Export restrictions to Korea, Moon Jae-in
How did you accept Japanese chopsticks
2019.7.3 (Wednesday)





Should the economic relationship shrink be inevitable,
will the situation rush into the "Japan-Korea Trade War"?

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe apologeticly welcomed the MoonJae-in leadership

at the G20 Osaka Summit.

It was a handshake for 8 seconds and there was no standing talk.


The Japanese government announced on July 1

that Korea's export screening for semiconductor materials

will be exempted from the 4th .


As a result, for each item of fluorinated polyimide used for organic EL ,

resist (photosensitive material) used for semiconductor manufacture,

and etching gas (hydrogen fluoride) ,

permission and examination for each export will be required.


So far, if companies have obtained comprehensive permits,

multiple projects can be smoothly exported together,

but from now on export licenses will be required for each contract .

Also, by revising the ordinance of the Ministry of Government this summer,

Korea will be excluded

from the designation of the security-friendly " White Country ."


If White's designation is lost,

it will also be necessary to obtain individual permits

when exporting from Japan

advanced technologies and electronic components

that may be diverted from military use.

Although Japan is not totally embarrassed ,

it usually takes 90 days to apply for a license and to examine it.

Korean economic emergency

There was tension in Korea against this Japanese measure.

The Korean government held an informal economic issues meeting sponsored

by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance ,

Hong Namgi , on the morning of January 1st ,

and concerned ministers attended to discuss measures,

and The Countermeasures Meeting is held with industry officials sponsored

by the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Resources.

At a meeting on the 1st , the Industry, Trade and Resources Minister
成允模SongYunmo손・윤모is against the problem

that the Korean High Court (supervisory court)

ordered Japanese companies to redress in a lawsuit

From Korean Peninsula Application Worker .

Expressed regret over " economic retaliation ",

"We will take necessary actions in accordance

with international law and domestic law, including the WTO case. "



On the same day,In addition,

趙世暎ChoSeyon,・세영), Deputy Foreign Minister,

 invited the ambassador of Yasumasa Nagamine to convey his regret .

The 康京和KangKyung-wha강경화 is 

"If Japan's retaliatory measures come out, we can not shut up "

I just mentioned that the other day.

If mutual economic retaliation is realized in Japan and Korea,

it will be inevitable that both companies will suffer serious damage.

A major blow to major industries in Korea

In fact, how will it affect the Korean economy?

Fluorinated polyimide is a material used for organic EL displays,

and is indispensable for the manufacture of TVs and smartphones.

The resist is a photosensitive solution

that is essential for transferring a circuit photograph

to the substrate during semiconductor manufacturing,

and the etching gas

(hydrogen fluoride) is a gas used to treat the substrate surface.


Japan accounts for 70 % to 90 % of the total production

of these materials worldwide,

and it is difficult for Korean semiconductor

and display companies competing

in the global market to secure core materials .

In response to this situation,

Korean companies were in a state of emergency .

Business people involved

"We will respond in the near term

by securing inventory quantities and diversifying supply locations,

but it is inevitable that they will be affected in the medium to long term."

And commented.


According to the Nihon Keizai News paper, a related party at SK Hynix,

a Korean semiconductor giant,

said that the stock quantity of materials is about one to two months,

and if additional procurement can not be done,

there will be a shutdown of the plant after three months .

It is said that you are getting.


Since export restrictions on these products have been discussed in Japan

for a long time,

top Korean companies should have prepared for such a situation.

However, even if it is temporary, if this regulation is prolonged,

the influence should be gradually infiltrated.

Korean companies are

"There is more sanctions than Huawei sanctions"

"We have been shocked to say ten times that of the Huawei sanctions ."

And a sense of crisis.


South Korea's economy is now growing somehow in semiconductors,

maintaining exports and corporate profits.

If it has a major impact on the key industries,

the negative impact on the Korean economy

as a whole may become serious .


On the contrary,

what kind of influence is expected to the Japanese side?

In response to such government measures, the Nihon Keizai News paper

"You may be perceived as arbitrarily operating your commerce rules."

"There is a possibility that the tension between Japan and Korea may increase."

"Can lead the movement of" de-Japan "in the medium to long term"

And also reported concerns.

In addition,

it is inevitable that the immediate problems

will be harm to companies producing Korean products as customers

and companies importing semiconductors from Korea.

For example, falling production of Apple 's iPhone using Korean semiconductors will

affect Japanese companies supplying components to Apple.

It is not only Korean companies that are closely watching

the progress of the situation.

Has Japan acted against free trade?

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

"We will operate a strict system for export to Korea

from the viewpoint of appropriately implementing export control based

on the foreign exchange law. "

"The export control system is built on the basis of international trust ,

but it can not be concluded that the trust

between Japan and Korea has been seriously impaired. "

" Inappropriate cases may have occurred

for export control related to Korea. "

It is not directly related to retaliation for applicants

From Korean Peninsula Application Worker .



"Inappropriate case over export control"

There is no explanation about the situation,

but in view of the recent excessive attitude of North Korea to integrate

into North Korea, illegal import of North Korean coal through Russia,

ship-to-ship cargo transfer, etc.

It would indicate that a deal has been made.

This measure does not impose a disadvantage

such as increased tariffs only on Korea,

and it can be said that it just " stops preferential treatment "

over the international situation and Korea's response recently,

even if Korea sues WTO ,

Japan I think that Japan can explain the position of


Also, in relation to Japan, we have taken

action to shake the foundation of postwar Japan-Korea relations,

and take action to deny Japan-Korea security cooperation in the case

of radar irradiation. The relationship has dropped significantly .

Therefore, Japan's claim is reasonable.

Of course, Korea would not admit such a position in Japan.

First of all,

Under President MoonJae-in, who insisted that they are all right ,

it is imperative that Japan be strongly opposed

as a trade restriction measure in Japan, a

nd that the deterioration of political relations is an economic relationship,

the people The possibility of spreading to the relationship of

Korean people are

"Prewar Japan ruled Korea with military power.

Will it hurt Korea with economic power after the war? "

As it may be anti-day.

Why was this measure necessary?

The purpose of this measure is

to let South Korea know the pain of worsening Japan-Korea relations .

Actions that shake the relationship of trust between Japan and Korea,

such as Korea 's recent history problems and radar radiation problems ,

have already come to a point where they can not be overlooked as Japan .

Until now,

if there is a conflict over history and other issues

between Japan and Korea,

the Japanese side has made a lot of concessions

in an effort to reduce Korea ’s national sentiment

and return Japan-Korea relations back on track.

The background is that Japan-Korea relations are so important,

and it is not desirable to confront each other forever.

Also, since Japan annexed Korea until several decades ago,

many people thought that it was necessary to consider Korea.

Even if Japan handed over,

managing Korean-Japanese relations greatly improved

the perception of Koreans in general among Japan.

On the other hand, Korea

"If it comes out strongly, Japan will come to a compromise."

He have become embarrassed to

No, to put it more precisely,

Korea thinks that it is "As a matter of course natural "

rather than "Japan has made a concession"

because it thinks " we are correct ".


Now, the Japanese sentiment toward Korea is at its worst ,

and there are very few Japanese who "should give way to Korea."

From now on, it will be unrealistic, and Japan will have to make it strong.


having suddenly brought out the "prickly drug"

of export control of semiconductor materials has the feeling

that it has entered into the overall confrontation mode from the beginning.


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are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

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A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
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The capital flight started
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Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
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한국인의 재해 정리

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