文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) to move conglomerates nationalized ...
" A grudge of the have-nots" to help win the general election 
First, Korean Air

鈴置高史(방울두어 높문,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)2020 years 4 May 21 days

문재인이 총선 압승에 힘 입어 재벌 국유화2

문재인이 총선 압승에 힘 입어 재벌 국유화1  


文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인), the actual situation of the regime that destroys liberal democracy
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Abandoned the "have no one persons"
-Why is the "conservatives structurally downfall"?
Suzuoki (방울 두어 )
楊相勲(Yang SangHoon,양이상훈), the chief editor of the Chosun Ilbo, said, “It's because there are more people who don't have it.”
It's not "the 2 major political parties", it's the entrance to the Japanese-style 1.5 political parties system.

( March 17 days, Korean Version) translation.30-40 Ages


1. 「共に民主党(Democratic Party of Korea,더불어민주당)」 has a large number of strong 全羅道(Jeolla-do) votes and anti-future integration of young people centered on 30-40 Ages Anti-未来統合(United Future Party,미래통합당)Party vote,
And as the inequality of Korean society expands, it is a coalition of a wide range of layers that has become reluctant to "the Haves"



2.1997 years of IMF crisis, Korean society began to follow the way of the full-fledged bipolar reduction.
The middle class, which had exceeded 70 %of the total population in 1995 ,fell to around 52 %last year.
Even fewer than 52 % consider themselves to be middle class .
It is a shocking structural change in Korean society.
If this big change doesn't affect the political landscape, that's strange


3. The " 30-40 Ages generation" are people born around 1980 , and are the generations that grew after democratization.
The university entrance rate reaches 80 %

When they were 10-20 Ages generation, they were hit by the IMF currency crisis.
It is a generation who experienced the pain, which was a natural dream of finding a job because the rapid economic growth stopped

Other articles share the view that the increase in the number of "have-nots" caused conservatives to fall.
Park Sung Min ’s representative
So, he said:


Although more and more people are angry that wealth is one-sided, the conservatives just chant it like a broken record, "He must leave it to the market ."

Go against the world and believe in marketism

――Is the problem of “leaving it to the market”?

Suzuoki (방울 두어 )
The penetration of market fundamentalism in Korea is not comparable to Japan.
Following the 1997 currency crisis, the dismissal of workers became much easier both legally and socially.
Some companies have declared that “every year, 10 % of employees from the bottom of the assessment are automatically locked Dismissal”.
Until then, the Korean corporate society, which was modeled on Japan's lifelong employment, changed and introduced the American-style market principle.
It is natural that more people have a grudge against society.


――At this time, what is the focus on the voting behavior of “have-nots”?

Suzuoki (방울 두어)
That's a good question.
The disparity between rich and poor has become a problem all over the world, and its impact on politics is drawing attention.
In the capitalist capital, even in the United States, a socialist named Bernie Sanders ran for presidential primaries and gained considerable support.
 But why in Korea isn't the attention of the voting behavior of the "have-not-have" finally?

There is a hint in the following statement by Park Sung Min.
- South Korea's conservative 1950 from age 80 security conservatives to's,, 90 market maintenance has led the society to's.
After that, no new conservatives have appeared.
It should be seen that security and market conservatives overlooked the times


 In Korea, market fundamentalism became justice after the currency crisis.
The conservatives have maintained their power as advocates-the explanation.
In other words, while the question of market fundamentalism was rising in the world, Koreans, on the contrary, deepened their "faith" in it.
 Now, even in Korea, the question of market fundamentalism has finally begun to rise, and as a result, the influence on voting behavior has come to the forefront.


Japanese clinging to Japanese style

-Why is market fundamentalism "justice" in South Korea?

Suzuoki (방울 두어)
Because the nation was about to collapse due to the currency crisis.
The only way to escape from the bottom is to carry out a strict restructuring to slim down the company.

Therefore, the leaders convinced the people that “market fundamentalism is the right idea”.

It is a kind of brainwash.
 Of course, there are people who violently protest against the company that fired them.

However, they no longer have the same broad sympathy as their used to.
Because it is based on a new justice, the "market principle."

 In the first place, "freedom to fire" was introduced by the 金大中(Kim Tae-jung,김대중)administration , the first leftist in South Korea .
It is hard for the leftists to oppose market fundamentalism.

 Koreans have begun to look down on Japan not only because Japan's economic growth has stopped.

From the perspective of market fundamentalists, "Japan who is cowardly to a new idea and clings to old fashioned ways" seems to be a lag behind.


They push each other to get on the trend

--Is the "philosophy" so important?

Suzuoki (방울 두어)
It's incredibly important in the Confucian society.
The idea is life.
In addition to that, Koreans have a deep-rooted complex of developed countries, and we wonder if they are in the "flow of time".


--Park Sung Min also

You say you missed the flow of the times.

Suzuoki (방울 두어)
Koreans often use the word "spirit of the age."
The idea is that each era has its own specific spirit that drives it.

It is Korean society that pushes each other to get on with the "spirit of the times."
The point is competition to ride the "fashion".

 It is from the trauma that it was annexed to Japan before the Westernization at the end of the 19th century.
This heart wound can be difficult to heal.

 Therefore, those who look at South Korea should not overlook the articles that "the conservative era is over" or "advancement for those who do not have it--the left side is the mainstream" in Korean newspapers.

 I don't know if it really is.

However, when everyone begins to say it, it sublimates into the "spirit of the times" and the country often moves in that direction.