Possibility of establishing a US military base
in North Korea's special city 羅先(Lason).


북한의 라선 (Lason) 특별시에 미군 기지 설치의 가능성.







2019/7/11 ( Thu ) 【Toranomon News】

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From about 1 H 30 min


Possibility of establishing a US military base

in North Korea's special city Lason .
Kim Jong Yun directly to the Secretary

of State Pompeo or President Trump
Advocates the establishment

of a US military site in North Korea's special city Lason

You may deploy THADD , which Korea dislikes deployment.

There is a story of a Korean observer.

羅先 ( Lason ) Special City signed a contract to be leased by China in 2010
From around 2010 , it started to improve the port with Chinese funds.

Maintenance as a military base port of the People's Liberation Navy.

One of the bases that can be found in the Sea of ​​Japan.

As North Korea knows China's fearfulness

We also lend this port to Lason , Russia and Mongolia.

Make a state of be-in- three -cornered deadlock .

Traditional diplomatic tactics of the Korean Peninsula.

Bringing in big powers, each with North Korea
Maintain the security of North Korea.

A story about ten years ago.

China will increase its wharf facilities

because Russia and Mongolia have no funds.

I can not speak to Japan.

So the condition of three freezing ( be ina three-cornered deadlock )

Possibility of establishing a US military base

in North Korea's special city Lason to maintain

The China of Xi Jinping has been fear is,

Mr. 石平 ( SekiHei ) also said

Having North Korea interact directly with the United States.

So Xi Jinping went to North Korea in a hurry in front of the G20.


Nagata-cho (a place where Japanese lawmakers gather) talks about that.
It is unclear how the Korean peninsula moves .

The relationship between North Korea and North Korea changes greatly

from the conventional one.

On North Korea having nuclear weapons,

If the material of weapons from South Korea passes to North Korea

It is possible that North Korea is making weapons of mass destruction .

Japan is now in a difficult phase .

It is necessary to go to the election thinking how to protect Japan.