South Korea trying to help Japan who can’t figure
out the North Missile.
... South Korea requests GSOMIA first "





판단착오 일본 도우려 지소미아 먼저 요청 -중앙일보2

“판단착오 일본 도우려 지소미아 먼저 요청” -중앙일보

北ミサイルを把握出来ない日本を助けようと …韓国がGSOMIAを先に要請3

北ミサイルを把握出来ない日本を助けようと …韓国がGSOMIAを先に要請2

北ミサイルを把握出来ない日本を助けようと …韓国がGSOMIAを先に要請1





Japan was imminent to end GSOMIA in November ...
Collecting North Korea information
using US corporate satellites /

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Japanese comments


South Korea telling you to discard it,

This is how to say so condescending things.

In the first place, the Korean side needs GSOMIA .

Recommendation   26185   Opposition 226


I was able to laugh with the stomach after a long time. Thank you.

Recommendation   21340   Opposite 281


How far is it true?
Japan is a holiday

We will speak when Japan was fluttering in response to a typhoon disaster,

Self-centered and amazed.

Recommendation   19781   Opposition228


It ’s a little over a month later.
The unskilled story comes out

Don't say, “I ’ll continue.”
"I want Japan to continue because I need it"

Because it has been decided to say that Japan have asked.

Recommendation   6820   Opposition 26


The ultimate bullshit.
We don't mind anymore.

Recommendation   6790   Opposition 19


That country is treated like a cried wolf boy
I hope for diplomatic relations with Korea

Recommendation   6040   Opposition 18


I think Japan all right to ignore  carefully to Korea .

Recommendation   5729   Opposition 38


Japan with 8 missile detection satellites

and How many Korea have with 0 satellites?

Recommendation   5494   Opposition 13


Please exchange information with Thailand.
Japan should be prepared not to rely on Korea.

Recommendation   4904   Opposition 22


It would be scarier to be thrown away from the US publicly !

Recommendation   4344   Opposition 26


When Kita fired SLBM a while ago,

The Japanese side did not ask them for information,

Why did Minami ask for information from Japan?

The trouble with destroying GSOMIA is that it has no reconnaissance satellites,

It ’s probably Korea

where you can’t figure out the missile ’s impact and flight distance.

Even though Korea are in trouble

Korea often tell a lie, it lie when Korea help Japan
(How dare you say such a thing).

Recommendation   2831   Opposition 9


Is there anyone who reads this and believes it? The joke is over

Recommendation   2511   Opposition 11


Korea want to stand on top of everything in Japan.

Why do you hate Japan so much?

Recommendation   2320   Opposite 10


If you think so,

You have contradicted the GSOMIA abandonment with a friendly country.
We expressed GSOMIA maintenance,

Did you declare it abandoned?
I am very worried about what kind of wind blows that way.
It would be unavoidable to use GSOMIA as a card,

Even if you are told without any reason to keep it,

This face (save face ) doesn't stand either.
I intended to make a card,

It ’s a foolish administration that does n’t even realize that you ’ve given up a card.

Recommendation   2287   Opposite 4


Too uncomfortable
Should not be friendly again

Recommendation   2175   Opposition 7


Why is this story coming out later?
It smells like cheats at rock-paper-scissors.
There were also statements that biased the leather irradiation problem one after another.
Is this the same pattern that you helped Japan for your country?
Do you want to appeal the validity of GSOMIA 's destruction?
Swinging the blades in the dark will injure those who are swinging.
be careful.

Recommendation   1840   Opposition 11


I felt a sense of crisis. Japan refuse.

Recommendation   1729   Opposite 4


Well, it ’ll disappear in another month,

You can't help thinking now.

Recommendation   1659   Opposition 6


Too much wisdom for excuses, and various spheres fly,

It ’s just a makeshift plan in the country ’s inner world,

There will be no reaction from the Japanese side.

Recommendation   1547   Opposition 7


“The end of ( GSOMIA ) does not cause a direct obstacle to defense in Japan.”
I think this explanation by Prime Minister Abe is correct.
The Korean news seems to have changed 180 degrees.
On the extension of Korea-Japan relations,

We can solve the problems since last year,

The idea that it can be restored is hidden.
Japan-Korea relations have already entered a different dimension.
Japan will never make the same trap against Korea.
The grounds are that it is not a country that you can trust.

Recommendation   1546   Opposition 6



This is the last

They were made to tread on a tablet bearing an image of Christ


Japanese footsteps were a Comfort Woman = Sex Slave = Prostitute agreement,

This was the footsteps of Japan, the US and Korea.

Goodbye Korea is no longer an ally.

I think so   584

The next move of Moon Jae-in ( 문재인) dared to deteriorate the relationship
 with the United States,
I wonder if I will guide the US to destroy the alliance while scolding anti-American momentum.
However, the battles on the left and right in Korea are intense,
The economy will be worn-out Tattered,
I am interested in how the United States will come out, and there are plenty of highlights.
I think so   543
I also cut off the last piece of the lifeline that I knit.
However, not only the ruling party but also most Koreans,
“The fact that Japan is so troubled that the foreign minister is protesting,
The government made the right decision. ''
I think he ’s crazy.
However, if Moon Jae-in ( in ) and its surroundings (admirer crony ) are used,
He believes he has approached the goal of submitting Korea to North Korea as an excuse.
I think so   472
The current economic situation is bad
South Korea thought South Korea couldn’t destroy GSOMIA
Still, what South Korea did is
Even if the economy collapses,
 the US-ROK alliance will be destroyed within the term of office,
It seems that they have decided to aim for unification
 with the alliance with China and North Korea.
I think so   448
Korea, who could not keep the promise, abandoned the promise itself.
One problem has been reduced.
I think so   401
Moon Jae-in, who named Mao Zedong as the most respected person
There is a problem with Korean media and Korean society
 that cannot be said to be “funny”.
I think so   356
Get your own goal in football
"I didn't hear what you said.
Korea screaming.
Japan is not in trouble at all.
There was no point in military agreements with countries that did not keep their promises.
"Steamed Dumplings is scary
I was caught in "Scared Steamed Dumplings".
I think so   324
Snitch on Insatiable,
    Imitate the North's critical moment diplomacy
    It might be a scheme to move the United States and put pressure on Japan,
    Such a risky attempt can only be made
 because there is no losing dictatorship.
    I feel sorry, but it is the beginning of the end of the Mun administration.
I think so   312
In this article
A Japanese woman was beaten by a Korean man after pulling her hair in Seoul
It is strange that there is no description of the incident.
Don't you apologize for your mistakes?
I think so   310
If you think that you are developing a brink of North Korean blessing against Japan
 and the United States,
I can understand all the movements of the Mun administration so far.
The deal condition is "Red Korea"
Judgment on the same line for this GSOMIA destruction.
The reason for excluding White is just for the domestic market.
And the Korean demand is to treat Japan as eternally defeated country below Korea.
I think so   299