Following the smuggling Uyghur

( NHK documentary)

With Uighur characters


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Following the smuggling Uyghur4

Following the smuggling Uyghur3

Following the smuggling Uyghur2

Following the smuggling Uyghur1







And over the last few years by the Uyghurs
Violence cases are spreading
from Uyghurs Autonomous Region to various parts of China.

If you go further,
Uyghurs from Turkey
It has become clear that Syria, which continues the civil war,
has been crossing one after another.
They joins Islamic extremists and receives military training
and participates in battles.
In October 2013, Tiananmen in Beijing crowded with tourists.
6 people died.



In March 2014 , a group of Uyghurs swung knives

at Kunming station in Yunnan province

31 people were killed.

The shock spread to a series of indiscriminate violence cases

And finally in August 2015 outside of China.



Why did the Uyghur make an incident in Thailand?

While the police have not officially revealed the motives of the crime,

A lawyer who spoke directly with a suspected suspect was clarified.

“The suspect always says,“

The Uyghur are being repressed by the Chinese government. ”

“Uighurs are third- class citizens and have no right or right to speak.”

When he honestly discussed the length of his thoughts,

he taught me the motives of the incident.



He said with a strong tone that it was a major reason

that the Uighurs were repatriated to China. "


July 9 , 2015

Uyghur people deported to China

Many Uyghur people caught up in Southeast Asian countries

This is a video taken in March 2014 at the border

between Thailand and Malaysia.



More than 200 Uighurs were detained.

At this time, about 350 people were detained in a camp in Thailand.



Thailand faces to be in a dilemma.

China asks forced repatriation as a smuggler,

Meanwhile, Turkey expressed acceptance.

In June 2015 , more than a year after restraint,

Of the 350 people, more than 170 people were forcibly repatriated to Turkey,

and one week later, 109 people were forcibly returned to China.


This response was continually criticized by the international community

such as the United Nations, Europe and the United States.



US State Department Kirby spokesman

“I accuse Thailand of forcible repatriation.

(After returning home) Uyghurs might be cruel.”



China's Foreign Ministry huà chūn yíng spokesman
“Restoring stowaway to China is a natural cooperation
between countries and an international responsibility.”

Some families have been torn apart by forced repatriation.
Abdullahhat Eli, 35, living in Istanbul, Turkey



I took a picture of my brother-in-law.

It was forcibly repatriated by the couple this time.

“I am worried

about what happened to my brother-in-law without any information.

I wonder if they was killed or where they was. "



On the other hand, two children who were housed in Thailand

with their brothers and sisters have been sent to Turkey.

Parents and children were torn apart by China and Turkey.

“Tearing with parents is not good for children.

"Where are dad and mom?"

I try to stop crying. "


Uighur music came from car radio

Eri, who left her home 18 years ago.

Since then, I have never met my family in my hometown.

“This is a good song. It ’s a song for parents,

but my parents passed away last year.

I was away for 18 years. I could n’t speak,

and I could n’t bury it with this hand.

Our life is so tragic. "


Anti-Chinese feelings are growing in the Uyghurs now living in Turkey.

In front of the Chinese Consulate General in Istanbul

A protest against Chinese national policy is held once a year.

Furthermore, disturbing movements have begun to appear among Uighurs.

Uighur extremist groups are said to exist in Istanbul.

I proceeded with the interview and reached the leader of the extremist group.

I arrived at an apartment that was one of the activity bases.


Mr. Abdical Yabuchan

By way of that he caused violence in China

Nominated as a terrorist by the Chinese government.

He gathers Uyghur youths and accuses them of taking arms and fighting China.

“Do not allow Chinese political intervention in our hometown”


The man who was in the gathering

He says he has received military training over Syria,

where the civil war continued.

“To save the siblings who suffer from the repression in China,

I learned practice and learned tactics in Syria. "

“I have never used weapons in my hometown.

I've only seen a Chinese handing a muzzle to the Uighur.

We didn't have a weapon, so we lost our land and had to follow China. "



This young man is said to go to Syria.

“I want to go to Syria

because I can’t get military training in my hometown.

Go to Syria to receive military training

and take hometown from China in the future. "



Promotional video of another Uighur militant organization

This organization works with Al Qaeda Musla Front

It is said that it is fighting against the Syrian government forces

by organizing Uighur-only units.

Insists that more Uyghurs are participating in practice in Syria.

A housing complex for Uyghur people escaping from China

The men who live here are now heading to Syria one after another.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"



"Islamic warrior"



"Fight against Chinese"


A 9-year-old girl named Leida,

who has been separated from her father in a Thai camp.

An uncle who lived in the same room traveled to Syria to get military training.



“I want to live in peace and happiness.

I want to study and become a teacher.”


The Chinese government is wary of terrorists raised outside the country
If terrorists are coming back to China
China are causing wary of  terrorism.
China  showed a firm attitude to terrorism
and called on each country to cooperate.



China Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman

“China is a victim of terrorism

and an important partner in combating international terrorism.

Uyghur terrorist groups not only in China

but also in the international community

It is a serious threat and should be defeated

to combat international terrorism. "


On the other hand, senior officials in charge of human rights issues

in the United States based on previous experiences of war on terrorism

Concerned about China's overwhelming policy.



Assistant Secretary of State Marinowsky, US State Department

“One of the important things that America has learned in fighting terrorism,

There must be a clear distinction between those who appeal to violence

and those who express peaceful dissatisfaction.

If you criticize people and Muslims who are critical of the Chinese government,

Contrary to the Chinese government's intentions,

I am concerned that it will be able to generate radical forces. "



Negative chain where violence calls violence

The path to solving the Uyghur problem across borders has yet to be seen