MoonJae-in President 73rd Anniversary

"Kotoboshi ( NationalLiberationDay of Korea )" congratulations
Korean Politics (TheKoreanPolitics)




文在寅 大統領第73周年「光復節 」慶祝辞

文在寅 大統領第73周年「光復節 」慶祝辞2



Destruction cut off the Republic of Korea from the continent
I made it an island.
Division divided even our thoughts.
Many contraindications have kept free thinking.
Destruction is the name of a military dictator who launched security,
Philosophy conflict and label politics,

dividing the people into enemy and ally
As a catalyst for regionalist politics,
It has become a hotbed of privilege and corruption.

For our survival and prosperity
You must overcome the division.
Although political unity is far,
Establish peace between the north and south, and freely come and go,
Achieve one economic community,
That is a true light for us.

I am with the people
I am walking boldly on the road.
All thanks to the power of the people.

I visited after taking office
People in 11 countries, 17 cities
Revitalize democracy and justice with the Candle Revolution
To the Japanese people who are making "a country like a country"
I sent a deep respect.
It has become a powerful force to gain international support.

Meet Trump President first
We agreed to develop the US-Korea alliance into a "great alliance".
It has decided to settle the North Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner.

The leaders of the G20 , including the German Prime Minister Merkel
I have expressed full support for my government's efforts.
ASEAN states also "Peace communities that live together well"
I decided to make it together.

Strategic partner relationship with Xi Jinping president
Decide to develop more ,
China now plays a major role in the peace of the Korean Peninsula .
South - North Korea Russia three countries cooperation

with President Putin
We are preparing together.
Prime Minister Abe will develop Japan-Korea relations

in a future-oriented manner ,
We decided to work closely on peace

and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia .
The cooperation will eventually lead to the normalization of the relationship.
The "Panmon Store Declaration" is one such international support
It was achieved as a joint effort between North and South.

South and North are everywhere we live, in the sky and in the sea
I decided to suspend all hostile acts.
Now, the North and South restored

the continuous communication channel between military authorities
I contact you every day.

“The Sea of ​​Conflict” is the West Sea (Yellow Sea)
It is changing to the “Sea of ​​Peace” where military threats have disappeared,
Heading towards the sea of ​​co-prosperity.
Demilitarization of Panmunjom joint security area,
Also in the trial withdrawal of surveillance stations

in the demilitarized zone
We agreed in principle.
It will also be excavated as a joint remains of the North and South.

The reunion of discrete families was also resumed.
The North-South Joint Liaison Office will be developed

as a mutual representative in the future
It has been set up for the first time ever.
It is a very meaningful event.
A few days later,

there will be times when North and South are communicating 24/7.
It will be opened.

The US-North Korea Summit Meeting
Going towards peace and prosperity together
It was realized by the will of both the United States and the United States.
The peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula is a promise

that the two leaders exchanged with the world.
With the complete denuclearization of North Korea
Corresponding comprehensive measures of the United States
I hope you are promoted quickly.

People of the people who respect

Two days ago through high-level talks
The autumn summit was agreed upon at the "Panmon Store Talks".

Next month, I gathered the feelings of Japanese people
I will visit Pyongyang.
The leaders confirmed the implementation

of the "Panmon Store Declaration" among the leaders.
With the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula
For the end of the war declaration and the peace agreement
I will take a bold step.

When deep distrust between the North and the South

and the United States and the United States is clear
Mutual agreement will be truly fulfilled.
Build a deeper trust between North and South.
Promote denuclearization dialogue

between the United States and China
We will work together to take the lead.

In the issue of the Korean Peninsula, I recognize that we are the master
I think it's very important.
Development of the North-South relationship
It is not an effect that accompanies the development of the US-North relations.
Conversely, the development of the North-South relationship is
It is the driving force that promotes

the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
In the past, when North-South relations were good,

North Korea's nuclear threat decreased
The historical experience that could be done up

to the denuclearization agreement
I support that fact.

Peace must be settled on the Korean peninsula

with complete denuclearization
We can do full-scale economic cooperation.
Peaceful economy, when realizing the dream of the economic community
Our economy can make a new leap.
The day when all my people live well together will be closer.

According to a study by the National Policy Organization,
The economic effects of North-South economic cooperation over

the next 30 years
It is projected to reach a minimum of 170 trillion won

(approximately 16 trillion yen , approximately 143.8 billion dollars).

For resumption of Gaesong Industrial Park and Mt. Geumgang sightseeing
It is the effect of adding railway consolidation

and some underground resource development projects.
When full economic cooperation is carried out between North and South
The effect will be incomparable.

Already at Mt. Kongo
Create more than 8,900 jobs
Gangwon-do Takagi ( Gangwon-do Coson )

Experience in making the economy of
Gaesong Industrial Park includes subcontractors
It was a treasure trove of employment reaching 100,000 people.
Now, remarkable development such as Theworld is a scene of constant changes in the area of Youngjukor
It took place when the North and South were peaceful.
Peace is the economy.

If military tension is eased and peace is established
In the border area between Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do
Establish a unified economic zone.
Region and SMEs with many jobs
It will be an opportunity for breakthrough development.

Connection of the railways and roads agreed

in the "Panmon Store Declaration"
The goal is to have a construction ceremony this year.
The connection between railways

and roads is the beginning of the Korean Peninsula Joint Prosperity.

Under the goals of war prevention, peace building

and economic reconstruction in 1951
Six European countries have created the "European Coal and Steel Community".
This community then became the mother of the European Union.

In Yongsan, the departure point of Gyeongui –JungangLine

and KyungWon Sung Line
Today, I will be jointly conducted

by the six Northeast Asian countries and the United States
We propose "East Asia Railway Community".
This community extends our economic horizons to the northern continent
It becomes the mainstay of the prosperity of Northeast Asia
It leads to the East Asian energy community and the economic community.
And this will go to the multilateral peace security system in Northeast Asia
It will be the starting point.

To the people you respect,
Independent merits and bereaved,
Foreign fellows,

Gwangbog from the colony ,
To win the war and achieve democratization

and economic development
Japanese people have always done their best.
People make miracle,
The Republic of Korea is moving towards a country of justice and justice.

The pros of independence and the people
In the hope that there will always be a glimpse ( gwangbog )
Encouraging one another and overcoming the hardship.

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and economic revival
An uneven process awaits us
If you hold each other's hands firmly as before
There is nothing to fear.

Peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula
It depends on what we do.
I believe in the power of optimism.
The courage and will that made the Gwangbog
We say peace and prosperity beyond division
It will bring you true optical revenge  gwangbog.

Thank you very much.



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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