I can not go through my throat because of my lunch fee


Kang Down Reporter / Korea Daily Report 2019/07/28


Soaring lunch prices in Seoul

서울의 점심 값 상승




At around 11:50 am on July 19

when the daytime temperature had risen to 35 ° C,

a nearly five- metre queue was made in front of the cheap restaurant

in 鍾路(jongnogu.ogg,종로구 ).

It took more than 20 minutes to get into the store from the line.


If you order 5,000 won (about 460 yen , about US $ 4.22 )

Tianjangge (Korean-style miso soup),

four types of side dishes

such as cucumber kimchi and sesame leaf garnish come with it.

Just a few hundred meters from here,

there is a small and modern restaurant area such as Grand Seoul and D Tower.


Company employee Park ( 56 ) is

"If you go to a new restaurant area, it will cost 10,000 won

(about 920 yen , about $ 8.44 ) no matter how cheap it is."


" I am thinking of the heat while thinking

about the educational expenses of the children, " he said.


Office workers in Seoul are feeling the burden of the soaringLunch Fees ”.

The price of popular menu items has risen rapidly in recent years,

especially in the office districts,

so KONG KUSUS (Cold Bean Noodles) over 10,000 won,

cold noodles in the mid 10,000 won range, 20,000 won

Samgyetang and so on close to 20,000 won

(approximately 1,800 yen ,  about $ 16.89 ) are outstanding.


According to a survey by the Korea Consumer Office,

the average price of six items out of Seoul's eight representative

food menus rose compared to the same month last year,

based on May of this year.

Compared with two years ago,

the prices for cold noodles increased 12.5 % ,

kimpap ( seaweed roll ) for 10 % ,

kimchi chige for 7.24 % ,

and calguksu ( Korean style noodle dish ) for 4.6 % .


The rate of increase in the external food value felt

by the skin of company employees who work

in major office areas in Seoul

such as 光化門(Gwanghwamun,광화문)江南(Gangnam,강남) 、

汝矣島(Yeouido,여의도, etc.

Also much higher .


Ho ( 24 ), a company employee who works for the COEX

(exhibition, conference, and performance venue)

in江南(Gangnam,강남), Seoul,

ordered a grilled fish set meal at a Korean restaurant in COEX on July 18 .

The only side dishes were kakutegi (daikon radish kimchi),

stir-fried seaweed, and potato leaves.

The accounting was 18,000 won (about 1650 yen , about 15.20 US dollars).


Ho also chose Kalguksu, Yukkebi bimba, Samgyetang,

and sandwiches for lunch last week.

Although only the single item menu was selected,

a total of 64,300 won (about 5890 yen , about 54.30 US dollars)

was also used.


"It was a regular menu, but I felt like I was wasting something".

Mr.Park Hyo-san ( 28 ),

a company employee living in 江南(Gangnam,강남) district,

"Cheap and delicious restaurants are far from here and must be lined up,

so it is impossible to use them within the limited lunch break time"

"I get into a high restaurant around the company," "Weep".


The price of lunch in Seoul is higher than overseas .

The specialty menu (Gyudon) for lunch of the famous Japanese bowl chain

"Yoshinoya" is 500 yen ( about US $ 4.60 ) .

The lowest price on the menu of “Kinpap Heaven”

in Seoul is ¥ 6000 (approximately ¥ 550 , approximately ¥ 5.07).

In terms of GDP per capita (Gross Domestic Product),

Seoul is more than 30 % higher .


In New York, USA, sandwiches and hamburger sets,

which are general lunch menus for office workers,

can be purchased for $ 6-7 (about 650-760 yen).

A variety of factors are related to the rise in Seoul lunch menu prices.

Soba shop "Midin" in 鍾路区(jongnogu.ogg 、종로구)

rises its buckwheat price by 500 won

(approximately 45 yen , approximately 0.42 US dollars) in April this year,

and 9000 won

(approximately 830 yen , approximately 7.60 US dollars) Sold for).


The person concerned of the restaurant

"We have ten employees,

but the minimum wage has skyrocketed, "

He will And droop his neck.

The employees of “Cinju Jip” at 汝矣島(Yeouido,여의도

who raised the price of Kong Kongs from 10,000 won to 11,000 won

(approximately ¥ 10 , US $ 9.29 ) earlier this year

" There is nothing that does not rise, such as labor cost,

material cost and rent, " it complains.


The owner of the tea shop “Ayajin” 

at 江南(Gangnam,강남)Station三洞yeogsamdong,역삼동

This year, rents alone have risen as much as 10 % . "


Office districts in particular are affected by urban development.

Lee who works for the 鍾路区(jongnogu.ogg,종로구)office is

" 4 and 5 years ago, there were a lot of restaurants

with 5000-6000 won per meal around the ward office,

but now it is almost extinct except for noodles and ramen shops."


Lee is

"With the construction of large buildings one after another

due to the redevelopment,

the current population has increased by nearly 10,000,

and it has become possible for office workers to line up at each restaurant.

Then, the property owners started to raise rent ,

and the price of the menu was also raised as if they were going to get it. "


In contrast, office workers tend to reduce their spending on lunch.

When asking about how much employment portal “Job Korea” will spend

for lunch for 1380 men and women of this year, an answer of 6110 won

(about 560 yen , about US $ 5.16 ) was returned on average .


Compared to the previous year

( 6230 won = about 571 yen , about 5.26 US dollars), it was down 2 %.

It is almost every year with 6566 won (about 601 yen , about US $ 5.54 )

in 2015 , 6370 won (about 584 yen , about 5.38 US dollars)

in 16 and 6100 won (about 559 yen , about 5.15 US dollars)

in 17 It is decreasing .


The person in charge of Job Korea

He explained that

"the number of people who went to the in-house dining room

and eat lunch at a convenience store lunch box increased."




Expenses for lunch are falling, unit fee, materials = job ・ Korea



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