The deadline for the appointment of the Korean Argentine Workers Arbitrator is over, Japan
“Osaka G20 should have a position to be decided”

June 18 , 2019 / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition

징용 중재 위시한 오사카 오사카 G20 오라 ??


The Korean government will not respond to the establishment

of the Korean War Workers Arbitration Committee,

which the Japanese government has requested ,

and the 30-day deadline will end on the 18th .

In the meantime,

attention will be paid to what kind of cards the Japanese government,

which has been examining " countermeasures " including legal measures

and economic sanctions such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ),

will take out in the future .

Japan called for “disparity talks”

between the two countries in January this year,

the first stage of the dispute resolution procedure defined

by the 1965 Claims Agreement .

After that, the ROK side asked the ROK side to set up

the next stage of the Arbitration Commission on the 20th.


Agreement is about Arbitration Commission

" Two governments will appoint one arbitrator

within 30 days of one request "

It prescribes.

The 30-day deadline is 18 days.

If no arbitrators are appointed, both sides will choose a third country,

and this country will appoint a member of the arbitrator committee,
the Korean government not accepts the consultation

bezasue the prospects can not be reached unless.

NHK is

"The Japanese government concrete measures to G20

for the resolution of problems in prospect

(the 20 major countries and regions)

summit meeting of South Korea's Moon · Jae-in President attend 28, 29 days

If it can not be shown,

it will seek to draw conclusions as the Korean government

toward holding an arbitration committee. "

"If you do not reach a solution in accordance with the right to claim agreement,

be prepared to consider the case against the International Court

of Justice and the implementation of countermeasures. "

It told you.

On the other hand,

it is still unclear whether the Korea-Japan Summit will be realized

or the form in which it will be held in the wake of the Osaka G20 Summit,

according to sources familiar with the Prime Minister's Office.

This source is

"The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has presented various ideas including

the talks of the two leaders and informal informal talks,

but I have heard that the prime minister's office

has not yet shown a response."

He told you.

On the other hand,

Prime Minister Abe met on the 17th at the prime minister's office

with the chairman of the Korea-Japan congressional federation, Naokiga.

"I want you to look forward to each other's legislators"

The Sankei Shimbun reportedly asked for an effort to improve relations

with On the 15th,

he met Prime Minister Lee Na-kyung in Seoul on the 15th,

calling for Korea to actively deal

with the issue of Korean workers during the war.

It is believed that he reported to Prime Minister Abe the results of the talks

with Prime Minister Lee.


Everyone's voice


It's good time out.

Moon thinks that he does not intend to respond, and thinks

that the summit should be avoided.

Recommendation   10860   Opposite   37


It is sweet.

I think Japan have decided that "the summit will not respond ."

Recommendation   9807   Opposite   54



Recommendation   9398   Opposite   37


The sweet response will destroy the Abe government.

Recommendation   2894   Opposite   Five


It have taken steps that are too good,

so please judge and proceed to the next step, such as filing a lawsuit.
It is not necessary to respond to President Moon's request for talks,

which leaves all Japan's suggestions untouched.

Recommendation   2848   Opposite   3


I think it will affect the election

if you decide to go against the national sentiment

Recommendation   2670   Opposite   3


As of G20 , there can be no change.
G20 is also delusion say that Japan walks up to the prospect of.
If you really have a sense of crisis,

with the stateless person Mr. Hatoyama
It's not when you're talking.

Recommendation   2553   Opposite  4


Japan is waited for enough.
Moon,s Korea Still there is no intention to do anything.
The Japanese government should just do something appropriate.
Prime Minister Abe has no need to meet with his country president of Korea.
It seems like the scene

where the total scan ( being hated by everyone ) meets.

Recommendation   2340   Opposite   2


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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