan area and door-to-door vendors It records 40 people.

Overseas inflow was 5 people, and 34 cases occurred in the area.
By region, 34 people were confirmed in the metropolitan area alone such as Seoul (15 people), Gyeonggi (13 people), Incheon (6 people) due to the aftermath of a small-scale outbreak.
One person was confirmed in Daegu and Chungnam, and two people were confirmed in Gyeongbuk.

The number of quarantine lifters increased by 7, to 10,506.
The number of infected persons in quarantine increased by 32 to 889.
The death toll remains 273.

仁川(Incheon revival Conference chain of infectionnewlyinfected35 people.
Regional occur , 30 people out of , Korea metropolitan area 29 people
(Seoul=News 1) Input 2020.06.01 . 10:20
Entered by reporter Jo San-jun,
reporter Lee Yong-sung and reporter Kim Tae-hwan
South Korea , 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』 infection new inmates 35 people occurred.
The number of new infections has again reached the 30 level for the first time in two days since 39 people in the past 30 days.
Thirty of the 35 new cases occurred in the region, with 5 cases of inflow abroad.
According to the Prevention of Epidemics Countermeasures Headquarters of the Disease Control Headquarters today, 35 new cases were recorded on this day's midnight reference day.
The cumulative total number of infected people is 11,503, and the number of people released from quarantine increased by 17, to 10,422.
There are 18 newly diagnosed people in the community, Incheon , 11 Gyeonggi and 1 Daegu.
The number of confirmed local outbreaks was 55 on 29th, 27 on 30th, and 15 on 31st, decreasing for

3 consecutive days, but on June 1, the number was 30 and doubled.
This 仁川(Incheon, 富平(Bupyeong reconstruction and 50s woman pastor conference after contact with appear as『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』 for diagnosed determine the 18 people who received has been included.
In particular, it was found that there were four local church pastors among the confirmed positive infections .
Raising concern about community infection.

There were 5 overseas inflow confirmations on this day.
Declared the region is one of Seoul, Gyeonggi one person, Jeollanam-do Province 1 person in there was to quarantine process was two people.

Cumulative deaths were counted at 271 people, one more than the previous day.
The total fatality rate is 2.36%.
By gender, males recorded 2.98% and females 1.91%.
By age group, the fatality rate for those over 80 was 26.51%, which was the highest, but the number of confirmed patients was 3,178, which was 20, an increase of 2 from the previous day.

The reporting areas for 35 newly confirmed persons are 18 in Incheon,
12 people in Gyeonggi , 1 in Seoul, 1 in Daegu,Jeollanam-do Province  by one person, but quarantine process 2 people.

Overall cumulative diagnosed's 11,503 people of the region
慶尚北道(경상북도,Gyeongsangbuk-do,キョンサンプクト)1379 people,
서울 (ソウル,Seoul) 862 people,
京畿(Gyeonggi,キョンギ852 people,
仁川広域市(인천광역시,Incheon,インチョンこういきし)224 people,
忠清南道(충청남도,Chungcheongnam-do,チュンチョンナムド)146 people,
釜山広域市(Busan,부산광역시,プサンこういきし)147 people,
慶尚南道(Gyeongsangnam-do,경상남도,キョンサンナムド)123 people,
忠清北道(Chung-cheong bukdo,충청북도,チュンチョンプクト)60 people,
江原(Gangwon,강원,カンウォン)56 people,
蔚山(Ulsan, 울산,ウルサン)52 people,
世宗(Sejong;세종;セジョン)47 people,
大田(Daejeon;대전;テジョン)46 people,
光州(Gwangju;광주;クァンジュ)32 people,
全羅Jeollabuk do;전라북도;チョルラプクト21 people,
全羅南道(Jeollanam-d;o전라남도;チョルラナムド20 people,
済州(제주;Jeju;チェジュ)15 people,

It's in order. Other than that, 536 people were confirmed to be accumulative in the quarantine process.

The cumulative number of suspected patients was 921,391, of which 88,830 had a negative test and were released from quarantine.
There are 20,405 people undergoing testing.
1 일 중앙 방역 대책 본부 에 따르면 이날 0 시 기준 코로나 19 신규 확진 자는 35 명 으로 누적 확진 자는 1 만 1503 명이 되었다. 신규 확진 자 35 명의 신고 지역 은 서울 1 명, 경기 12 명, 인천 18 명, 대구 1명, 전남 1명 순이고 검역 과정 2명이다. © News1 이지원 디자이너
According to Central Epidemic Countermeasures Headquarters
『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
new diagnosed have 35 people in the cumulative diagnosed who became 11,503 people.
© News1 이은현 디자이너
© News1 이은현 디자이너
In this WEB , in order not to forget the responsibility of infection spread,
『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平) virus (corona 19)』
Is used after changing its name.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.