"Government of Korea and the United States
leaders talks leak" diplomat pardon

... the theory of responsibility

of foreign ministers also spread


May 28 , 2019 / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition









Are Korea-US Leaders' Telephone Meetings “Biggars”?

... Self-delivery by Korean representative



2019-05-24 Chan Nare Press ( Contact us @ hani.co.kr)


Na Kyung Won "Beggars Outside, Deceptions and Depressions Inside"
The problem of "national dignity" beyond the Korea-US alliance problem

9:00 am on the 23rd , when the highest committee would normally be held

"The fact- finding team meeting of the Presidential Office Special Inspectorate "


It was a meeting to deal with the case in which the officials of the Ministry

of Foreign Affairs leaked the contents of the call

between Korean and US leaders to Kang Hyo-Sang,

a member of the free high-ranking Korean party.

Na Kyung Won representative is

"Isn't it a song asking President Trump to come once?

In order to hide the collapse of the Korea-US alliance,

we have somehow tried to show a picture of shaking hands. "


"The outside is begging, the inside is a cheating and repressing regime "

Both said.


How should we look at what the President of the Republic

of Korea calls "the beggar" on what was called the US President?

The decision will be made by the public.



"The content of the disclosure provides information

for the public interest that reveals the substance of humiliation diplomacy"

The claim that it is necessary to think.

The contents of Mr. Kang's "exposure" are as follows.

" I asked President Trump to visit Korea again at a telephone meeting

with President Trump on the night of the 7th of this month."

It is quite natural in diplomacy that a leader of one country requests

a visit from a leader of another country, is this a humiliation?

"President Moon said that if Mr. Trump did not visit Korea,

then there would be no need for a ( hard-headed ) assistant,

Mr. Bolton, to visit Korea alone at the end of May ,

and the form would not be good either.

There is also the content of.

Is this "a great deal?"

The Liberal-Korean Party has not been able to meet

with President Trump ( MoonJae-in ) and Trump, because

Korea Passing ( Korean Street ), Crack in the Korea-US Alliance

Isn't it criticized?

In the United States,

how do you see a country where government officials

in the Foreign Ministry leak to opposition parties

for dialogue among state leaders? 

This is not a matter of the Korea-US alliance

It is a matter of "national dignity and level".

The freedom Korean party is the Senri party period,

" 2007 North-South Summit Meeting Dialogue Book"

Have been publicly released and shamefully internationalized.

It is the role of the opposition to criticize the government.

However, in the process,

I hope that the conservatives do not commit stupidity

to throw away the Korea-US alliance that they are trying to protect so much.

Everyone's voice

It looks like a national character. interesting.

Recommendation   3378   Opposite   31


Prioritize the video over the content of the meeting.

Recommendation   2820   Opposite   18


Whether or not it is possible to expect the outcome

of the Moon administration 's leadership diplomacy,

I think it is to ask for a summit meeting in a blind manner .

The media should point out that.
Hangyore, which plays the role of government agency paper, may be good.

Recommendation   2329   Opposite   39


It seems that the president begged

you to come to Japan just before coming to Korea .

It is a feeling of rivalry that is uncomfortable.

I was really put off by his attitude.

Recommendation   1003   Opposite   3


It was Hangyore after all if I thought which article.
The article here is the first to conclude and narrow down towards it
Is this the way of public media?
Well, I can not say big things

because there is a similar mass communication in Japan.

Recommendation   745   Opposite   6


It would be a common practice in Korea to deal with the content above content,

but in many countries the media has reported

that it is an act that loses credibility and it has to edify the nation.

Recommendation   718   Opposite   4


> "The outside is begging, the inside is a cheating and repressing regime"

It seems that awareness has finally come out, but it is still not.
In the whole country, nothing will change unless you have that awareness.

Recommendation   664   Opposite   8


Hey, not just Bung Zeitra
It is  Korean Korean culture ( South Korean pop culture )

that does not have human dignity and humble attitude .

Recommendation   649   Opposite   7


There is no future in fool can country

Recommendation   595   Opposite   54


The purpose, the policy, the advance,

the negotiation without coordination are Korean monopoly patents .

And the outside is also responsible for the result.

I wonder if such a country exists.

It's good to see it as an elementary school student,

Recommendation   566   Opposite   Four


This is also a story similar to the lower Korean.

After all, was it true that the members of the Diet were saying?

The government of the lower Korean government was saying,

"The remarks of the members of the Diet are a lie."
Parliamentarians said that they did not obtain information illegally,

but did so.

The diplomat had leaked by breaking the government official regulations.

If that is to say, it may mean that all Korea was a liar after all .

Recommend 62 opposite 0 deleted


Trump also said to Prime Minister Abe that he was obsessed

with his request to visit Korea, and thus no longer corresponds to secrecy.

Rather, the media should be commended only

by the insight of Mr. K, who regarded

it as a problem for the first time like Trump

Recommend 59 Opposite 2 removed




朝鮮人戦時労働者裁判関連文書は1級機密 …露出時は国益侵害


The central newspaper reported on May 15th,

the crime that released the Foreign Ministry confidential documents

in the comfort women agreement would be much heavier.

South Korea is an untrustworthy nation

in the international community as well as North Korea .

There is no protection of interstate secrecy and diplomatic documents .

Now all developed countries are Korea passing.

Recommendation 55 opposite 1 delete


A great crime (a matter of incompetence that the president

or secretary is unbearable to his office) is not guilty,

but only a minor crime

(a leak of information that is not too much classified) is punishable.

.... I wonder if it is a sign of a lost country (laughs)

Recommendation 51 opposite 2 deletion


Korea is not a body of the nation with lies, forgeries, irresponsibility !

Anti-day comes to the board and becomes common sense!

It is a sample of scraps ~

Recommended 50 Ops 0 Removed


They am talking sloppy, but Mr. K 's leak was a lie

and did the blue tile stand say it?

Was it a lie there too?

Recommend 42 opposite 0 deleted


It is no more than that,

as it was just as insane that Hanagata Ministers had

such incompetence at the time of the new administration's birth.

Even if I change my eyes, I sneeze.

If you bring Pakukune from the Detention Center at all,

you won't get into trouble. (Lol)

Recommend 35 Ops 0 removed


A barbaric country where if something bad happens,

it will look for sin and make a scapegoat, and make it a death penalty .

Recommend 30 Ops 0 removed


It is not an all-you-can-eat interpretation of President Munjeine!

Recommendation 15 opposite 2 deletion


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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