Moon Jae-in

No future for diplomacy ( makeshift ) diplomacy

Masatoshi Muto (武藤正敏)  2019.6.24 (Mon)





문재인 "우연한 (makeshift) '외교에 미래 없음3

문재인 "우연한 (makeshift) '외교에 미래 없음2

문재인 "우연한 (makeshift) '외교에 미래 없음






The influence of Mr. MoonJae-in who fell on the ground

It is no exaggeration to say that the only theme of Korean diplomacy

so far is the Korean Peninsula issue .

South Korea at the United Nations in the field

that is of interest is the relationship with North Korea,

request each in an attempt to Nigiro the initiative in the North Korea problem

in place of the G20,

G20 before the inter-Korean summit, the visit to Korea of Xi Jinping Chief Was.


On the other hand,

North Korea has lost President Mun 's international credibility.

Before the US-North Korea summit talks in Vietnam,

we tried to promote an agreement between the two countries,

by giving false information to both the US and North .


However, the talks ended with farewell, and in

"I was deceived by Mr. Moon · Jae-in . "

The thought of that came up.

It is a so-called duality ( duplicity ) diplomacy .


Unrealistic thinking that has not changed the view

on North Korea's denuclearization intention even after parting in Vietnam.

In addition,

it has acted against the obvious national interest in reducing

South Korea's security capabilities,

such as stopping a reconnaissance flight along

the 38th line in a military agreement with North Korea.


It hides Korea's involvement in the ship-to-shipcargo transferre

by North Korea, violates sanctions by itself ,

and hinders the profits sought by the international community,

the denuclearization of North Korea.

Even after Vietnam proves that North Korea has no intention to denuclearize,

it will not admit any mistakes.


In this way, Mr. Moon Jae-in takes a response that deviates

from the intention of the international community over the North Korean issue.

There is no atmosphere in the international community

that recognizes the role of Moon Jae-in .

It can be said that the international influence of President Moon,

who had soared when the US-North Korea summit began,

has fallen to the ground.

It is not unrelated

that North Korea and China go through President Moon 's request

that Moon - Jae-in 's influence has declined.

Visit to North Korea of Xi Jinping Jintao was a big miscalculation

It relates to a visit to North Korea of ​​Xi Jinping president,

South Korean presidential office

"It will be useful for the denuclearization dialogue,"

"A good sign"

And welcomed him.


However, contrary to the words, they should be completely lost.

President Moon is

"We are ready to meet with Kim Jong-un, the chairman, anytime"

And he had to say, but in North Korea of ​​Xi Jinping president,

North-South summit

before Trump presidential visit to Korea has become virtually impossible.


For Moon , after meeting with Kim Jong-un in advance,

he would have wanted to work with President Trump based

on the contents of the meeting.

However, the role that the South Korean government has wanted

to do was I went kidnapping tinged Mr. Xi Jinping.

It is not just the North-South talks. 

The South Korean government is no longer even visit to Korea

of ​​Xi Jinping president that was eager.

Prospectus of trying to machine the visit to Korea of Trump President revive

the US-North Korea of mediation diplomacy,

also Munazan'yo of trying to achieve a meeting of the third round

of the KimuTadashi Mr. favor to Trump president involving Mr. Xi Jinping,

both become naught The

Thus, Korea has completely lost its leadership

in diplomacy over the Korean peninsula .

Mid-morning summit

Xi Jinping president of Moon Jae-in President was eager

to visit Korea visited North Korea on June 21, - 22,

received the maximum of hospitality.

It is said that as many as 250,000 people were mobilized

in the mass game honoring China's solidarity,

and the open car parade impressed Kim 's solidarity both at home and abroad.


At the summit, Kim Jong-un

"North Korea has taken a lot of measures,

but the good reaction of the concerned countries has not been obtained."

As complained about the United States.

On the other hand, he also stated that he had "perseverance,"

and also indicated that he hoped for a US concession.

On the other hand,

"China will support North Korea's efforts regardless

of any changes in the international situation"

China , China has become a region ,

showed a stance to promote the change of the United States .


However, it is doubtful whether China will persuade the United States

as North Korea hopes and cooperate in lifting sanctions.

In both US and China, the main concern is the trade issue.

The North Korean issue is just one issue among various issues .


If Xi Jinping Mr. of the North Korea problem rice middle

of trade issues you want to and trading material,

there is a need to take a considerable amount of commitment

for denuclearization from North Korea.

China is opposed to North Korea's nuclear development,

so perhaps it is persuasive, but in this visit,

we have to see a little more on the transition in terms

of whether the US has won enough to give up .

Xi Jinping Mr. at all costs, would encourage the acceptance now

of North Korea's position to Mr. Trump.

However, what can be said is

that the intermediary role between North

and South has changed from South Korea to China .

In order for Mr. Moon Jae-in to regain the role of intermediaries,

it is necessary to improve the relationship

with the United States and to regain the trust of the United States,

but Mr. Moon Jae-in is now It will be difficult from the standing position of

The Moon - Jae-in regime that destroyed Japan-Korea relations

If you look at the intentionality of President Moon Jae-in in this way,

it is clear that under Moon administration

there is no hope of improving Japan-Korea relations .

The term of the president has three more years.

If Moon administration will continue for the next three years ,

Japan-Korea relations will be a devastating blow .


However, the Japan-Korea relationship is a violent ups and downs.

If the president changes and becomes a regime

that recognizes Japan differently from previous presidents,

there is a possibility that Japan-Korea relations will improve dramatically.


Therefore, for a long time,

I have argued that it is necessary to think separately about how to dea

l with Moon's right and how to improve Japan-Korea relations.

It is not good for the Korean people to have a similar attitude

to criticizing the words and actions of President Moon Jae-in .


On the other hand, it is not easy to restore Korea's internal affairs,

economy and diplomacy once they have been devastatingly damaged.


Although the responsibility lies ultimately

with the Korean people who chose President Moon ,

the election at that time is

" Park , Geun-hye "

It was done when public opinion was rising in the mood of

People who support Moon Jae-in as an indication of the intentions

of “ De ParkGeun-hye ” have a bad situation.


However, I have been looking at Korean society for many years,

and when the people's sentiments have risen ,

I have frequently encountered scenes

where Korean people forgot the front and back and took wrong actions .

The same can be said of Japan-Korea relations.

Everyone's voice


President Moon 's diplomatic stance will never change.

That is why I want Korean people to make more political decisions

after thinking a little more calm and thinking about their future.

The restoration of the heavily damaged Japan-Korea relationship will start

from there.

It is wonderful to have made the relationship worse

so far in just two years .
I hope for the remaining three years,

I want you to build the Devastating Japan-Korea relationship

that can not be repaired even by the next administration .

Recommendation   12217   Opposite   88


I think President Moon Jae-in is a wonderful president

who has never been seen before .

I want you to do your best

until Japan-Korea relationship break down .

Recommendation   11359   Opposite   93


The Moon 's diplomacy may not have a future in Korea,

but Japan has a bright future.
There is only an advantage.
Let's do our best .
Most Japanese people are backing it.
After that, it is the Japanese government that betrays the push.

Recommendation   9761   Opposite   128


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are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


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MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
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Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


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Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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