Chosen by Seoul National University for "worst president since civilian administration"
Moon Jae-in, President ranked first with 87% of votes
"A rare person who never sees Korea again."
All four sides ( be betrayed by everybody )
President Moon Jae-in, 문재인




Moon Jae-in (문재인), worst case rating of 15%,

Why isn't speech revealed yet ?


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Vote for `` worst president ever since civilian administration '' for Seoul National University students
On the second day, 677 people participated,
President Moon Jae-in, 87 is ranked first with a turnout of 87%
Former President 朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)、
Former President 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현)、
Followed by Former President 金大中(Kim Tae-jung,김대중)

For students and faculty members who studied at Seoul National University

In the online vote for `` the worst president ever since civilian administration, ''

President Moon Jae-in (문재인) is ranked first in the early stages.


Seoul University's online community "Snu Life"

A bulletin titled "The Worst Presidential Vote Since Civil Government" has been posted.


The person who wrote this

"About the presidents of the civilian government for about 30 years

It looks like there was no vote, so I'll try it this time. ''

"The general public who is not from the military will become president

It makes sense to move on to voting based on civilian administration and beyond. "

Sunu Life is a student and graduate of Seoul National University, faculty and staff

A community where only can be authenticated and subscribed.


This month's vote will be the second day

As of 9:30 pm on the 20th , 677 people participated,

President文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) is ranked first with 592 votes ( 87 %).

Second-placed was 朴槿恵(ParkGeun-hye,박근혜)has63, who received 63 votes9%).

Former President 盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현) has14 votes,

Former President 金大中(Kim Tae-jung,김대중)has5 , has 5 votes,

Former President 李明博(Lee Myung-bak,이명박)followed by 2 votes.



Choi Wong-k reporter

Chosun Daily / Korean Daily Japanese