Cheong Wa Dae

"The impact of retaliation

on Japan is less than 0.1% of GDP ,

From then on,

the students who use other numbers are pro-Japanese.




김상조 "日금융시장 공격가능성 매우 낮다"

사방서 몰려오는 복합 위기,극복 못 하면 미래는 없다





Korea Presidential Office “GSONIA,

Judgment from National Interest Perspective

... Low possibility of attack

on Japanese financial markets " / YTN

Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles ( 1 )-Automatic translation-Language



In this connection, the correct future party member Yu

“If Japan cannot export to South Korea,

it will be damaged, but what will happen

to Japan in the case of Japan 's“ current pirate trade retaliation ” ?



This is Kim ’s head

“Manufacturers of material parts

in Japan are not big companies like the Japanese economy .

The company also produces parts of various materials. ''

It was.

It was interpreted as meaning

that the damage to Japanese material parts producers was great.



“In the Korean economic study,

we have a maximum loss of 5.37 % of GDP when we compete.”

Asked the position.


This is Kim ’s head

“Very exaggerated numbers

“I would like to estimate more laboratories than the government says.

According to some objective foreign agency analyses,

if this situation is limited only by the end of this year ,

we have a very small impact, less than 0.1 % in the case of Korea. "

It was.


Korean comments


KimSang-jo ( 김 ・ 김 ) next door !

-In 2019 , only 3 and a half months left !

--Four months later,

we lost less than 0.1% of the GDP of the Korean economy

If the growth of the Korean economy appears

at the 1% level instead of the 2% level

--Yes, you can die when you are beaten

by the candlelight people at Gwanghwamun Square

109 Comments 0 Comments


These guys are overwhelmed by

Such as economics, diplomacy, national defense, etc.
Statistics in all national politics false, practical operation,

audible embeddingment is more than a degree.

77 Comments 0 Comments

The people seem to die though you say no.

I want you, Go to the food alley in the evening
71 Comments 0 Comments

If it is less than 0.1% , it seems that Kim Sang-jo ( 김 ・ 인조 ) is thinking .

.. Choro ’s head thinks about the economy,

so Korea ’s economy ca n’t develop properly



Let's go to the end of the year. Who is right?

KimSang-jo ( 김 ・ 인조 ) must be responsible for the language.
64 Comments 0 Comments ( 1 )


I am very relieved to talk about KimSang-jo .

So what is your major and what is the paper you wrote ?

How much advanced research is supported,

and how far does it conflict with professional researchers ?

Remember the difference between 4% and 0.1%

... Is it true that the eyes of the president

who appointed you and the future of the president are correct?

.... Is it just a problem that the original hand trying to confront

with the conditional reflection type?

.... By the way,

the former position of the president is based on rice husk colored pigs .

What is a bankruptcy official in the world?

.. NohYoung Min ( 영민 ) was

a guy who sold a card machine in the House of Representatives

... all things are summed up, there are all kinds of peace and economy,

but blasphemy ...

54 groups in favor of 0 comments


No one knows.

In fact, no one knows the ripple effect of Japanese export sanctions

when the operation of factories is first stopped

by both small and large enterprises in South Korea.

It ’s going to be a wave of waves

and a situation where MoonJae-in ( 문 ・ 재인 )

will run away from the Republic of Korea

and go to Kim Jung-eun to make a living month. Absent.
40 Comments 0 Comments

KimSang-jo ( 김 ・ 인조 ) If you leave, everything will be solved,

but only a lie, so look at your mirror once, it seems to be in your image,
34 Comments 0 Comments

Abe showed me the taste of the economic war.

He said he had not prepared for the Japan-Korea economic war

and was really worried a few months

after the US-China economic war became more serious.
34 Pros and Ops 1 Comment

KimSang-jo ( 김 ・ 인조 ) !!!!!!!!!!!! Remarked as a large corporate reaper ,

Japan recently desperately

Around that time, Japan made a big fuss or panicked.

Living in large companies around this time

When will this die ?
32 Protests 0 Comments

Commitment to the subject ( Jucheidea )

Public execution of the rebel goldsmith ( KimSang-jo,! ・ 김 ) !
30 Comments 0 Comments

It was confirmed that the words said

by KimSang-jo ( 김 ・ 인조 ) have always been a lie,

so this person's words must be interpreted in reverse

and the people will not be damaged .

The citizens, KimSang-jo ( 김 ・ 인조 ), etc.,

interpret everything the administration says in reverse!

It is a way for people to see damage too .
27 Comments 0 Comments



a premature left-wing scholar at the 5th University !

So far, the person who has benefited most

from high economic growth since Park Chung-hee ( 박정희 ) )

After packing the left school coup by democratization,

not only aiming quietly at the blade and the muzzle as they wish,

but also violating international agreements,

it is a thumbprint that Europe and the United States advanced

countries can not believe Was pressed.

Not only the economy

but also security is the light of the candles in front of the typhoon,

so I will not talk

I'm losing all the economic fundamentals

that remained as they were, shaking the miserable figures.

When I see it, the GDP decrease seems to be more than 10% .

26 Comments 0 Comments



The MoonJae-in ( 문 ・ 재인 ) seizure regime continues , r

uining the economy, diplomacy, security, etc.
26 comments 1 vote

I have to watch this guy in a news article talking about dog sounds

The public is in a situation where reason is lost.

A university professor dressed as a thief committee member

because he was enthusiastic about civic organizations

and grasped everything from companies and money as well as supplies

and real estate and camouflaged the process of the subordinate left group !

So, how much more he ate and eat for two years,

We have to change the administration and make sure to eat it and cut it out.

He have to reflect a lot on speech.

He went through such a certified

thief somehow as a corporate god of death, and it was so inflated.

Since then,

the President of the Cheong Wa Dae Policy Office has gained

the rank and has once again started hunting money,

supplies and real estate against the former company.

Such a thief is appropriate if the parliament, the judiciary,

and the police organize it by law early if the country tries to do it properly.

I think this guy has already made all the efforts to escape overseas

if the government changes.

It must be carefully monitored and grasped so that it cannot escape.

25 groups for 2 comments