Korea-January growth rate minus 0.4%,
national income also decline
2019/06/05 Kim Eun Jung (Kim Eun Jung) / Chosun Ilbo Japanese Edition
On the 4th, the Bank of Korea (Central Bank)
announced that Korea's economic growth rate
(fixed value) in the January-March quarter was -0.4% YoY .
It was 0.1 point lower than the preliminary report (minus 0.3%)
announced in April.
The reason is that the slump in exports
and construction investment was more serious than expected.
It was the worst situation for the first time in 10 years and 3 months
since October- December 2008 (minus 3.2%)
immediately after the financial crisis,
and was the lowest in 30 countries among the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ).

From economic experts

"If exports and investment do not recover in the future,

the shock of 1% growth far below the government's (full year)

growth rate forecast (2.6-2.7%) may become a reality."

The voice of concern is heard.



Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Gross National Income (GNI)



Blue line real GD, gray line nominal GNI

Seasonally adjusted, YoY.

Gross National Income (GNI)

The sum of all income earned at home and abroad,

including interest, dividends, etc.

Nominal GNI is a number reflecting the price increase




January-March quarter , by spending item, change rate ,

seasonally adjusted, quarter-on-quarter.



Source = Korean Silver State,% from left

Government consumption 0.4, private consumption 0.1,

construction investment-0.8, export-3.2 , import-3.4, capital investment-9.1



Recessionary Korean Economy, National Income Decrease


By the time the BOK compiled the preliminary figures

for real gross domestic product (GDP) in April,

construction investment and the balance of payments, etc.

in March were not fixed.

The BOK estimated the figures for March and calculated

the growth rate for the January-March quarter,

but the decline in exports and construction investment exceeded expectations

and the growth rate fell further .


Private consumption in January-March was 0.1%

more than in October-December last year,

and government consumption was only 0.4% more.

The construction investment decreased

by 0.8% and the capital investment by 0.9% , respectively.

Exports fell 3.2% and imports 3.4% , respectively.


As a result of negative economic growth, national income also decreased.


The gross national income (GNI, on a nominal basis),

which is the sum of all income earned by the Korean people in Japan

and abroad, such as wages, interest and dividends,

fell 1.4% from the previous term , up from the 10th to December 2008

(down 1.5%) The negative of was recorded .

If income declines,

the ability to consume will decline in the future,

which could be a drag on economic growth.


The low price phenomenon that appears

when the economic situation is not clear

also shows no sign of improvement .

The National Statistical Office announced that consumer prices

in May rose only 0.7% from a year earlier.

The 0% level has been 5 months in a row since

the beginning of the year .


Due to the economic downturn,

the inflation rate will continue to be in the 0% range,

and there are concerns that it may be near deflation .


Oh Jung-Bom,

Senior Researcher, Institute of Contemporary Economics

"With the growth rate falling to a negative level and domestic demand

and investment at the same time being sluggish,

the employment environment has not recovered

and the household's consumption power has not increased."

And on

"When low prices are expected to continue,

consumers will postpone consumption, companies will postpone production

and investment, and try to reduce employment."

Pointed out.


O researcher

"All policy measures should be mobilized,

such as expanding fiscal spending and cutting interest rates

to get out of deflation and unchanging circumstances."

Pointed out.


US-China trade dispute worsened, export recovery unclear


Korean government and BOK

"The growth rate, which was negative in the first quarter,

gradually recovers in the second quarter and the second quarter,"

They expected that.


However, there is no sign of economic recovery even in June,

the last month of April-June.

The economy,

which appeared to have recovered temporarily in April,

has been broken again in May.

Business sentiment index (BSI) and consumer attitude index (CSI)

both of last month fell below the standard,

and the front of the US-China trade war,

which was expected to end in the fourth quarter, is rather expanding .


“In order to achieve this year's growth rate target of 2.5% (BOK),

1.3-1.4% compared to the previous quarter in April-June,

We need at least 0.9% growth in the July-September

and October-December periods, respectively. "

And on

"The worsening of the US-China trade war is acting as a downside risk."



Mr. Park Jong-woo, an economist of Korean investment securities

"The growth rate in the April-June quarter is estimated to be 1.0% YoY,

but it is only a reaction with the negative growth in the previous term,

and it can not be said that it is a meaningful growth rate recovery."

Pointed out.


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