South Korea's attack on the stock market has begun to run out of warfare ...

The reality that Moon Jae-in (문재인) does not face directly





외국인의 공격으로 한국 증시에서 방어전 구매의 총알이 다 시작했다2

외국인의 공격으로 한국 증시에서 방어전 구매의 총알이 다 시작했다






The Korean securities market sold by foreigners.

However, the funds for battle purchases began to run out.

What will the Korean government do?

South Korean observer Takabu-mi Suzu-oki reads the development.


Foreign sales continue in Korea.


Suzu-oki :

From November 7th to December 5th , foreigners sold over 21 business days.

On December 6th , I finally started buying over,

I do n’t know what will be the beginning of the week.


Cumulative sales amount in this phase is on November 29th ,

Already updated the highest amount ever





The KOSPI (Korea Stock Price Index) on December 6 was 2081/85 , a 1.0 % increase from the previous day.

Although I raised this day, the trend is

It continues to drop to 2162/18 on November 15 at its peak.


The exchange has become suspicious.

Dec. 6 is a little back, 1 dollar = 119020 won, which is 3,50 won higher than the previous day.

However, after putting 1 dollar = 1156/10 on 7th November , it turned to a weakening trend of won.

Now, it is approaching 1 dollar = 1200 won, which is considered a psychological resistance line.


After November , foreigners sell stocks and won to escape

The composition has become clear.



KOSPI (Korea Composite Stock Index) July 1 - December 6 , 2019


--The Korean government is confused .


Suzu-oki :

I don't know if the MoonJae-in administration has a sense of crisis.

In the first place, it is a government in which left-handed people who lack economic knowledge occupy the key.


And now, for local government chiefs

Blue tile stand ( Chonwade, Korea Presidential Office


A large scandal was discovered that the police intervened.

Opposition parties and conservative media are pursuing the administration with this as a weapon.


It ’s not a stock price.


Korean pension fund has been buying and supporting

Foreigners fighting in the Korean stock market and the Korean national year




Foreign sales Korea National Pension Purchase


Even if the Korean administration tries to respond with a sense of crisis,

The bullets to protect the market are running out.

Please see the graph "Foreigners fighting in the Korean stock market and the Korean National Pension".

From August this year, when foreign sales become full-scale,

A large amount of national pension funds bought it and prevented a crash.


The Mainichi Keizai Shimbun pointed out the achievements of the Korean pension fund.

" Korean pension fund has 10 trillion surplus capacity to buy over the year ..." Focus on dividend shares "

( November 3 , Korean).


・ Korean pension fund on August 2 , after KOSPI dropped to 1900 ,

It turned into a large amount of buying over and played the role of a safety valve in the Korean securities market.


・ It dropped to 196779 at the end of August , and it dropped sharply by 2.456% compared to the previous month

KOSPI entered in September thanks to the real offensive of the Korea Pension Fund,

It increased by 4.766 % compared with the previous month to 206305 .

It succeeded in restoring 2000 levels.


Korea Pension Fund

In September-October, we bought over the foreigner's sales amount.

However, the “actual shell offensive” stopped here.


It began to reach the purchase limit of the investment standards set by the Korean National Pension Fund.


Korea National Pension Fund Ammo Expired
Foreigner ascertainment that condition


Korean economic newspaper

December's Korean stock market doesn't have 'Buying Santa Claus'

( December 1 , Korean version) Translate points.


・ It has been analyzed that the surplus capacity of Korean national pension stocks has been exhausted.

According to the statistics announced on November 27 ,

The balance of domestic investment at the end of August is 114,381.5 billion won ( 1 won = 0,0915 yen)

And recorded 15.15 % of the total investment ( 708,173.7 billion won).


・ The target ratio of domestic stocks in Korea is 17.3 % at maximum.

Looks like there is a surplus of 8 trillion won

However, given that the KOSPI index rose 6 / 10 % from September to November ,

There is a view that the target value has already been reached.


This pointed out the painful point of the Korean government.


Even though foreigners sold 3,548.3 billion won in November ,

The amount of Korean pension fund purchases was only 39.4 billion won.

It seems that the money for that was cut out even if I tried to buy a battle.


From November 7th , foreigners started selling every day.

Abandoned ammunition from the Korea Pension Fund,


"All you want to do after that"

And must have licked the Korean government.


Profitable Korean pension fund


――Because it is “house important”,

Should I buy it while ignoring the target ratio of domestic stocks in Korea?


Suzu-oki :

That's not true.

The Korean Pension Fund's job is to guarantee the retirement of Korean citizens.

Money collected from Korean citizens, stock market

The original purpose is to increase it.

If you buy for the purpose of maintaining the stock price and make a loss, it will fall to the end.


From the Mainichi Keizai Shimbun quoted earlier

"Korean pension fund has 10 trillion surplus capacity to buy over the year ..." Focus on dividend shares "

( November 3 , Korean version) The continuation of the translation will be summarized.


・ Korean pension fund turned to “sale” on September 27 ,

With sales of 42.1 billion won,

KOSPI was down 1.19 % compared to the previous day to 2049/93 .


・ For one month in October ,

The sale of the Korean pension fund was a drag on KOSPI aiming for 2100 .

Every time KOSPI approaches 2100 ,

7 - August to protect the Korean securities market

A Korean pension fund that used up all its bullets

And the market is watching.


In short, Korean pension funds sometimes

You have to make a profit by selling stocks you bought at low prices.

For this reason, foreigners sell

Now, there is an upper limit on stock prices.