Korea do no too know Japan too


July 17 , 019 / Japanese edition Lee Cholho / Central Nippo columnist

「이철호 중앙일보 칼럼니스트」の画像検索結果

李哲号(Lee, Cheolho,이・철호)/中央日報 JoongAng Ilbo コラムニスト


Korea do no too know Japan too1

Korea do no too know Japan too2

한국은 일본을 너무 너무 모르는2

[이철호칼럼]“한국은일본을몰라도 너무 모른다”







Looking at Japan, which refuted the Korean practice team,

the bitter memories of 22 years ago were revived in my mind.

At the time of the currency crisis, I was a Tokyo correspondent

" Repair Japan's bad habit "

We witnessed the subsequent adverse effects
He said that, on the spot,

of the 金泳三KimYoung-sam,김・영삼) administration.



On November 28, 1997,

the Deputy Prime Minister of Korea met with Japanese finance ministers

and asked for emergency funding, but he was refused.

The US Treasury was already in a state of "don't lend money"

to the Ministry of Finance.

The minister of finance only repeated the words,

"It is difficult to support Japan alone."

Japan's cold weather last weekend should also be viewed

as having some sympathy with the United States and minimal acquiescence.

It looks like President Moon was stuck to the bribe

that Prime Minister Abe put on.

While Japan has made a point on the spot exactly,

Korea is swinging only its strength while wriggling.

One day yesterday, Moon 's

"After all,The Japanese economy receives more damage."

It is doubtful whether the remark is also pre-calculated.

This is because the situation is far

from the previous analysis of " more than triple damage to Korea ."


It is also doubtful that the government has sufficiently confirmed

the economic damage.

According to a private economic research institute,

Korea Development Research Institute (KDI)

He said that he had asked if he would like to cooperate

if there was a document on Japan's trade regulation

as "a sudden instruction from above."

No matter how much KDI is said,

it is impossible to finish analysis in 2 to 3 days.

Recently, two major interviews with Japanese experts have come to an end. First of all

"The lesson from this situation is

that Korean society was surprisingly ignorant of Japan "

This is pointed out by Professor 金泳三KimYoung-sam,김・영삼

of Tsuda College University.


Despite the uplifting atmosphere in Japan

and the Abe government's open-minded sharpening,

Korea has failed in advance warning and prevention.


the other one is

"The Abe government has a compromise around July next year

when the Tokyo Olympics will be held."

It is a diagnosis of Professor 張貞旭(ChanJongWook,장・정욱

of Matsuyama University.

Abe who wants to raise the consumption tax rate

in October this year needs a scapegoat.

The Senkaku dispute with China and Russia's return

to the northern territories are difficult to obtain.

It can not only attack North Korea,

which is said to meet without conditions.

The only thing left is Korea.



Matsuyama University Faculty of Economics Professor

"The most effective Japanese boycott is

Don't go to Beppu / Fukuoka / Nagasaki ”

Subtitle setting-Subtitle (1)-Automatic translation-Language


Then the situation is not as good as long.

Unexpectedly, the difference between the maintenance

and progress teams over the solution method of this conflict is not big either.

Rather, the opinion of the progress side is rational.

Both sides order diplomatic solutions.


The Hangyore newspaper

"It takes several years to sue the World Trade Organization (WTO),

and the problems of Korean companies can not be resolved quickly .

Even if it wins, it is not easy to withdraw revenge

and bring back the damage from the original condition. "

Reported that.


The government side and scholar 鄭泰仁(ChungTaen,정・태인

also went to 京郷(KyunghyangShinmun,경향신문newspaper

"The final hearings of both countries interpreted

the Korea-Japan Agreement as contradictory.

The Japanese government is most likely

to demand arbitration under this agreement .

In response to this request, the Korean government should explain

the decision of the Grand Court

and should also discuss the issue of asset foreclosure

of a Japanese subsidiary .

It just wasn't something that would make we cold. "

It wrote.

Lawyers of the Democratic Bar Association (Minfeng),

宋基昊(SonGiho,송・기호) lawyers

are also in the roundtable of the Democratic Party

"The Japanese government is rather obliged to send it to the International Arbitration Commission "

He admitted that.


宋(Giho,)lawyer goes one step further

"The Korean government pays personal claim right compensation money,
After that you will have to solve the issue of compensation

through the international arbitration procedure."



Thus, the experts on the progressive side agree

that the composition of the arbitration committee is inevitable .

Then there is no reason to get lost.

The deadline for the meeting will be held tomorrow

at 青瓦台(Chon Wade, Presidential Office).

It is our last chance to come to a fight.

The United States is also expected to go to Korea-Japan arbitration only

if a card of the arbitrators card is issued.

For us, the 2010 Japan-China dispute is a contra- level teacher.

Japan arrested a Chinese captain

who invaded the Senkaku Sea area on September 7 and collided

with the Japan Coast Guard patrol boat.

China quietly cut the rare earth embargo card .


The New York Times quoted an anonymous official on September 23

and reported that China had full control over Japan's export of rare earths .

The two governments publicly denied the report,

but the day after that, Japan released the Chinese captain.

Naha District Public Prosecutors Office

"This collision is a moment when the captain is drunk

and can not be seen as planned."



The Japanese government's approval rating fell

by 10% points with this white flag drop.

However, overcoming such diplomatic humiliation,

Japan stepped in the development of rare earth substitutes,

and China could no longer treat Japan in vain.

This time again, politicians have caused the incident,

and unrelated companies are struggling to get rid of them.

If self-employed is messed up with income-led growth,

it is worrying whether this will be a wasteland of export companies

due to Korea-Japan friction.


You must calmly judge who is in control and who is actually exercising it.

President Moon first invites applicants

from the Korean Peninsula to the Blue-Wing Table to comfort the pain

and prevent the situation from getting worse

"Cashing (forced sale of Japanese assets)"

I think that it is a rational solution procedure to ask to delay.


At the same time, special envoys should be dispatched

to enter into consultations with Prime Minister Abe

and the Arbitration Commission, and joint funds such as "1 + 1 + α .

President Kennedy of the United States also opposes the Soviet Union

"Don't negotiate from fear.

But again, don't be afraid to negotiate. "
