Korean dust concentration soars daily ... the worst level in the OECD


Enter 2017.02.16 . Modified 08:01 2017.02.16 . 13:29



" South Korea ranks second among OECD countries last year for ultrafine dust pollution " /

YTN Science 2019/03/06


Korea's fine dust levels among worst in OECD


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Air pollution dead, world average level. Much worse than developed countries


(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Chebyung - guk =

Korea Dust Concentration and Air Pollution Deaths Cause Economic Cooperation and Development Agency
It was found to be the worst level among ( OECD ) member states.

16th , U.S. non-profit private environmental health organization "Health Impact Research Institute"
According to ( HEI ) material, reflects the weight of the population
The annual average fine dust ( PM2.5 ) concentration in Korea was 2626 / ㎥ in 1990 .

Much higher than the OECD average at that time (17㎍ / ㎥)
It was the seventh worst level among member states.

Since then, the OECD average has fallen to 15㎍ / ㎥ over 25 years by 2015 ,
Korea has risen to 2929 / ㎥ rather.
Excluding Turkey, it has deteriorated at the worst level among OECD countries.




  Fine dust reflecting the weight of the population for each member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD )

It is the graph which compared the transition of the secular change of the concentration of ( PM2.5 ) with the level.
The red line is Korea.

The only country with a higher concentration than us is Turkey, the top country.
[HEI world standby state]
Screen capture displayed by setting Korea- OECD comparison in DB ]

South Korea has five groups of values ​​divided by dust concentrations around the world.

It belongs to the middle three groups and is at a level that cannot be compared with developed countries.




  South Korea has five groups of values ​​divided by dust concentrations around the world.
It belongs to the middle three groups and is at a level that cannot be compared with developed countries.

Depending on the concentration of fine dust ( PM2.5 ) reflecting the weight of the 2015 reference population
A world map divided into five stages and displayed by country.
Korea belongs to the middle level group (yellow).
[HEI world standby status ] DB screenshot ]

Worst when compared to Asian countries
China (58㎍ / ㎥), North Korea (34㎍ / ㎥), Laos (33㎍ / ㎥)
Better but Japanese (13㎍ / ㎥) or Singapore

Of course, the situation is worse than in Vietnam, Mongolia and the Philippines.






  Korea ranks badly in all Asian countries.
Figure 4 is a fine dust level graph for Korea (red line) compared to Asian high-income countries.
[HEI world standby status ] DB screenshot ]

It is also one of the air pollutants very harmful to health
Ozone levels are also low for OECD countries
While it decreased from 61㎍ / ㎥ in 1990 to 60㎍ / ㎥ in 2015 ,
South Korea rose from 66㎍ / ㎥ to 68㎍ / ㎥.

As a result, the worst ranking of ozone concentrations among OECD countries has also risen to fourth place.
Among Asian countries
South Korea has higher ozone concentrations than India and no Japan or China.

In HEI materials, fine dust and ozone
It is difficult to compare fatalities between OECD countries,
Only the result of the regional comparison can be known
But the overall level of Korea can be measured.

According to this material, the death toll of Korean fine dust is
15,100 people per year in 1990 , reduced to 13,100 in 2000 and the following year
Increased again to reach 18,200 in 2015 .



 [HEI world standby status ] DB screenshot ]

However, fine dust deaths per 100,000 people reflecting the age structure of the population
That number dropped from 68 in 1990 to 27 in 2015 .
The mortality rate during this period also dropped from 1.9 % to 1.2 %.
This is much lower than the global average ( 94 → 66 , 5 % → 4.1 %)
But Japan ( 17 ), United States ( 18 ), Canada ( 12 ), Western Europe
These are much higher than so-called developed countries.



 World map showing the number of deaths due to fine dust per 100,000 population based on the 2015 base population by country.
Korea belongs to the least group (yellow) with major developed countries
However, it is the highest level among them.
[HEI world standby status ] DB screenshot ]

◇ HEI World Waiting State '' Material = HEI is leaving on the 13th ,
2015 global air pollution status and adverse health effects
Publish a report that analyzes
From this date, online database ( DB )
Announced to start public operation of "World Waiting State"

This DB site ( www.stateofglobalair.org )
Collected every five years from 1990 to 2015 ,
The actual situation of air pollution such as fine dust and ozone around the world
It contains data on changes in the number of deaths due to this.

HEI is "the world's first DB of this kind"
The site is open to everyone.


In particular, the user can easily set various variables to specify a specific country or region.

You can compare data such as

Results are displayed in tables, maps, graphics, etc.

Designed in an " interractive " manner.



According to the HEI report, the 2015 standard,
Air pollution has killed 4.2 million people worldwide,
Air pollution was the fifth leading cause of death.
China and India killed more than half to 2.2 million.
Table showing the number of fatalities of air pollution in major countries and regions by year.
[HEI world standby status ] DB screenshot ]


Korean comments


 City (Poetry) Nohara Supreme Sesame, Sibol ( Funny ) Chunke
Opposition 1
Chanke ( 짱깨 )
Insulting Chinese in Korea
There are many migrant workers and immigrants from China,
Used by those who look down on such people

North Korea's high concentration of fine dust is due to the highest sesame in Sibolchanke
Opposite 0

 How bad is a sin in the OECD
Let's put the development into a less developed country ?
The day when the car rides
Opposition 2

Politicians like this
Agree 23
Opposite 0

99 % from China
https://earth.nullschool.net/#current /chem/surface/level/overlay=cosc/orthographic=-235.10,46.26,1693
Pine caterpillar
Agree 20
Opposite 0


 Let us also interfere with China's domestic affairs.
If you do not immediately take measures against fine dust,
We warn China to enter trade, tourist, and cultural retaliation.
Shimoso Sorichon
Agree  19
Opposite 0

Even today fine dust concentration kills ...
https://earth.nullschool.net/#current  /chem/surface/level/overlay=cosc/orthographic=-229.36,35.35,707
On the map, fine dust in China will affect us tomorrow.
Day and night
Agree 17
Opposite 0

 Really serious.
Because the fine dust is high once every other day !
Don't be extraordinary even at school if you can't see it.
I am worried if I see the dust covered but doing physical education classes on the playground.
Let's see if we want to change even for a government that has a lot of interest in the environment.
Kim Johns
Agree 13
Opposite 0

If China can not resolve fine dirt and fine dust, warn that nuclear development will occur
Knee high what Wu must
Agree 10
Opposite 0


 Isn't Korea the worst now? What a substitute !!!!
Agree  5
Opposite 0

Eight years ago, a living in Seoul where the air is not so good
I take with daughter-in-law  Now that I have made a U- turn to my hometown,
Breathing without masks really seriously
I'll drop in to return, but it's almost the same in China.
Rainy season (right) 2
Agree  5
Opposite 0

 It's for China, it's a vengeance, just for the people
Because of the light oil trucks that were busy selling them
World Government Dog
Talcheon Angel of the Moon
Agree   5
Opposite 0

Because of Chinese guys
Agree   4
Opposite 0