Until the second quarter deficit forecast...
` emergency flashing ` on modern
Hyundai Motor Group returns executive salary

Ⓒ Daily Economic
&  Mk.Co.Kr , Lee Jong Hyuk reporter
Input: 2020.04.2017: 26: 35 Modification: 2020.04.2108: 46: 37

Semiconductor, ' I cruise alone ' in the second quarter ...

The problem is the second half / (Yonhapnews TV)


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習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19 )
Departure discontinuation / sales shock
See a 10 % drop in sales this year
Extra cash for each affiliate
Hyundai Steel and Rotem emergency management entered

"If only the South Korean and Chinese markets were affected in the first quarter, the effects of production interruptions and movement control in all markets except South Korea and China are concentrated in the second quarter.
In the second quarter, the size of the deficit is just a problem, and most global makers are inevitable. "

Lim Eun-kyung Samsung Securities, automotive industry analyst, Hyundai Motor said in the middle of this month when it announced the deficit of 49 billion won in the second quarter of this year .
Hyundai's deficit is still a minority opinion, but it means that the market outlook for the second quarter is getting darker.

Hyundai Motor, North America, Europe, India, in Central and South America , "
習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19 )
Let's spread the infection From around the end of last month, they set up factories all over the world except Korea and China for half a month to a month or so.

The Turkish factory was restarted from the 20th , but it can be closed again at any time depending on the local circumstances.
The world distribution network is virtually paralyzed.

Last week 50 officers of affiliates of more than Hyundai Motor Group 1000 people more than the annual salary 20 decided to voluntarily Hen'no the percentage is, in this way, "the first 2 's concern that the quarter is more dangerous."

Soon after, Hyundai Motor recorded operating profit of 700 billion won in the first quarter, and it is expected to decrease by more than 14 % year-on-year .

During the same period, Kia Motors is expected to have an operating profit of 300 billion won, which is more than 40 % down .

Experts, the first 2 quarter of the Hyundai-Kia operating income of automobile 1 than year ago 50~70 regarded as more than% line


習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19 )
The global outlook for automobile and parts manufacturers is expected to be the same as that of leading overseas market research institutes.

According to S & P , Hyundai / Kia's sales by regionare expected to fall toabout 15 % in North America, 20 % inEuropeand 5 %in Japan.
China and emerging markets are each expected to lose more than 10 %.

This is the year of the combined sales of Hyundai and Kia Motors are year-on-year 8~10 and fall Pasen to, S&P was expected.

Hyundai / Kia Motors is suffering from the shock of 『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19 ) 』 and is suffering from a slump.
Group affiliates are also tightening their waist belts and focusing on emergency management.

Hyundai is the filled with cash totaling hundreds of billions to several trillion won each of the last month mid ago affiliates ` Extraordinary ` ruled.

Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd. is focusing on cash procurement by promoting the sale of real estate, including the Seoul 蚕院洞(Jamwon-dong )office building, after the main and forging business divisions were split and the steel pipe business was sold.

Hyundai Rotem has declared emergency management earlier this year and has started to voluntarily retire from management positions and reduce the number of directors.

The situation is even worse for other finished vehicles and parts partners, such as GM Korea , Renault Samsung, and 双龍(SsangYong) Motor.

双龍(SsangYong)Motor has already stood at a crossroads
North American exports of Korean GM and Renault Samsung also plummeted.

This month, exports of domestic finished vehicles year-on-year 43 percent, down 12 has come out also prospects to remain million units.

In the industry, 1 primary partner companies is the first 2 I think that there is a possibility to be converted into droves deficit in the quarter.

There is also a great concern that many companies will failin the second quarter of their partner two or three times in the second quarter.



[ Reporter Lee Jong Hyuk ]

Daily Economic Mk.Co.Kr ,




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