Korea ’s 10 largest corporate groups,

Operating profit decreased by 45 %

and personnel expenses increased by 7 %


Shin Eun-jin reporter / Chosun Ilbo Japanese version



상반기10대그룹상장사 인건비 7% ↑..매출·이익은↓ | 다음뉴스




10 major group companies

First half operating profit decreased

by approximately 54% /

YTN2019 / 08/18

Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles ( 1 )-Automatic translation-Language


In the first half of this year,

Operating profit decreased

by more than 40 % compared to the same period last year,

We found that labor costs increased by more than 7 %.


In particular, the personnel costs of the Samsung Group

8.8 % increase from last year

19.67 trillion won

(approximately 1,764.0 billion yen , approximately 16.5 billion US dollars)

It approached 20 trillion won.


Company analysis site

8th , belongs to the top 10 asset groups

As a result of analyzing the half-year report of 85 non-financial listed companies,

Sales are YoY

626 trillion won, down 1.1 %

Operating profit decreased by 44.7 % to 37,390 billion won.


The decrease in operating income was larger than sales.

This seems to be due to a sharp increase in operating expenses,

which is the sum of cost of sales and SG & A expenses.


Personnel expenses such as salary, retirement salary, and benefits

From 50 trillion 960 billion won in the first half of last year

In the first half of this year, it increased by 7.1 % to 54,580 billion won.


Jeong Seong-seop ’s representative

“The 10 largest groups hired in the first half of this year

A 1.1 % increase compared to a 7 % increase in labor costs

Large companies are also affected by the increase in minimum wages

It ’s a big sign. ”



By group, the Samsung Group

Sales in the first half of this year were 5 %,

operating profit was 54.4 %,

Each decreased.

Meanwhile, labor costs increased by 8.8 %,

The ratio of labor costs to sales is

It rose to 13.1 % from 11.5 % in the same period last year.


SK Group sales fell 5.3 %,

Operating income was

It decreased by 59.7 % from 16 trillion won to 6,450 billion won.

Labor costs increased by 9.2 % to 6.76 trillion won.

The ratio of personnel expenses to sales increased from 5.1 % to 5.9 %.


Korean comments

So what if you 're worried about a rich big company ?

Body minutes

Recommendation   16   Opposite 3


Just raise your internal corporate reserve.

Not a few trillion units

It should come out in a few hundred trillion units.


Recommendation    Opposite 0


It ’s shit that you can make money and pay for labor.

Kiregi (idiot reporter) ♪♪

Are there companies

that are difficult to make a deficit in the 10 largest groups ?

Don't let this other article go through


Recommendation   2   Opposite 1


It ’s finally started.

The whole world is due to industrial growth

Employment -30 % whether it is a natural procedure that has entered the law.

If a new new business, the 4th industry, has not been developed,

It seems to tighten more in the future.

Isn't there an answer just by looking at the US and China alone?

All-in to the 4th and 5th industries with an investment ratio of over 80 % .


Recommendation   1   Opposite 0


Oh. It ’s hard. Big companies will be destroyed.

If the 10 major groups are destroyed, the country will be destroyed.

Was it? Sharp gear.

Tighten up .. If you get better every year, is it a company?

God, and labor costs have to rise .

Do I have to go there?

Sharp gear.

Refugee payments

Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


So we have to cut the workers' salary ????
I joined the company in 2012,

and my 7- year salary is less than 1 won ...

Kiregi .....
How much has the salary increased during

the General News period Reggi ????
Will Kiregi 's salary get as much as they work ?
I wonder if that is .....
Yonhap News

Where do you give salary to Kiregi where money came out ????
Government lord or ????
Good timer

Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


Woon .. If you don't have any trouble with Te Temori

It should have been really rich ^^;


Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


“Large head” → “Bald barren”



Smashing the Korean economy,

where a semi-profitable income-driven policy has developed dramatically ?


Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


Union thread , Giregi training school

Hell Korean dog, if pig feed costs a lot

While trembling trembling .

I am not interested in social responsibilities

A trumpet player of a pro-Japanese group

Pukiregi, a red guard of national government .


Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


The prosecution

Samsung Biologics flourish accounting crime,

Samsung Vice Chairman

Lee Jae-young when prosecuted bet
This is why prosecution reform is necessary.
Like a wife of Choguku ,

Samsung too.
Prosecution reform, judicial reform,
Secretary of Justice , Choguku

There is always a need to reform.


Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


Monthly salary of companies without plastic costs

Naturally not competitive

Insen Un Kyung Hom

Recommendation   0   Opposite 0


The people who listened to candlelight and took the lead in power change

Respect to you. But with a candle light

Korea Daily,  (JongongAng Ilbo) , Dong-A Ilbo

For those who saw Kakao Talk

I heard the candle light

What does Moon Jae-in ( 문재인 ) do this?

Do not think and do not think.

It's embarassing.

If you are a candlelight citizen,

you will not see Korea Daily,  JongongAng Ilbo , Dong-A Ilbo.

He does not see the same speech.

Without critical judgment (thinking) and without cold judgment

I'm afraid of dog speech and Kirigidur

That you heard the candlelight

I'm scared to think.

It's embarassing.


Recommendation   9   Opposite 10


The minimum wage would have soared.

Prices seem to be able to catch up with freezing for a minimum of five years.

Recommendation   1   Opposite 2