Although Japan and the United States are honeymoons,
Korea is "out of the loop"
May 28, 2019 / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition
in the Japanese and American honeymoons.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a summit yesterday
with US President Donald Trump who visited Japan yesterday,
following a golf meeting yesterday.
At the meeting,
the two leaders discussed the Korean peninsula case including
the North Korean nuclear issue .
Prime Minister Abe at a press conference after the meeting
"We spent a lot of time, including the situation in North Korea,
to make a thorough adjustment of the policy ."
" The position of Japan and the United States is completely
in agreement on the North Korean issue "
And clarified.
Prime Minister Abe showed up his determination to meet Kim Jung Eun,
chairman of the North Korean State Secretary,
directly to solve the abduction issue.

Looking at the Japan-US Summit Meeting ,
it seems that Prime Minister Abe has
become a North Korean nuclear intermediator .
It looks like Korea has become an outsider rather than an arbitrator.
It is the atmosphere that President Moon Jae-in has been excluded
from the leaders of Northeast Asia without exception.
President Trump has not yet answered the visit to Korea requested
by President Moon.
The schedule for President Trump's visit to Korea immediately
after the 20-member Summit in Osaka,
which will be held next month, has not been decided yet .
Japan has no intention to hold the Korea-Japan Summit
at the time of the Osaka G20 Summit .
Xi Jinping China's Jintao visit to Korea also, recently, was called off.
It is a phase in which only Korea drifts in the open sea in Northeast Asia .

Prime Minister Abe's response to President Trump during the Japan-US Summit
"Hospitality" (Japanese-style hospitality) also needs to look again.
Of course, it's too much work.
Prime Minister Abe watched Sumo wrestling with President Trump,
hit golf together, and had a dinner in the heartbreak of Roppongi, Tokyo.
In Japan, it is said that a cold glance is directed
at Prime Minister Abe's excessive "kind".
The aim is clear.
It is about building close ties through the hospitality of Prime Minister Abe
and adhering closely to President Trump,
who stands at the center of the rapidly changing international situation,
to protect Japan's national interests .

In the recent US-China trade war ,
two trains run in opposite directions on one track.
Japan's diplomatic strategy is to try to minimize Japan's damage
in such a collision situation.
Japan is working in solidarity
with the US and Indo-Pacific strategy to restrain China's rise.
Prime Minister Abe has focused on President Trump in particular,
and President Trump listened to Prime Minister Abe's opinion .
On the other hand, Abe held a summit meeting
with Chinese vice president at the end of last year
to exchange views on economic cooperation
and denuclearization of North Korea.

Korea must be the stone of the other mountain
with this kind of flexible diplomacy.
Stuck in North Korea 's nuclear issue negotiations
and the US-China trade war , etc.
are the real problems that are right in front of us.
However, the Korean government seems to be too slow
for the tense international situation.
Moon only had only two minutes to interview
at the summit with President Trump in Washington in April.
There was not even time for the ROK-US leaders to discuss closely.
Japan has not been able to resolve conflicts such as diplomacy,
economy and military affairs .
Concerns about a US-China clash,
which can be said to be a time bomb,
are spreading deeper into the Korean economy .

Northeast Asia over the Korean Peninsula is the biggest crisis
since the 1950 Korean War (Korean War).
It can not cope with the US-China trade war a
nd the North Korean nuclear issue firmly,
and if it makes one mistake, it may be mistaken in economy and security.
North Korea 's arbitrators of nuclear affairs may be caught
and shaken around, not to mention tails.
At such times,
we need to build a strong network of leaders based
on the Korea-US-Japan security cooperation system.
In order to turn bad things into good ones in a tense international situation.
Everyone's voice
Recommend 452 Ops 0 removed
Japan, a major country that tries to maintain goodwill and friendship
with major countries in the world
Where in the "responsible figure" do you feel ugliness?
Isn't it just because there is a problem on the receiver side?
You would like to immerse yourself in the feeling of being a victim, Korea,
who has been driven out of the loop by Japan, the United States, and China Korea,
but the reason is that they face the world
at their own convenience,
eventually It 's the cause of the serious loss of trust ?
Recommendation 376 opposite 2 removed
What do anti-Japanese and anti-American countries say?
Can you get along with food assistance to North Korea?
Korea can not help it because Korea was looking down on him.
Is there no friendly country in South Korea?
It is useless because everyone hates things like South Korea .
Recommendation 341 opposite 0 deleted
There are so many blemish points in that story,
 but after all nothing is known.
Paying for one's mistakes.
Recommendation 336 Opposite 2 removed
Although Japanese read such articles, we feel uncomfortable,
 but South Korea has never been an arbitrator or advocate .
The international community can not deal with it
because it thinks up without looking at one's own ability objectively.
It is thought that US medium distance diplomacy ate a person
 on the extension line.
For the surrounding countries,
 there is one hundred harm and no interest
 ( doing no good and a lot of harm ) on the Korean peninsula .
Recommend 330 opposite 0 deleted
it is the Koreans who try to break down the opposition
 even if Japan-US-Korea cooperation is advocated,
and the president who chose enthusiastically
 continues to break down Japan-Korea relations because
of its political beliefs . It is strange to express it as out of the loop.
 it should be said that they have pushed
 the United States and Japan out of the loop.
Recommended 325 opposite 0 deleted
What are you saying.
China takes China into G2 now
In order to keep up with it,
Korea was really interested in all over the place and AIIB.
Moreover, the trade amount was more than
 the sum of Japan and the United States,
and they neglected the Japan and the United States,
 and forgot that they had argued that Japan would be isolated?
It is South Korea to comment only on the present
" There is no tomorrow for people who have forgotten history "
I told you.
Recommend 288 opposite 0 deleted
A long time ago, Japan had been criticized by many in South Korea
 for having become an international isolation-free country,
but in the end it might have turned out
that it was a future forecast map of Korea itself.
If you repeat the lie and betrayal of ad hoc, it is self-evident reason.
Recommend 273 Ops 0 Deleted
The G20 will have three summits with Japan, the US and India.
India is the world's largest populous democracy.
Above all,without Korea's  Moon Jae-in is great.
Prime Minister Abe and President Trump, good job.
Recommend 252 Ops 0 Deleted
It's the end of the pleasures that annoy Japan from a sense of inferiority!
Although the government was incompetent,
the people also celebrated patriotism innocence!
Recommendation 249 Opposite 2 removed
Apart from this article is not a journalism domain.
It is simply a story of Koreans' feelings of jealousy, j
ealousy and inferiority .
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are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

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A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
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Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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