56% of Koreans
“Winning a military confrontation with North Korea without the help of the US military in Korea”

Chuo Nippo Japanese version 2019.12.1712: 08


한국인 56% "주한미군 없어도 北과 전쟁하면 이긴다"2

한국인 56% "주한미군 없어도 北과 전쟁하면 이긴다"






56 % of Koreans will win the war with North without the US military in Korea


Money Today New York = Isambe Correspondent2019.12.1705 : 40



Reasonwhy Korea will win 100% if Japan war

Ifthe former US military commander

in South Korea landed on theJapanese mainland

Japanis a living hell


Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles ( 1 )-Automatic translation-Language



When 54 % of Koreans broke down on defense budget sharing with the United States,

It turns out that he thinks the US military in Korea must be reduced.

Even if there is no U.S. military in Korea, Korea alone can win the war with North Korea.

The number of Koreans who thought that reached 56 %.

North Korea will not use nuclear weapons against South Korea

This is interpreted as an expectation.


16th (local time)

Published by US Think Tank Chicago International Affairs Council ( CCGA )

“Koreans are positive about Korea-U.S. Alliance

But I oppose President Donald Trump's request for assistance in the country. ''

( While Positive toward US Alliance ,

South Koreans Want to Counter Trump's Demands on Host-Nation Support

According to the title report,

Recently targeted 1000 Korean adults

In the questionnaire survey, such a result was obtained.


In this survey, 92 % of respondents said they would support the alliance with the United States.

Of these, 63 % rated the South American alliance as profitable to both countries.

Twenty-six percent said that the US would see profits and 8 percent said that South Korea was the main beneficiary.


94 % of respondents said that their relationship with the United States was important to South Korea's security.

Even if the relationship with China deteriorates,

62 % responded that Korea-US relations should be strengthened

So even if your relationship with the US worsens,

Respondents who need to strengthen their relationship with China ( 30 %)

It was twice times.


Of the respondents, 78 % say that if South Korea was attacked by North Korea,

He showed confidence that the United States would defend.

Of these, 31 % are "very confident"

As 47 % said, “I don't have to be to some extent”.

On the other hand, 56 % without the help of the US military in Korea,

South Korean people thought that the Korean army could win the military confrontation with North Korea.


The support of the US military in Korea was also high.

74 % of respondents supported the long-term stay of the US military in Korea,

87 % saw the US military presence as a great help to South Korea's security.


However, in response to a request for an increase in US defense contributions,

94 % of respondents said they should not respond as they were.

Of these, 26 % must refuse to increase

As 68 %, the US requested about 5.5 trillion won ($ 4.7 billion)

Responded that they had to negotiate for a lower price.


Responding that negotiations under $ 4.7 billion are necessary

60 % of these wanted less than 2 trillion won (about $ 1.7 billion).

Thirty percent wanted to negotiate at 2 trillion to 3 trillion won (about $ 2.5 billion).

74 % of the total respondents are from Korea on the Korean peninsula

In addition to this, he replied that there was no need to pay.


If South Korea fails to agree to increase Korea ’s defense contribution,

Maintain alliance, but must reduce US military in Korea

That was 54 %, more than half.

Koreans must maintain both the Korea-US alliance and the size of the US military in Korea

The answer was 33 %.

Nine percent maintain the Korea-US alliance, but the US military in South Korea has to withdraw.

2 % insisted that the Korea-US alliance should be destroyed when no agreement was reached.


If 70 % of respondents broke down negotiations with the US

Concerned that the security of Korea was negative.

22 % expected no impact.


This survey was supported by the Korea International Foundation ( KF )

CCGA was commissioned to Korea Research.

On the 9th to 11th , wired and wireless phone calls were made for 1000 Korean adults.

The confidence level is 95 % and the error is ± 3.1 percentage points.


South Korea ’s US delegation has two days of 17-18.

Held five rounds of negotiations for the 11th Korea-US Defense Cost Sharing Special Agreement ( SMA ) in Seoul.

10th SMA expires this year

However, negotiations are not easy to conclude within the year, and are likely to move to next year.

The US demands a significant increase in South Korea's defense budget share


On the other hand, South Korea has agreed to Korea for the past 28 years

The position is that negotiations must take place within the SMA framework.