No one says the name of the country

Tomomi Shimizu
Even if we were annihilated as it is
"That's not the end"
                           creak   Git
                            "Who are you talking to?!"
                                                                  "What, are you alone?"
                                                “Why are you wearing a scarf?”
         “Still the Chinese People?”
     “Take off it!
                                                                                        "If not ..."
"... I,m not take"
                                                                    "My country's name is"
"East Turkistan"
                                                                         Senator Marco Rupio
                                                                          "2768 batons
                                                                           550 Electric rod for torture
                                                                           1367 handcuffs "
     "Buy 2792 cans of tear spray,
   What is a vocational training center? "
"What kind of vocational training center is it?"
                                                     American Vice President Pence
         “The Chinese Communist Party has more than 1 million people,
              The Uyghurs were housed in the facility
           Uyghur people was brainwashed 24 hours a day. ''
         “In the direction of oppressing their Uyghur people,
“In the direction of oppressing their people,
The steering was greatly to change course . ''
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Repression of the Turkish population
The torture and assimilation policy in the camp is a shame of humanity
Issued a statement requesting the closure of the camp
In contrast, the Chinese Communist Party
Legal containment
"Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
The society is stable and the economy develops.
I also enjoy freedom of religion. ''
“China ’s domestic politics.
Foreigners have no right to interfere. ''
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is still
New vocational training center facility
It continues to be built at a rapid pitch

Fear! "Mysterious exhibition of human body"

Is the Uyghur repression

of China the future Okinawa and Japan?


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