Korea enters the US “forex monitor list”
for seven consecutive years
2019/05/30 Shin Eun Jin Reporter / Chosun Ilbo Japanese Edition
On the 28th,
the US Treasury Department included Korea in the " watch list "
again in a report that analyzed foreign exchange policies
of major trading partners and regions.
Korea has been included in the watch list in April 2016,
and has been designated for seven consecutive years .
However, the ministry suggested that Korea might be excluded
from the target list in the second half of this year.

China, which is in a trade war with the United States,

has also been included on the watch list, but in this report

"Foreign trading country": There was no designated country.

Apart from Korea and China, Japan, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia,

Singapore and Vietnam were included in the surveillance list.


In the United States, the US trade surplus (more than $ 20 billion),

current account surplus (more than 2% of GDP),

foreign exchange market intervention more than six months out of 12 months

(dollar net buying more than 2% of GDP ratio) 3 Apply the criteria of the item,

analyze trading partners in April and October each year

and report to parliament.


If it falls under all three categories,

it will be included in the watch list

if it corresponds to a foreign exchange operating country

(a deep analysis target country) or two categories,

or if the size and proportion of the trade surplus with the US are large.


If it is designated as a currency converter,

the United States shuts out companies in that country

from the US federal procurement market

and will also stop providing financial support

to US companies investing in currency converters.

Watchlists continue to be countries that need to keep track of the changes.


Of the three items in this report,

Korea only falls under the current account surplus condition,

which was 4.7% of GDP last year.

Korea ’s trade surplus with the US last year was $ 17.9 billion,

lower than the standard ($ 20 billion).

Intervention in the foreign exchange market was also limited

in the first three months of last year, and the scale was only 0.2% of GDP.


Of the three items, China fell into only one of the trade surplus

with the United States,

but it was included in the watch list with a surplus of $ 419 billion.

US Secretary of State Mr. Munyushin

"We will continue to deal with exchange rate issues in negotiations

between the two countries, keeping in mind

that the yuan has fallen 8% against the dollar last year."



May sales of five completed Korean vehicles

decreased domestically and overseas


2019/06/03 [Seoul Union News]


The total number of domestic and overseas sales

in May by five Korean automakers, Hyundai Motor, Kia Motors, GM Korea,

Renault Samsung Motors, and Ssangyong Automobile, announced on the 3rd,

totaled 66,984, a 5.8 year-on-year basis Decreased by % .

Domestic sales were almost flat at 133,719 units.

Overseas sales dropped 7.2% to 53,265 units.

Cumulative sales from this year to May decreased 4.1% year

on year to 3,181,652 units.


Cumulative sales in Japan increased by 0.8% year on year to 63,074 units,

but overseas sales decreased by 5.3% to 2,553,578 units.


Domestic sales in May increased by 9.5% to 67,056 units,

with a share of 50.7%. It decreased slightly from April (52.4%).


Kia's domestic sales decreased 8.6 percent,

but its share increased 32.2 percent from April (30.8 percent).

Ssangyong recorded 10,106 domestic sales in May.

It has exceeded 10,000 units for three consecutive months.

Last month's domestic sales increased 4.1% YoY due to the launch

of the new model Koland, a sports-type multipurpose vehicle (SUV).

It was third with a share of 7.6%.


GM GM's domestic sales fell 12.3 percent to 6,727 units,

while Renault Samsung dropped 16.5 percent to 6,130 units.


Overseas sales were sluggish at four companies excluding Korea GM.

Korean GM's overseas sales of small cars "Spark"

increased by 27.6% to 11,931 units, up 3.4% overall.


On the other hand, today's overseas sales fell 11 percent to 289,000 units.

It is said that poor sales in China and Turkey affected it.


Overseas sales fell 2.2% to 196,059 units due to sluggish sales

in China and emerging markets.


Renault Samsung's consignment production of Nissan's North American SUV

"Rogue" fell 6.1% YoY to 4,882 units, down 7.5% overall.

Ssangyong decreased by 30% due to the reorganization of overseas sales.


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the activities of Japanese companies around the world
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