Is the document the South Korean enemy?
May 18, 2020 By: sincerelee

The Legacy of the Gwangju Uprising (final) .flv

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"Nomutan" 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun ,노무현), when he was president, he wrote some of the documents related to the 日韓基本条約(Japan‐Republic of Korea Basic Relations Treaty).
"Is it going to be published? Is it going to be published? Is it okay? Is it okay?"
However, he have finally made it public.

However, the contents were different from what the Korean people expected.
 It went to became clear that Japan said, "Isn't it really necessary to provide personal compensation?" And South Korea said, "No, I don't care because the government will handle everything.".

(In the  盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun ,노무현)) government said that the 「慰安婦(군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes, comfort women)・the atomic bomb, and the remaining Sakhalin compatriots problem 」have not been resolved, but the individual Korean persons compensation is over.

same vein, South Korean civil society
"Publish 518 光州民衆化運動(Gwangju Uprising) -related confidential documents! Publish!" they asked.

Although a version that erased a part was released, in fact, from 1 to 2 years ago, the Korean “government” has also made the same request to the US side, and last week, for the first time in 40 years, a part of the document It has been made public.
However, it seems that the content is a little different from what the Korean side expected.

First of all, I would like to introduce only two of the contents that are being talked about in personal blogs, etc. where the source can be definitely found.
Since there is almost no information from the media, it is a personal investigation.
It is uncertain whether it was released this time or what was published last time has become a topic now
(It seems that it was definitely released this time from the timing).
Please understand that point.

The following is a part of the document POKG ISSUES ITS OFFICIAL REPORT ON KWANGJU INCIDENT (June 3, 1980).
The full text link is one of「May 18 Documents」of「Our relationship」of「U.S. Embassy & Consulate in the Republic of Korea」.
Please note that this is an external link .

First of all, the first thing I notice is that I wrote "2", the 光州民衆化運動(Gwangju Uprising) movement as 「Riot, 폭동」.
This is what the South Koreans don't want to hear in the sense of「Riot, 폭동」.

Also, in the professionally instigated and achieved proportions of [mass hysteria], I am also interested in the statement "professional instigated".
This is also in opposition to the aspect of “citizen's voluntary” that I love in Korea.

What is more worrisome is 3, and the riot is due to 「共産主義者(communist agents, 빨갱이)」and "Kim Tae-jung (김대중) supporters."
Here, some of the media have introduced the 「By 金大中(Kim Tae-jung,김대중) supporters」 part, but I do not recall seeing the content of Communist people.
(Maybe I haven't seen it yet)

However, it's 「518 만세 (manse, 万歳 ,hurray) as usual, without any problems or topics .
The president professes to put it in the preamble to the next constitution, and no one complains.
It's strange.
If it was written that it was「 due to 安倍(Abe)」, it might have made a fuss about this time ...


Korea's claimed that

慰安婦 (군사 매춘부, Military Prostitutes,comfort women)
South Korea claimed a sex slave forced by the government and the army.
In general, comfort women are often referred to as Japanese comfort women, and the
name "comfort women" is also used by the Korean military after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
Also, synonymous women exist in the German and French forces.
Comfort women were legal prostitutes at that time, and
recruiters who were paid by private companies widely recruited in newspaper advertisements and adopted Japanese women inland as comfort women.