G20 Osaka: Prime Minister Abe "The schedule is full,"
the Korean government "We also ..."
Tokyo = Lee Ha-won correspondent / Chosun Ilbo Japanese edition
Korea G20 Osaka Summit diplomatic schedule
June 26th and 27th
Saudi Arabia, Prince Vin Salman visited Korea
G20 Osaka Summit (28th and 29th)
China-Korea ・ Russia-Korea ・ Canada-Korea ・ Indonesia-Korea
Korea Summit Meeting
Japan-Korea summit talks undecided
US-China,Japan-US,Japan-China Summit Meeting
29 ・ 30 days
Trump president visits Korea (29th)
US-Korea Summit Meeting (30th)-Promotion of DMZ visit

Four days before the opening, there will continue to be a nerve war

... no summits, virtually?


The fact that the Korea-Japan Summit,

which has been promoted by the ROK-Japan government on the occasion

of the 20 major countries / regional summits (G20 Summit)

to be held in Osaka on the 28th and 29th of this month,

has actually failed It understand the day.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,

in an interview with Yomiuri TV on the 22nd,

"(The meeting is scheduled because the country is hosting the G20 Summit)"

"I want to judge comprehensively (due to time limitations)"



The schedule for all the summit talks with countries other than Korea has

already been decided, and it is clarified

that holding the Korea-Japan summit talks is practically difficult.


It is the first time Prime Minister Abe has made a negative outlook

on the possibility of the Korea-Japan summit.

Tokyo's diplomatic sources

"The Korea-Japan Summit seems to have been virtually gone .

The only realistic option left now would be a brief meeting

where President Moon Jae-in and Prime Minister Abe meet

for a while and shake hands at the G20 Summit. "



Korean government officials related to this

"We are almost full of bilateral summit talks during the G20 Summit.

There are many countries that want to have a meeting. "



A former diplomat

"It is true that Japan reversed Korea's nerves, but that's a shame.

From the perspective of a third party,

it would be a battle between childish and nasty people. "



The presidential office of Korea announced on the other day

that it will conduct a summit meeting with four countries

such as China, Russia, Canada and Indonesia during this G20 Summit.


Korea ’s presidential office will

talk about the Korea-Japan summit until last week

" Continue to open the door "

However, since Prime Minister Abe publicly mentioned “the schedule” this time,

it can be interpreted that the Korea-Japan summit talks were virtually unsuccessful .


On the same day,

Prime Minister Abe also made a statement regarding

the application compensation ruling from the Korean peninsula

of the Korean High Court (the Supreme Court).

"It is an impossible decision under international law "

"First, the Korean side has to make a correct decision.

Japan (in the comfort women's agreement)

has sincerely followed international law.

This time it is our turn to make sure that Korea responds like that . "



It is said that the Japanese government will make

a claim for compensation to the Korean government

if the Japanese corporate assets in Korea

that were seized in the Grand Court ruling are sold.


According to the Yomiuri newspaper,

Japanese Foreign Ministry officials say that

"If a Japanese company suffers an unfair disadvantage,

the country has no choice but to make a claim. "

It is said that.

Although the claim on the claim was completely resolved

by the 1965 Korea-Japan Agreement,

it is the logic that Korea will claim compensation

for the violation of international law .


The same paper

"The claim for reparation is different from the countermeasure

which the Japanese side is examining,

and it carries out as a measure accepted by the international law. "



If Japan sells the assets of a Japanese company in Korea,

and Japan actually makes a claim for compensation,

the political relationship

between Korea and Japan is expected

to be in the state of " break off relations ."


On the 20th, a diplomat (equivalent to a ministry)

official said the situation in which the Korea-Japan summit is undecided

"Even if 30 minutes before

(agreement can be reached, the summit can be held)"



However, the diplomatic sources

"Don't decide so easily even at a drinking party between friends"

He said, "I'm careless."


Not only is the Korea-Japan Summit,

which is on the verge of ending without a chance,

but there are many voices of concern over

the Korean government's overall G20 summit preparations.

This G20 Summit

"Anti-Huawei(華為技術) Campaign"

There are prospects

for a major international issue that strikes Korea's economy

and security , such as US-China trade friction and the Iran issue.


In addition, there is also a lightning visit to North Korea of ​​Xi Jinping Jintao

of China's situation in which wavered also composition

of US-North Korea denuclearization negotiations.

Nevertheless, the interest and effort of the Korean government

"One Point North-South Summit Meeting"

Seems to be just going in the direction of success.


Kang Kyung-wha , Minister of Foreign Affairs,

will lead the Korean-Japanese diplomatic mission on January 22

There is also a talk

about "visiting the Road to Peace in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)".


A former diplomat

"Xi Jinping closely consider the implications and the denuclearization negotiation strategy

of chief visit to North Korea,

when it should be busy trying

to have G20 summit measures created looming in front of the eyes,

"The diplomatic top went to a picnic or a picnic"

It may be said that



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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