Korea-US Leaders Talk by Phone, President Moon mentions Korea Atomic Submarine

President Moon Jae-in mentioned the nuclear submarine problem
for the first time after taking office in a telephone meeting
with US President Trump on the 7th.

President Moon explains to President Trump the development
of the Korean military's ability to defend its strategy independently.
"How to expand the weight of the ballistic missile warheads mentioned
in Washington in July and the issue of nuclear submarines,
revision of the nuclear agreement, there are such issues ..."
It is said that he made a statement to the effect.

In the process of talking about the revision of the Korea-US missile guidelines
to increase missile warhead weight,
President Moon has thus referred to a nuclear submarine .
Officials of the Blue Tiles (Cheonwade , South Korea's presidential palace)
"The talk of the Korea-US nuclear agreement has come to flow along
with the nuclear submarine promotion problem"
"We did not give concrete expressions
such as introduction and development in relation to nuclear submarines"
He told you.

A nuclear submarine does not mean that it carries nuclear weapons,
but it means that it operates and operates reactors.
In the case of a diesel submarine, it is necessary to rise to the water
about once or twice a day because air is required to operate the engine.
There is a risk of interrupting operations or exposing to enemies in this process.
Nuclear submarines are theoretically capable of underwater activities semipermanently.
That's why the need for a nuclear submarine comes out.
Nuclear submarines can track North Korean submarines from the port,
and if there is a trend for submarine launched ballistic missile (SLBM) launch,
they can prevent the launch itself by attacking in advance.

Related to this, another Cheongwade official
"The nuclear submarine remarks are based on a deterrent system
for SLBM launches in the north,
and warhead weight expansion is intended to respond
to North Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) class provocations"
And explained.
President Moon is in the broadcast press club debate
in April at the time of presidential candidate
"It was a time when we needed nuclear submarines ," he said.
Moon 's recognition was that the advice of the Secretar
y of Defense Song Yong-m ,
who was at the heart of the field of defense
at the time of the presidential election, was said.

The phone talk between President Moon
and President Trump lasted 56 minutes on that day.
It is almost twice as long as the first telephone talk (30 minutes)
after taking office on May 10.
Moon talked at the office of Cheongwade office on the day,
and the dress was a shirt without a tie.
The official of Cheongwade is
"The two leaders have met twice in the United States and Germany,
and seem to think that chemistry (breathing) is a good match."
I talked.
The Blue-and-white table also delivered the details of the telephone talks
on an unprecedented basis.

Meanwhile, President Trump is on Twitter on October 7 at 10:23 am
(Korea time)
" I just had a phone meeting with President Moon Jae-in .
It's very nice and impressive
that the UN passed a 15-0 draft sanctions resolution against North Korea. "
He commented that.

Everyone's voice
Recommend 120 opposite 0 delete
Moon · Jae-in is doing politics on an ad hoc basis.
Koreans have begun to mention nuclear submarines after the declaration
of the denuclearization of Moon Jae-in .
Because the military is a conservative, there must be a reaction
 to denuclearization.
It's about bringing out the first secret talk that has been raised as a topic
 for the first time in the country in the last month or so at the summit
 with the United States.
Moon · Jae-in is a sloppy and sloppy child who is no longer talking.
Recommended 100 opposite 0 deleted
Really stupid
・ ・ ・ A nuclear submarine wanting a place
to talk about sanctions against the North missile problem, Nida!
And the north will only come out more violently as a further provocation
 of the ROK and Korea
・ ・ To say a nuclear submarine this time
After all, the spirit of mischievous children is out-of-base (difference),
and the US and Japan have nothing but the exclusion from Korea.
Recommended 70 opposite 0 deleted
It is a futile article.
A diesel submarine needs to rise one or two times a day (line 8).
There are no such submarines in the world!
Recommend 62 opposite 0 deleted
Considering the present situation that the coast can be ruined
 by the construction ship in the north and the fishing boat in China,
coastal protection should be thickened,
but considering Korea's geography and national power,
 it is a useless object which is a useless object. Well, well,
 this country can not make a proper strategic thinking even after 100 years
 or 1000 years ww
Recommend 61 opposite 0 deleted
Korea is really crazy.
Korea's own nuclear submarine, isn't it?
It accuses Japan of rising defense costs and calls it militaristic?
It is a wrong country.
Recommended 52 opposite 0 deleted
When Mr.Trump reluctantly comes out to the phone,
a face appears as if Mr.Trump had bitten a bitter insect. (Lol)
Recommend 51 Ops 0 Deleted
Even with the current submersible fleet,
 there will be no way to maintain and manage
 the submersible even though
the operation and management are full of problems .
Recommend 48 Ops 0 removed
This is a typical Korean national. Thought circuit is not decent.
Recommend 37 Ops 0 removed
Did you just give it to me?
Korea, which can not make regular submarines less than 2000 tons,
 is the one with jets.
It would be better to throw away the waste money at best.
With the usual firearms in the north,
Seoul leaves the situation of the sea of ​​fire, and given the geopolitical position,
the warriors drowning in the open ocean navy, which is a useless feature.
Recommendation 37 opposite 1 delete
It is said that he would like to deploy an atomic submarine
 in the name of countering North Korea.
In order to tell Trump, Korea would like technical assistance
from the United States.
But for what?
He does not use force against North Korea because he is a coward.
The real reason for having an atomic submarine is probably
for the time when Korea will be dealing
with the future Japan and the United States as enemy countries .
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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