South Korea makes Ulleungdo, the closest island from Takeshima, as a military base

Aim to check Japan by staying on warships ...




한국 '울릉도'군함 상주 군사 기지화 일본을 견제2

한국 '울릉도'군함 상주 군사 기지화 일본을 견제

韓国「鬱陵島」軍艦常駐軍事基地化 日本を牽制2

韓国「鬱陵島」軍艦常駐軍事基地化 日本を牽制



When Japan says the Dokdo (Takeshima) war

Soon Korea is on Ulleungdo

1.66 million views 2019/09/05

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North coast of Ulleungdo

Airport that islanders have been waiting for and "Dokdo (Takeshima) Defense"



Japan and South Korea's exclusive economic zone problem

The plan emerged in the mid- 90s ,

Disappeared due to the economic crisis accompanying the Asian currency crisis since 1997 .


Subsequently, Shimane Prefecture established the “Takeshima Day Ordinance”.

From 2005 when anti-Japan sentiments increased,

The need for it has come to the fore again in the media.


In 2009 , it was reported that the plan would be in full swing.

The government determined that it was not profitable in 2010 .


However, the local governments = Ulleung-gun and Gyeongsangbuk-do (the road is equivalent to the prefecture)

After that, he appealed for “Dokdo (Takeshima) Defense” and requested construction.

The National Defense Department also considers it can be used to support police forces stationed in Takeshima.

The local media at the time reported.


Eventually, Park Geun-hye, 2013 ,

After the government's preliminary investigation, the actual go-ahead was confirmed.

Although it was temporarily suspended due to a budget review,

Currently, the construction is scheduled for April next year.


However, it is planned to adopt a wave-dissipating block that Japan has patented on the breakwater

There are also local media that consider the response of construction companies as a problem.

Can a “military base” save salvage squid fishing?


New ports and airport maintenance

There are also great expectations for crackdowns on foreign fishing vessels such as China that operate illegally.


Ulleungdo is a typical specialty in recent years

I'm suffering from a decline in squid catch.



One of the main reasons is the Chinese fishing boat.

China signed an agreement with North Korea in 2004 ,

Started operation with a 130-300 ton class bottom-lined boat in the North Korean waters.


Mostly small boats of less than 15 tons, Ulleungdo fishermen fighting against rough waves,

It is said that he has been overfishing.

Ulleungdo's squid sales volume dropped sharply from 2898 tons in 2010 to 750 tons last year.

It seems that there will be a further decline this year.


The airport is also expected to attract tourists

On the other hand, there is an urgent demand for emergency medicine.

The symbol on October 31

A helicopter crash that killed seven victims near Takeshima.


The accident was dispatched to transport fishermen who were injured during operation.

The mainland medical helicopter happened shortly after returning home.

If the marine police helicopter is stationed on Ulleungdo, the result will be different.

There are many voices that regret.


As a result, the Takeshima problem has also helped local governments to gain profits.

In Ulleungdo, becoming a “military base”

What kind of budget will be poured from now on?


Yasushi Takatsuki non-fiction writer


The largest urban area on the south coast of Ulleungdo, Dodong-ri


North coast of Ulleungdo


Japanese comments


It ’s probably Japan ’s defense of Takeshima.

Is this what allies do?

In the future, Japan will put pressure on economics rather than concessions

In the end, I want you to steer to break off relations .

Agree 2606 Disagree 17



This country is untrustworthy and has no beliefs.

It is inevitable that we have maintained the country with such a history.

There is no need to get along with such a country or Korean people.

We paid a sufficiently expensive study fee.

Agree 2468 Disagree 17


Are you ready to transfer to the red group? The United States will be very happy.

The US-Korean alliance is almost the limit.

I want Japan to follow a stunning attitude.

Agree 1960 Disagree 10


What will Japan do about this?

The mainland of Japan will be invaded, not just Takeshima.

The neighboring Korea started to make a base with the muzzle here,

Are you going to say you're still a friendly partner, thinking about the future?

Agree 841 Disagree 4


The Japanese government should recognize this clearly.

They say that Korea is assuming Japan as a virtual enemy country.

Agree 814 Disagree 2


The movement in Korea is natural.

Because Japan is not an ally, it is an enemy country.

That's why Japan doesn't like export control, so let's regulate it.

And what about financial sanctions?

It ’s not an ally, so you do n’t have to worry.

Agree 665 Disagree 6


There are many ways to conclude without having to use it.

You should follow the Chinese method of THAAD placement.

Agree 603 Disagree  1


Because there is a concept depriving Japan's ancient territory Takeshima,

Will Ulleungdo become a military base to prevent recapture?

This is the neighboring country,

Japan demands strict accusations and sanctions

In response to raw temperature,

His country doesn't seem to be transmitted to South Korea, and I want to expect the government from severe sanctions.

Agree 545 Disagree  1



A large amount of surface-to-ship missiles should be deployed in Tsushima.

If something happens, let the nail stab you when the missile attacks like rain.

Agree 490 Disagree 3


Japan must recapture Takeshima before K reunite.

Because if the 38th line becomes Tsushima,

Because Takeshima becomes a very important radar base.

It should be prepared that the battle including the recapture of Ulleungdo and Jeju Island will begin.

Agree 435 Disagree 4